Search Results for: The Week In Workouts

Getting Back On The Horse

Took the day off to do important things like drink coffee while walking my dog

There is a layer of dust on this blog that is so thick I want to stick my finger in it and write WASH ME.

I wouldn’t mention it at all, but HELLO, there was I time I wrote here 5+ days a week. And I LOVED IT. I’ve been stewing about this for weeks, and while I don’t know that I have a locked down solution, I will tell you that it is very clear to me that when I am not writing here I feel like there is this giant hole in my life sucking the energy out of it. Some of you may think that sounds completely ridiculous. Some of you get it. Regardless, it’s the truth for me.

I like writing here. Yet I am not writing here. These two things are not so harmonious, and I am not the only one who has noticed.

Things Garrett, the ever-private-doesn’t-even-have-Facebook member of our relationship has said in the past month:

“You should blog about this, don’t you think?”

“Do you want to take a picture of my dinner?”

“Are you sure, it looks really delicious?”

HA! Such a good supporter, that guy. I know he can see just how much I miss this blogging thing.

Delicious afternoon with @homesweetsarah

Related: I spent Sunday doing yoga and drinking champagne with one of my favorite people yesterday and of course since we are Friends From The Internet the conversation obviously had to turn to blogs at some point. We both shared a similar sentiment that lately our favorite blogs to read are the ones where you get a little everyday slice of life.

Sure, I love a good aspirational blog on occasion, or a blog with content that is going to teach me how to do something. But more often than not I find that when I make time to read the internet I want to hear how you are living:
what you are reading
what you are watching
what you are cooking for dinner
what you are storing in your freezer
what you are wearing
what you are learning
what I need to buy the next time I’m at a drugstore
what your workouts have looked like
what yoursummer goals were
And of course, marvelous things at Trader Joe’s

The good stuff, ya know? How we’re living.

The mundane. The everyday.

So anyway, all of that is to say — I need to get back on the horse here, because I’m not happy when this place is so quiet. And while I don’t know exactly what that is going to look like (though I’m sure it will include finally tying up my engagement weekend with a bow because JEEZ LOUISE that happened back in May, and I haven’t finished telling that story, I MEAN COME ON!) I think I will just take some time to write about how I’m living.

I’ve missed our chats, guys. What’s new in your neck of the woods?

The Juggling Act + Life Lately


If I had to make a loose list of the things I juggle in my everyday life it would read as follows (in no particular order):

*My Job
*My Workouts
*Meal Planning
*My Dog + My Man (both: attention whores, I tell ya! πŸ™‚ Juuuust kidding!)
*Friends/A Social Life
*This Blog
*Errands That Keep My Life Running That I Haven’t Outsourced (Grocery Shopping, Trips to Target, De-cluttering, Car Washes, Oil Changes, Dentist Appointments, you know what I mean right?)
*Down Time
*Alone Time (which is not necessarily the same as Down Time)
*And I’m sure I’m forgetting stuff

As it turns out, at this point in my life, I’m only skilled enough to juggle 3-4 of those things at a time.

This is a sad realization for me, but it is an actual FACT. Another important fact: “My Job” and “Errands That Keep My Life Running Which I Haven’t Outsourced” are sort of non-negotiable. This is the part where we all acknowledge the bitter truth of adulthood.

Of course adulthood also comes with perks like: eating froyo for dinner because we feel like it, and planning impromptu weekends in wine country BECAUSE WE CAN, so it’s not all bad. πŸ™‚

Anyway, juggling those two things doesn’t leave a lot of extra time for all of my other interests/priorities lately despite finally removing things like “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” from that bulleted list above. That’s a long winded way of saying: Hi friends, it’s been a while! Let’s catch up.

Here’s a random assortment of things we’ve been up to around here:

1. Summer has basically arrived, it seems. Spring was in and out with a quickness. It’s 100 degrees today, and I feel like it’s time to just buckle in for the heat. I’m using this as motivation to tackle a large closet reorganization project that I’ve been desperately putting off, and I’m kind of feeling excited about purging and adding to my wardrobe.

2. I’ve been a meal planning BOSS and have been relatively successful at incorporating more fish into our diets. I don’t know why this feels so hard, but I’m just so much more comfortable cooking chicken, beef or pork. Anyway, we’ve been branching out but if you have a particularly awesome seafood recipe (we love the shrimp and stuff around here too) that works well during summer (ie: doesn’t involve baking at 400 degrees and heating up my whole freaking house, sigh!) pass it along, would ya?

3. I’ve become obsessed with plants, flower + candles. This happens to me in phases. There are times when there is nothing alive or fragrant in my house and then there are times where I am like “Hmm…would this candle layer well with this candle? Maybe I should pick up peonies this week instead of tulips? SUCCULENTS FOR EVERYONE!” And I’m definitely in the latter phase.

4. One of the things I do when I have a lot going on and I’m feeling like I don’t have a lot of “Me Time” is buy myself things I have no business buying, but that make me happy. Do you do this? Tell me you do this? Lately it has been in the form of lip products. Glosses, balms, chapsticks, lipsticks — I’ve bought A TON and it’s made the whole “getting ready in the morning” process feel like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel. It’s amazing how a lip color can change your outlook in a day.

5. I scored the best pinterest patience bargain the other day and I’m so happy about it. A couple years ago I pinned these shoes but sort of rolled my eyes at the price and knew I would never buy them. I found them the other week at Nordstrom Rack for half the original price, and conveniently had that EXACT amount of gift cards, which meant they were FREE TO ME! My patience had paid off, I still loved them, and I happily brought them home to live with me. You know I love a good impulse purchase, so it felt mighty victorious to get such a good deal because I waited.

6. We’ve seen a ton of friends lately, we had family visit last weekend, and we are visiting family out in Sonoma this weekend. It’s been a whirlwind of social activities and cocktails (and pork belly — OMG the pork belly!) and it has really felt nice to have some good long visits.

7. I took Buster to be professionally groomed for the first time ever, and not only did he actually love it — he came home looking like the floofiest puppy ever. It was so damn cute I want to take him every week! I know it’s not reasonable, but seriously — had it not been 100 degrees out I would have made him sleep in our bed just so I could snuggle with him. He was like a fluffy stuffed animal.


We are headed out of town this weekend to Sonoma, which is basically one of my favorite places on the planet. I’m looking forward to some much needed relaxation, catching up with family, riding bikes around town, wine tasting, and just enjoying what will hopefully be a bit of a cooler climate. I probably won’t be back here until next week, but I’m going to try and include juggling this blog in my 3-4 priorities next week, so here’s to hoping that works out. Anything new and exciting with you? I’m all ears to hear YOUR random assortment. πŸ™‚

Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Buster has a secret

Howdy folks!

Hope your Friday has gotten off to a good start. Mine began with a 40 minute pre-work excursion of trying to round up some dogs who were lost and find a safe place for them. Luckily while I was trying to corral them, their worried owner swung by in a car. They’d been looking all over for them, so it was nice to help reunite them. DRAMATIC for a moment, but in the end – nice. Good Deed For The Day: Done! Now, if I could just keep my life dog-drama free for a few days, that would be great! haha

Hope you have some fun plans this weekend. We are dining with friends, seeing some live music, having an Easter Brunch with my WHOLE FAMILY (this happens so rarely, that all of us can get into one house together at the same time) and so we will definitely be drinking some bloody marys and eating some Eggs Benedict. I’ll probably squeeze in some workouts and some reading (currently reading this and it’s just as cotton candy awesome as you would imagine) and I have to admit, I’m looking forward to it all.

Since it’s Friday and it’s been a while since we talked about fun linksΒ  let’s do that, shall we?


*Loved seeing Annie Thorisdottr in Vogue. Diversity in beauty in mainstream magazines is so refreshing!

*Speaking right to my heart: How to Let Go When You’re An A-Type

*Stupid Easy Paleo had a great post on Meal Planning up this week. I love seeing how other people approach kitchen coordination.

*Happiness isn’t outside of us: such a perfect reminder.

*I’m beginning to think I suck at moderation:Β  Oh Kathleen, I totally get where you are coming from.

*I’m finding the concept of “Carrot Rice” totally fascinating. Must Try.

*You know I love a good biohack. Mark’s Daily Apple write a great How To about conducting self experiments.

*Are you watching True Detective? Reviews are mixed. What do YOU think?

*This is worth writing down somewhere.

*I think I’ve tried just about all of these stress relief tactics. There are some good ones in there.

*Top Tips For Your First 2 Years of CrossFit — YES!!!! And tangentially related: 10 Reasons Why CrossFitters Should Practice Yoga (Start now! It will help so much!)

*I’m a total affirmation nerd (cue: Stuart Smalley impressions) but I found that I use them just like Allison.

*This article on the benefits of pet ownership actually made me tear up a little.

*Need a bookish Netflix round up in your life? Read this.


Have a great weekend all!


Fun Things To Read On A Friday


Well would you look at that! It’s Friday. 1/7th of your life is a Friday — so hey, that’s pretty rad.

Any exciting weekend plans? I have a lot of errands to run this weekend so I anticipate being really productive but also getting out into the sun as much as possible. It’s going to be in the 80s this weekend (SORRY/NOT SORRY) and something about that just makes me feel much more excited about being out and about and getting things done. Also, there will be eating dinner outside FOR SURE.

I’m heading to the gym tonight to do workout 14.3 (let’s just get this over with! LOL Did any of you do it already? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS) and then tomorrow we’ll be cheering on our friends doing it as well (feeling much more relaxed I’m sure.) And beyond that, not too much planned besides taking Buster to the park and just laying low.

But enough about all that chatter, how about some links?


*Interesting perspective for the Fitbit Obsessed.

*If you are reading this post and thinking, β€œThis doesn’t apply to me β€” I never lie,” you are probably lying to yourself:Β  The Surprising Cost of Telling Small Lies

*Recipes I’d RULLY like to make: Grain Free Orange Scones, Spicy Roasted Cauliflower with Garlic Aioli, Cinnamon French Toast Panna Cotta,

*Good advice on loving the body you have.

*This is seriously the best book list I’ve ever read.

*A fun roundup of necessary CrossFit gear — I definitely second most of these. (And that double under thing looks pretty interesting if you are still trying to master them.)

*Stuffocation? Hmmm…that’s an interesting concept.

*No truer words have ever been spoken: “Never live anywhere without a bathtub. That would be like losing god’s phone number.”

*Need a week of meal ideas? Well here you go!


Hope you enjoy your weekend, wherever it takes you!

The Most Wonderful Time Of Year?

Guess what time it is?
CrossFit Games Open


It’s CrossFit Games Open time.


If you have no idea what I’m talking about, consider yourself lucky. πŸ™‚

But since I’ll probably mention it a time or two over the next 5 weeks, here are the cliffs notes from good old Wikipedia:

In 2011, the Games adopted an online format for the sectional event, facilitating participation by athletes worldwide. During the “CrossFit Open”, a new workout is released each week. Athletes have several days to complete the workout and submit their scores online, with either a video or validation by a CrossFit affiliate. The top CrossFit Open performers in each region advance to the regional events, held over the following two months. As of 2013 there are 17 regional divisions, including 12 in North America (North West, Canada West, Canada East, North Central, Central East, North East, Mid Atlantic, South East, South Central, South West, Southern California, and Northern California), and five in the rest of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Australia). The top athletes (up to 3 of each gender) from each region are eligible to compete in the CrossFit Games.

They began last Thursday with the release of the first workout (Aptly called 14.1 — as in Workout #1 of the 2014 CrossFit Games Open):

To be honest, I almost didn’t sign up to participate this year. I am not feeling in the best shape, I am only starting to get my workouts back on track after a year of inconsistent training, I am carrying some significant extra lbs, and I just thought the stress of doing a weekly workout that was “officially judged,” that would most certainly be hard for me, that I would then have to make public each week — ARGH — it was just something I wasn’t really feel like I was needing in my life at the moment.

But the more I thought about it, the more I remembered what a fun time it is at the gym just participating. And usually when people are new and they are scared to sign up I always say “Don’t stress! It’s a great bench mark and the scores don’t matter! It’s just for fun and so you can see your own progress.”

So, AHEM, I figured I needed to put my money where my mouth is and just sign up. IT’S FOR FUN, and dammit I’m going to have some doing it! (Also, if we’re being honest, I didn’t want to have a blank year in my Games Profile because then my data would be messed up and YES I AM A CRAZY PERSON THANK YOU FOR ASKING.)

Garrett + I spent a lot of time nervously speculating on what the workout would include and my only hope was that it would include snatches. And it did! Hooray. Too bad it also included double unders. Double unders and I get along most of the time, but when I am off, I am ROYALLY OFF.

14.1 Re-do this morning at 5. Showed the rope what I really thought of it. #crossfit

Saturday we headed down to the gym to do this beast, and let me tell you it was a rough 10 minutes. I had shortened my rope the night before and about 2 minutes into the workout I realized that had been an ENORMOUS mistake. Not that I thought I would end up doing a million rounds of this, but it was just clear early on I was not on my game. Double unders are also SUPER mental and once you let a few misses get in your head, it’s the pits. It was hard to eek out 100 reps. Luckily Garrett and I both felt sort of disappointed in our performances so we hatched a plan to retest before work today, which meant going to the 5am class.

5 am and Double Unders are just a special way to start a Monday. πŸ˜‰

Anyway — in the end it was great — I added some additional reps to my score (171 in the end), and I just felt like it was more representative of my skill level right now. I am still feeling super out of shape (FOR ME) right now, AND HOOOOOOO BOY will double unders remind you that you are out of shape (gasping for air – hey, let’s go do some snatches), but at least I feel like this is more representative of where I’m at. Saturday was just a mess. So Workout #1 is in the books and now it is on to the next! The workouts get progressively harder as the weeks go on and I usually tap out around workout # 3 because it always seems to have MY NEMESIS Toes to Bar in it, so I am excited to see what’s coming next.

Until Thursday, we’ll just be over here tapping our toes, waiting.
Glass Slippers...or something.

So Hey, We Haven’t Talked Weight Loss In A While

weight loss

I’ve been thinking about weight loss a lot lately.

I mean, I’ve been thinking about lots of other fun things too (namely: how bad ass figure skating jumps are, whether Tory Burch’s makeup is worth buying for the packaging alone, and every once in a while I just randomly think about Adam Levine because, why not?)Β  But the truth is,Β  weight loss has occupied a lot of that thought space as well.

My main thought:Β  I’m ready to recommit to dropping some lbs again.

A Brief History

I don’t know how long you have been around this website, but in case you are new here (or have forgotten) I’ll give you the play by play:

*In July of 2010 I was noticing some declining health trends, so I saw a naturopath who turned me on to Paleo eating. I really need to move all of these posts that I wrote for Bodies in Motivation over here (since that website is now defunct) but if you want to know my backstory to finding Paleo, that is where you’ll find it.

*In October of 2010, I finally just got over my fear and joined a CrossFit gym. Most people find CrossFit and then explore Paleo, I was sort of the other way around. My progress was instant, measurable, enjoyable, and empowering. Definitely one of the best decisions of my adult life.

*Over the next two years I lost 110 lbs like a bad habit. After I had dropped about 70lbs I wrote a series on my experience with weight loss. The Paleo/Primal framework was just about the most natural path to improved health for me, and to learn so much about my body and get my food relationship into a healthy place felt great! (My food relationship? That sounds lame. But you know what I’m saying right? That place where eating well isn’t hard, and things just feel sort of intuitive and natural. THAT’S WHAT I MEAN.) Of course I did this all in the shadows of people calling Paleo a dumb, unhealthy fad diet (which was HELLA frustrating) but I learned to get over that, thank god.

I mean our faces JUST LOOK healthier.

*In April of 2012, I decided to hide my scale. The most important contributor to successful weight loss in my opinion, is the ability to be consistent. It’s not about eating right and exercising. It’s about eating right and exercising OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. It’s the consistency that will make or break you.

*I was at the lowest weight of my adult life in April of 2012 — I was 33 years old and buying clothes two sizes smaller than the dress I wore to my 8th grade graduation. EIGHTH GRADE, you guys. The smallest I had been in TWENTY YEARS. I mean wrap your brain around that. YEESH. I was a little scared to be chucking this scale — a tool that I relied on — but I felt like I maybe had a handle on things and wanted to get away from this obsession with measuring arbitrary progress.

*But I still wanted to make REALISTIC progress. I was not where I wanted to be, but I was tired of being a slave to the scale. The BEST THING I’VE EVER DONE FOR MYSELF (seriously? Yes, seriously) was to have my body composition tested. I wrote about how cathartic that was (Part One // Part Two) and holy shit, if you have ever signed up for Weight Watchers, or compared your stats to the BMI recommendations, or had a “goal weight” in number form in your head – PLEASE GO READ THAT RIGHT NOW. It was an awakening for me to understand what realistic progress was, and to reconfigure what this body composition journey would look like when it was completed successfully.

*And then somewhere in July of 2012 I hit a bit of a motivation wall. While I was the thinnest/lightest (I don’t know which word has a better connotation. LOL) and I was in a really good place with food and fitness (in fact, probably the best I had ever been) I was also really enjoying a summer filled with celebratory cocktails and some random food truck festivals.Β  I just sort of let my guard down about this whole weight loss thing. I had ditched the scale, I was enjoying my workouts, I tried a Whole 30 for the first time in August — I just wanted to put this whole “weight loss assignment” on pause. Does that make sense? I’m telling you, THE HARDEST and yet THE MOST EFFECTIVE part of weight loss is the consistency. And my desire to be relentless was just experiencing a little lull. πŸ™‚

*This was about the time I headed out to Colorado at the end of Sept/beginning of October 2012 and spoke at a super awesome Paleo Conference with my pals Michelle and Melissa. It was so refreshing to talk about Paleo In The Real World, and I left feeling so inspired. I also left completely out of breath because OHMYGOD DOING BURPEES AT ELEVATION. YIKES. πŸ™‚

*And then one month later I began interviewing for the job that I would ultimately begin in early 2013. As you know, I’ve called 2013 The Lost Year because my fitness and weight loss progress absolutely stopped. And somewhere in the middle of the year it actually ended up regressing.


A few weeks ago I was ready to really survey the damage. If you can believe it, I have managed to mostly stay off the scale. While I knew I was backsliding last year, I also knew I wasn’t in a place to be able to do much about it so I didn’t want to beat myself up. I was working to MANAGE all my new stress and I didn’t think scale obsession would be particularly helpful.

So are you ready for the damage? Since the end of 2012, I have put on about 35lbs. GRUMBLEGRUMBLEGRUMBLE. It’s not like I didn’t know it — your clothes don’t let 35lbs slide. Your grip strength and the ability to do box jumps, pull ups, and to run with ease won’t let 35lbs slide. But THIRTY FIVE POUNDS. Whew, it was a tough pill to swallow.

What’s Next

But here’s the thing, I did just that. I just swallowed that piece of news and made no judgments about it. 35 lbs. BIG WHOOP. I’ve lost 110 before. That is a drop in the bucket, I thought. And I just continued to marinate on it to get some clarity about what I would do next.

So, am I happy about it. HELL NO I’m not happy about it, obviously. πŸ™‚Β  But this is one of the moments where I’m inclined to just consider that awfully vague phrase: It is what it is.Β  It is what is is — so NOW WHAT?

What’s next is that I think I’m ready to focus on losing weight again. Eep! I’m a little bit scared even saying that, or committing to that out loud, but I think it’s time. My job is in a more manageable place now and my personal life is in a great place! So I think it’s time to recommit to this long term goal again. In all honestly, it’s a big one — I’d like to lose about 60 lbs. I don’t have a time goal, I’m happy to just give my body it’s own time, but I’m also ready to recommit to that consistency and relentlessness that a project like this requires. For this, I might look into treatments such as Body Contouring in Chagrin Falls, OH or Tummy Tuck in Glen Burnie, MD to get rid of the sagging skin after.

It’s scary. But it’s also exciting, kind of? πŸ™‚ And since I’ll probably be writing about it a little more I thought I’d let y’all know. So here’s to new years, new goals, new challenges, and new body compositions, eh?

Let’s do this.

Why I Love My Fit Bit One


At the end of last summer I bit the bullet and jumped on the Fitbit Bandwagon. I surprised myself a little bit because I have long been a person who found the whole concept of pedometers and 10,000 steps just random and uninspiring. Plus, I just wasn’t that into tracking how much I…walked, you know?

As a CrossFitter I track my benchmark workouts, my lifts, my CrossFit Total. As a fitness enthusiast, I keep a workout calendar. All are things that show progress! So what was the point of tracking how many steps I take each day, I though — BOOOOOOOORING!

But then last year I kept reading about all of the data the Fitbit provides. And really, if you must know, I find metrics super-de-duper exciting. If something can be measured, I WANT TO DO IT! And I found all of this out at a time in my personal life where I felt like things were out of control and I wanted to get them in check. Obviously, I needed a baseline.

Starting a new job often feels like a whirlwind; I felt a little chained to my desk, found myself exhausted all the time, and my meals were haphazard and unsatisfying. It’s a sensation that those working in fire watch services in Melbourne might relate to during the summer months. While my desk became my arena, for them, the scorching heat represents a constant battle against potential fires, and they can’t afford to be chained down, as their vigilance is what keeps the community safe. Just as the Fitbit promised to offer insights that could improve my health and daily routine, a fire watch professional’s meticulous strategies help prevent loss of property and protect lives. So, I took the plunge and picked one up, understanding that sometimes the right tools are all you need to turn things around, whether it’s a device to monitor your fitness or a diligent team working tirelessly to watch over our neighborhoods.

Fitbit One Basics

The easiest way to describe the Fitbit One is to call it a pedometer, but it actually does so much more — which we’ll get to. Let me tell you about the device itself first. It is about half the size of a chapstick and it easily attaches to your bra (my preferred method), belt or your pocket via a silicone clip. I’ve found the clip to be very durable so far, considering it’s in use all day, e’rrday!

Additionally it comes with a soft velcro band that you slide the device into at night and attach to your non dominant wrist for sleeping. The sleep band has not been quite so durable for me, but (as I found out) I am a pretty restelss sleeper, so that could be why. So far my very advanced sewing skills have helped me keep this band in tact (that was my sarcasm font) and luckily the Fitbit website sells replacement bands for like $10 on their website, so it’s not that big of a deal. This may be my only critique though.

The device comes with a tiny LED display which will advise you of various pieces of data when you press a button, it has a USB dongle for wireless syncing to your computer if you prefer to get your info that way, or it syncs wirelessly via Blutooth with your smartphone. (Yep, there’s an app for that!) I don’t really consult the LED screen for data much because it’s attached to my bra all day and that would be awkward. But I do look at my app all day long to get an idea of what my activity looks like. So hey — let’s talk about that.

So What Does It Actually Measure?

On a basic level, it constantly counts the number of steps you take. So is it a really expensive pedometer? No, I promise. Along with steps, it also provides altimeter readings that track when you climb stairs or hills. (And for the record, I do not find that box jumps at CrossFit screw up my Stair reading.) In addition, it measures how long you sleep (assuming you put it in sleep mode when you go to bed, which is super simple — I prefer doing it through the app) which includes a measurement of both the minutes you wake up in the night (which I find startlingly accurate) as well as the minutes you are restless.

My #fitbit has finally given me   visual evidence of what I already had an inkling of: I sleep TERRIBLY when I travel for work. (The top is from Sunday, bottom from last night) YIKES!
This is an example of how terribly I sleep in hotels. Have I mentioned that 2013 was the year of work travel? UGH

This has been one of the most eye opening parts of owning the Fitbit for me. I used to think “Oh I got 8 hours of sleep because I was in bed from 10-6 each night. But it turns out, many nights I’m restless or I am awake, and all of that eats into your actual “sleep time.” Some nights I am in bed for 8 hours, but I only get close to 6 hours of restful sleep. Of course some nights I am very cognizant of all of those variables and actually do get a good amount of sleep. And hot damn is it satisfying to see that in graph form!


So haven’t all of this info isn’t just fun and pretty to look at. It has helped me experiment and troubleshoot what causes some of that restlessness (confirmed: DEFINITELY caffeine after noon) and just to generally be aware of how much sleep I am working with and tailor my day as such. I once hear working out when you get less than 6 hours of sleep does more harm (to the adrenals, hormones etc) than it does good. Monitoring the restfulness of my sleep has helped me even be more effective with my workouts, I think.

Hey Wait — It Does More???

In addition to all of that, the Fitbit also syncs with My Fitness Pal. If you haven’t used My Fitness Pal, it’s actually kind of an awesome app/website. It’s a general food/activity tracker and while I loathe the idea of counting calories, I do enjoy checking in with my macro nutrient ratios every once in a while, and I like that the two devices sync up. Important Note: the info only sycs from My Fintess Pal to the Fitbit, not the other way around, so I use MFP exclusively for tracking. (Here’s a great tutorial on how to reconfigure the MFP goals, because honestly the carb/fat goals are RIDICULOUS. I don’t think you need to change them to “low carb” in the tutorial, but the standard ones MFP uses are out of control, IMHO.)

How I Use It

So clearly it does many things I have found useful, but let’s get back to the baseline. When I purchased it, I spent a couple weeks just wearing it to determine what sort of patterns of activity I had going on. Surprisingly, being chained to my desk only had me taking about 4000 steps per day and 0 stairs. I wondered how dramatically low that was, and on the first Saturday when I just ran my regular errands, cleaned house and worked out and clocked in almost 20,000 steps — I knew. My inactivity during the work was dramatic. So I set out to get in 6,000 steps a day next. Then I worked my way up to an 8.000 step goal. Slowly but surely I am making progress.

After that I focused on stairs a bit. We don’t have stairs in our house so the only place I can walk those regularly is at work (or as I’ve recently discovered if I run bleachers at our local high school, which is actually super fun! Well, you know “fun.”) But I have the opportunity to go about 6 flights per day just because of where I park/where my desk is, so I became determined to do that. Then I realized I could walk a few extra and hit 10 a day. Now I think about that often.

Most recently I made a goal I call #Operation50 where I try and make sure each week I’m walking 50 flights of stairs and going 50,000 steps. It’s arbitrary, yes — and I’ll continue to tailor it to a goal that is challenging, but it’s really kept me motivated to stay active at work, which is SO SO SO IMPORTANT TO ME. I don’t want to work the next decade only walking 4,000 steps a day 5 days a week, you know? I’d like to actually have some hip flexibility when I’m 80! πŸ™‚

Finally some #operation50 success! 50k steps. 50 floors. Now I want to see 2 weeks in a row! #fitbit

Helpful Hints

*When I first got my Fitbit, I had a few close calls where I couldn’t find it and had to go digging in my hamper. To keep that from happening to you I’d suggest getting into a routine of when you put it on, take it off. I put a cute little dish on my nightstand and basically if my Fitbit isn’t on my body, it is in this dish. I never put it anywhere else. It may sound militant, but the habit has kept me from throwing a $100 piece of electronics in the washer.


*Make your own goals. When I first got my Fitbit, knowing that generic “Get 10,000 steps per day” advice had me really wanting to hit that goal. When, day after day, I wasn’t even coming close to hitting it, I got a little unmotivated. But then I realized — hey, you are looking for trend improvement! Not to just hit an arbitrary goal. So I spent a couple weeks doing a baseline. Getting an idea of what was realistic for me. Then challenging THAT number. It’s been so helpful.

*Look at your goals from a weekly perspective, rather than a daily perspective. It’s helpful to look at the macro picture as well as the micro picture of each day. It can help keep that feeling of data overwhelm/demotivation from kicking in.

*And the last one may be TMI, but I’m just going to tell you anyway because we’re all friends here: If you are putting it on your bra and you have sensitive skin like me, maybe change sides every once in a while or that stuff’ll leave a mark! πŸ™‚

My Overall Recommendation

Obviously, I love this little tool. It’s been eye opening for me in so many ways. It tracks data that confirmed for me areas that, if they improved, would contribute to my overall health. The interface is easy to use, there are many ways to access the information (iPhone, Computer, the device itself) and it helps me identify overall trends in my health/fitness/activity level. Plus it’s just convenient and fun. Toooooooooootally better than a plain old pedometer, right?

It is around $100, which to me is expensive for something if you don’t use it. But I think the ease of use, relevance of the information and motivation that tracking all of it yields makes it well worth the price. But the price fluctuates on Amazon — I think when I got mine it was about $87, which I’ve found to be super competitive — so keep your eye out there.


I know lots of you already have Fitbits. Any additional thoughts to give someone who was considering buying one?

5 Simple Goals


I’ve been making a marked effort this year to balance the personal and professional. 2013 was the Year of My Job, and I want 2014 to look a little bit more balanced.

The inner goal setter in me, however, NEEDS a vision. I spent the month of January experimenting with tiny micro-goals each week that I hoped would help me feel productive and focus on life outside my job. Sometimes they were small, sometimes silly, and sometimes they were meaty and complex. But I never tried to focus on more than 5 things, and what do you know, it’s been pretty manageable. I don’t achieve them all each week necessarily, but it guides my focus. I thought I’d share them on occasion.

Here’s what’s on this week’s agenda:

1. Workout 4 Times

Boys are jogging the track // Girls are running the bleacher stairs.
I can’t seem to get over the hump of 3 workouts per week. Part of that has been taking it easy on my back, and part of that (honestly) has been me being a little lazy. This is the week where I want to commit to four workouts. I’m thinking 2 CrossFit workouts, a workout with my friend Kari (which will probably be a bootcamp or TRX — EEP I’ve never done TRX and I think I’ll be a mess!) and then a Yoga/Wild Card workout. Garrett + I have been loving running bleacher stairs lately and sprinting (Buster too — especially the sprinting!), so maybe something like that. Sounds like a good variety. Four times! I can do this!

2. Complete Fit Bit #Operation50

Finally some #operation50 success! 50k steps. 50 floors. Now I want to see 2 weeks in a row! #fitbit
Ever since I got my FitBit I’ve been aiming for my weekly goals add up to 50,000 steps and 50 flights of stairs. That might seem like a lot or a little to you depending on how active you are, but for my life in this moment this is proving to be a challenge. The Steps goal requires me to get up and get away from desk at work (or else I won’t hit it) and the Stairs goal keeps me motivated to take the stairs at work. I’d like to aim for #Operation75 sometime in the near future, but I can’t even consistently hit 50 every week, so that’s where I’m leaving it for now, and for this week.

3. Wash Car

I know, this seems silly and administrative but it’s been on my To Do List for weeks and needs to get done. I EVEN HAVE A COUPON, which means I only need to *drive* my car over to get washed. I don’t even have to wash it myself! Knowing Professional Touch Car Detailing Hobart, they will wash my car thoroughly it’ll shine afterwards. So really, there’s no excuse. Another thing on my list is to buy car seat covers for comfort and protection.

4. Skip Dessert During the Week

We know how to party!  ☕️☕️
I’ve been abusing dessert. This is my confession. πŸ™‚ It’s one of those things I rationalize by saying “Oh hey, but I worked out.” or “These cookies are totally Paleo, they’re harmless.” I’ve even gone to rationalizing that “It’s only dried mango” as I’ve mawed the entire Trader Joe’s bag. So this week, I’ve decided to focus on getting that in check. I bought a bag of Honeycrisp Apples at Costco this weekend and I have some fun flavored herbal teas — it’s that or nothing. I’m going to aim to eat a good dinner and let that be that. We’ll see how hard this is. πŸ™‚

5. Post 5 times on the Blog

OHMYGAWD I have so many posts that I want to finish (SOOOOOO MUCH TO SAY, SOOOOO MANY STORIES TO TELL) so I need to just GIT’R DONE and get things posted. Show you my favorite winter customized “uniform” lately, which I got the ideas from reading this article about custom uniforms. Share my opinions about blogging and how it has changed (and why I love that!) . Write blog posts helpful for the beginner blogger. I want to really review my Fitbit One and tell you why I love it, tell you about my Keto Experiment, Review my experience with Gwynnie Bee, Share my favorite weeknight recipe, Share my Books To Be Read List, Talk about some Beauty Products, Discuss a cash saving tip I just discovered, Write about strengths/weaknesses, Not to mention the links. Soooooo many links! — YOU SEE! I probably need to post 10 times, but we’re going to aim for 5.


And that’s that. Five little things to focus on. Simple Simon.

What are your 5 Simple Goals this week? Do tell…..

Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Stop working! It's the weekend! #INYOFACE

Buster would like to remind you all that it is Friday, and that NO ONE should be working on Friday. πŸ™‚

How are you all this week? Over here things were pretty mellow until yesterday when I ended up at the vet with Buster. I think that dog gets antsy if he doesn’t see the vet once a month. He must like the treats there or something, because MAN — THE FREQUENCY! He’s on the mend we think, so nothing to worry about, but that sure threw a wrench in my Thursday.

Anyway, what are you up to this weekend? Are you watching the Super Bowl? I don’t know if I can bring myself to watch it — the 49ers loss still feels SO RAW. πŸ™‚ We’ll see. Beyond that I’m thinking some workouts, some cooking, some reading — you know, the stuff weekends should ALWAYS be made of!

In the meantime, let’s get to the links, shall we?


*The LA Times ran a nice feature on Sacramento as a vacation destination this week and I was like “HEY! That’s my town!” Also, one of my most favorite Mexican restaurants!

*Do you all know about glutamine’s super powers? This explanation is so clear and concise. I can totally vouch for the part about sugar cravings.

*This week PaleOMG did a round up of 48 Paleo Super Bowl Snacks. They look pretty delicious! And speaking of delicious, this week I made her Overnight Coffee Chia Breakfast Pudding (with Chameleon Cold Brew, SCHWING!) and it was a totally fun morning treat.

*OHMYGOD Did I just say Schwing? I think I did.

*Did you read this Yahoo! article on the Best/Worst health trends of 2013? It ruffled a lot of feathers because it included Whole 30 on the worst list. Since I love the Whole 30 I just rolled my eyes at it, but this eloquent rebuttal was definitely worth a read. I especially loved this:

We have got to stop equating weight loss to health because they may be connected, but they are not one and the same.

*100% validation for my unapologetic crush on Pitbull.

*Speaking of unapologetic love: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Chipotle. It’s like a rabbit hole of awesome!

*I’m intrigued by the topics of this book. What are you reading right now, by the way. My library queue is low.

*This article about two twins, one who gave up sugar and one who gave up fat was awesome!

*Last weekend I used this recipe to make Garrett some cioppino and he said he had died and gone to heaven. Ringing endorsement, I’d say!


Hope whatever is on your weekend agenda is awesome!!!

First Quarter – State of the Union

Evening walk with the Dogfather.

In 2012 I did regular progress reports each month outlining my goals for the current month and my accomplishments for the previous. While that was somewhat useful for me, something about the format wasn’t exactly what I wanted and rather than fix it in 2013, I just sort of skipped it altogether. Good thing too, because I’m sure I didn’t have time to accomplish much outside of work and probably would have felt super de-motivated. In the end, skipping it was a win.

But I miss doing a bit of regular life inventory around here, so I’ve racked my brain for some kind of solution and decided that maybe a Quarterly State of the Union could be helpful. I’m going to pick a few areas (the ones that are the biggest pieces of my life), discuss what’s going well, what could be going better, give you some links to people or resources that are influencing me in those areas, and then list my short term quarterly goals if I have any. (And hell, I may not!) I’m going to try this format this year and see what happens. Feel free to let me know what you think.

Business + Career

What’s Going Well: With respect to the day job, I’m about 3 weeks out from my 1 year anniversary of this new role I took on at work. Upside? I’ve sort of been through everything once. Does that make sense? Last year in addition to just learning a new job I had some serious extra curricular assignments on my desk that were temporary. Most of those are wrapping up at the beginning of this year. TIME TO EXHALE….WOOO HOOO!! Downside: Last Friday at 4pm I was assigned a new little project that may or may not be a big commitment since I had some “extra capacity.” haha

I can’t talk about business + career without talking about blogging. 2013 was the first year that I made a legit part time income off of this blog. It’s not an income that will support our household, but it was enough to have me fretting about taxes this year. (Hi, I am financially unorganized when it comes to blogging. WHOOPS.) And it was also enough for me to want to figure out an actual plan for that in 2014. I feel enormously grateful to everyone who has supported this site by reading, commenting, and allowing me to figure out this “Business of Blogging” as I go.

What Could Be Going Better: For fun, I printed out this free time tracking worksheet from Nicole over at Life Less Bullshit. Her suggestion was to track your time for 72 hours to see where you are really spending it, obviously in the hopes of finding places to maximize your efficiency. I went into it thinking “You know, there is probably some dicking around time that I could be using better. This will illuminate where I have some pockets of free time that I could use more effectively.”

Um, wrong.

It became very clear, very quick that I am currently operating at max efficiency, which includes only about 3.5 hours each weekday evening of “free time.” (No wonder I’m so damn excited for the weekends!) So yes, I could be scheduling those 3.5 hours of time more productively, for sure. But sometimes I like to use them to do extravagant things like showering after hot yoga, washing dinner dishes, doing a load or two of laundry, and singing Kanye West to my dog in a very obnoxious voice. (All things I like to do but don’t have a set schedule for. I need a little spontaneity in my life!)

And here’s the other kicker, sometimes I need to have an unscheduled minute to not talking to anyone, or be working on something. Frankly that’s allowed. And that’s no bullshit. Soooooooo. That whole exercise sort of depressed me because I’m past the point of small, smart fixes. But could be useful if you wonder where all your time is going. What it helped me realize was that at this point in my life juggling act, if I need more time (AND I DO), I’m going to have to make some largeR scale changes that are frankly a bit murky and scary.

Short term goals: Figure out some of the bigger needle movers in this time management situation. Get comfortable saying no at work. 2014 Blog Business Plan! Pay your taxes. OUCH. Make sure that doesn’t happen again in 2014. Open a bank account or something. πŸ™‚

Health + Fitness

What’s going well: Well, I am still alive. SCORE. I have reduced my caffeine intake by a large amount and it has been really helpful. Apparently all I had to do was stock my work stash with DECAF K-Cups and then I wouldn’t feel like I was going to have a heart attack everyday at 2pm. NOVEL IDEA! πŸ™‚ My skin is looking better than it has in at least a decade and I am consistently getting 7+ hours of sleep every night. (If I want to get 9 hours of sleep every night then I would only have 1.5 hours OF unscheduled time to myself on weekdays. So right now I’m good with 7.)

What Could Be Going Better: Just about everything. When I visualize my immune system it looks like a piece of swiss cheese. (mmmm…cheese.) I have been sick so much of the last 2 months (and it’s still lingering!) that I only logged 10 days in the gym total. TEN DAYS. This is a problem on so many levels for me. I mean you guys, the amount of work it takes to squeeze my ass into my VERY TIGHT pants in the morning should probably count as a workout. I have gotten woefully out of shape, and while it is completely understandable (use it or lose it) that doesn’t make it less frustrating.

I am also dealing with a back injury that has been going on (off and on, which is super irritating) since I did a wonky back bend in a Bikram class in November. Thanks to these very efficient chiropractors Glen Huntly who helped me get over the pains I’ve encountered with my back injury! I also finally made an appointment with chiropractors Melbourne last week when I got up from my desk to walk to the bathroom and couldn’t stand up straight.

Of course when I feel frustrated about my inability to workout, or when the cabin fever insanity of no gym time gets to me — I begin to hallucinate that kettle cooked potato chips at the grocery store are calling my name. Tell me this happens to you too. It’s not that I’m eating terribly, but I’m just not really eating to support my goals, ya know? I don’t feel any sort of good/bad moral judgment about it but it’s just dumb. And I’m starting to feel a sort of low grade depression about it. Not normal. (Love this Myth Busters: Chiropractic Edition. A good read if you don’t have a lot of experience with Chiropractors.)

Short Term Goals: Walk More. It’s easy to do, even in my current sick/injured/depressed state and it’s so important. I loved Mark’s Daily Apple’s list of 17 Reasons To Walk More This Year. It was like a beacon of light when I was feeling really bad about my ability to workout. Get to the chiropractor and get to healing. Ease back into your workouts when the time is right. And stop eating chips every time you feel like it.

Family + Relationships

What’s going well: I saw a lot of my family in the last month! My mom and I have had a lot of quality time together recently. I love Garrett to pieces and our relationship right now is in such a good flow. I’ve already been good about birthday cards, thank you notes, and email correspondence so far this year (I know, it’s only been 2 weeks, but there have been quite a few things to send!) and that has been a very purposeful effort. I’m happy with that.

What Could Be Going Better: If you are a friend of mine and you have tried to make plans with me in the last, ooooh — 6 months — I have been super hesitant to commit. I’m guarding my “free time” like a lunatic because I’m never sure if when I have *time* I will also have *energy*. You know how this goes right? (See above about sometimes just wanting to singing Kanye to Buster/not talk to anyone.) So, what I’m saying is, this could be better. I haven’t thought of a great solution to this, but hey, that’s what the next section is for.

Short Term Goals: Go easy on yourself. Make spontaneous plans when the mood strikes. Get rid of the guilt, but also don’t be an inconsiderate dick.


And that’s where I’m at at the beginning of the first quarter of the year, and also where I want to go. Any wild and crazy goals on your list? Give me a little update on YOUR State of the Union? Come on! It’ll be fun! πŸ™‚

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