Author Archives: Holly

Don’t Call It A Comeback, I’ve Been Here For Years

My first CrossFit workout was on October 9, 2010. The funny thing is I didn’t actually start writing about it here until December of that year. In fact, at one point I even professed this would not become a “CrossFit Blog.”

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, sorry about that guys. πŸ™‚

The point of all of that is to say, holy crap that is almost FIVE YEARS. That is the longest I have ever committed to any type fitness routine.

I have learned a lot about myself through CrossFit in these last five years. The most memorable: “skinny” is just a descriptor – not a goal state, fitness can TOTALLY be fun, and finally that yes — often times running is, in fact for recovery.


But, can I confess something to you? There is still occasionally a little nagging voice in the back of my head that says, five years into CrossFit you should look more like this:
I mostly have that thought while doing burpees, btw. And for the record, she only started CrossFit in 2009 so is it THAT unrealistic?

Ok, ok — so MAYBE it is not realistic to want to look like a 26 year old, full time, sponsored athlete. πŸ™‚Β  I get it. But I would be lying if I said there weren’t times where I feel embarrassed to have been doing this for so long and still be a middle-aged lady who has a good 80 lbs to lose. With the surge in popularity of CrossFit in the last few years I almost cringe anytime someone says “Oh Holly is a CrossFitter.” I feel like I’m a walking anti-poster child.

So some contributing facts: I worked out 4-6 days a week for the first 3 years I trained at the gym. I got phenomenal results.
Then I really began reducing the amount of training I did in February of 2013 when I got a new position at work. I guess in hindsight I literally sold my fitness level for a raise. Of course it was more complicated than that, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat if offered the same type of opportunity, but obviously when you make a serious amendment in input, the output also changes. And that has left me in a little bit of a weird fitness space.

End of 2010: starts CrossFit
2011-12: Busts ass in the gym working out 4-6 days per week. Ran my first 5k. Ran my first half marathon. Lost 100 lbs. You know, no big deal.

Mid 2012: Really hit my CrossFit Peak!

UntitledIt’s blurry, but one doesn’t need a clear photo to see the lack of a mid-section spare tire. These days I can hardly remember how that feelsΒ  πŸ™‚
Most of 2013: The Lost Year and yet I still managed to run 20 miles of a relay race while living out of a van with 7 other people.
2014: Lots of time trying to get my fitness routine right. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I failed.

But the question I keep asking myself is what will 2015 hold? And that is the question I still haven’t answered with one quarter down. Let’s not even get into that stress that is adding a September wedding to the mix. I think I’m supposed to be OBSESSED with working out, right? Which makes my fitness struggle feel even more confusing.

Is this the year I will recommit myself to CrossFit? Is this the year I find something else completely? Have I run my course with CrossFit? There are SO MANY variables and I don’t have any of them worked out, frankly. At this point I am taking it on a week by week basis but I can tell you my instinct is to mount a CrossFit comeback.

I have to be honest though you guys: COMEBACKS ARE HARD.

But I am very invested in my own fitness. I’m also invested in my sanity. And strangely enough, the two are very intertwined. I have no idea how this story is going to end, but I definitely feel like there is hope that the little ass kicker within me ain’t down for the count.

Starting my day off on a good note. Also on a stack of truck tires. Same diff...

Psssst: CrossFit Advice For Newbies

What I Wore: Scottsdale

Hilton Scottsdale Resort

I spent last weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona with 7 other fun gals for my cousin Jenny’s Bachelorette Party. We stayed at the Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas and it was a fun filled weekend that was light on the sleep and the vegetables (wait, does potato vodka count? :)) but heavy on the good times!

I knew going into the weekend it was going to be in the mid to high 80s and this was the first time this season that I felt like I had to be summer wardrobe ready. I thought I’d share with you some of the outfits that worked for me and tell you about some of the fun places we went to in Scottsdale. That town is awesome, and I can’t wait to go back!

Friday afternoon we decided to grab some lunch and pick up some groceries for the two villas we were occupying for the weekend. I threw on some white jeans and a tank from a plus size womens clothing store, which was perfection for afternoon patio-sitting and margarita drinking.


Speaking of patios and margarita drinking, if you are in the Scottsdale area – I’d HIGHLY recommend Blanco for all of your day drinking needs. And their famous mix and match tacos, of course.

Friday night, once everyone arrived, we went out to a late dinner at Salty Seniorita (skip it, the chips and salsa were gross. Who screws up chips and salsa?) and then we were on a mission to go dancing. I wore this…and can I make a confession?

It’s a bathing suit coverup I bought at Ross. HAHAHAHAHA

We had been at the pool earlier and I was feeling lazy, and it was a little bit too short to be a dress, so I thought PERFECT for Friday night club-dancing. HA! I threw on some sandals I bought at Target last year, hated, and forgot to return (nice, haha) Good thing this year I decided I liked them. πŸ™‚ Ah, vacation fashion compromises.

We ended up dancing the night away at Dakota. That place was AWESOME! Lots of 90s rap perfection on the dance floor!


Great patio because of the patio enclosures Phoenix, great music, great drinks — again, all boxes checked!

Saturday morning we went to brunch and I just threw on my white jeans again and with an old standby black and koala killer shirt that you’ve probably seen a million times.


We made a reservation at Olive + Ivy which has another excellent patio, and even better breakfast with table side mimosas.
olive and ivy
I mean, come on. That patio was made for sitting, right? Winner.

Saturday afternoon there was some laying by the pool. My bathing suit itself was pretty plain, but I am absolutely in love with this cover up.

It’s fun and vibrant and basically the exact opposite of my face and hair in that photo. πŸ™‚ I also brought this bathing suit, which I love, but didn’t end up wearing. Guess I’ll have to plan some additional pool side time in the near future. haha

On Saturday night, I did it. I wore the freaking jumpsuit! (After a few cocktails, of course.)
About to wear a jumpsuit in public: WISH ME LUCK!

I had originally planned to wear it with heels, but after a Friday night out dancing, the thought of walking all over Scottsdale in heels sounded very unappealing (what can I say, I’m getting old!) so I just ended up rolling up the legs on the jumpsuit so they were ankle length and donning some old Target sandals. Target sandals for the win, apparently. I also bought myself one of these beautiful weekender bags with the horse on and it’s just gorgeous, so check that out too.


We headed out to dinner at Culinary Dropout


and then back to Dakota to dance the night away with Ma$e and P. Diddy. Excellent choice, I tell ya.

Sunday, let’s be real, I think I just threw on whatever I had left that was clean. Or maybe that black and white shirt again. Which wasn’t clean. Ah, well…what are ya gonna do?


(I’ll tell you what we did, we hopped on the back of the bell-desk’s golf cart and went to Blanco again for some goodbye white peach and hibiscus margaritas.)


All in all, it was such a fun weekend! 58 hours of cocktails, lounge chairs, laughter and awesome dance moves.

Of course today I probably won’t be getting out of my pajamas, but I think it was definitely worth it! This weekend made me feel like summer is right around the corner, and I literally CAN. NOT. WAIT!

Have you ever been to Scottsdale?

The Around The House Survey

A couple months ago I read this post and thought the questions were pretty fun! I thought I’d answer them here and tell you that you should play along too. πŸ™‚


Household Chore I Actually Enjoy

Grocery Shopping and organizing/cleaning the refrigerator. But since last month we hired the Eco Clean Solutions service to do most of the home chores for us.
The Friday night fridge is so much less appealing than the Monday morning fridge. #leftoverstime

Also, I sort of love doing laundry specially if I am using an Euronics washing machine. It makes the house smell good and I love not having any dirty clothes. Folding isn’t my favorite, but I will do it (or convince Garrett to, haha) because I just love how orderly everything feels when it’s hung up or put away.

Managing a long-distance move yourself can be stressful and expensive. You will have a lot on your plate, and many things could go wrong along the way. Therefore, you should hire a long distance moving company Salt Lake City to facilitate the long-distance move.
So these have changes my Laundry Life for the better. #obsessed

Biggest House Disaster

The guest bedroom. Ugh. It can go from zero to total disaster in a very short amount of time! Termite infestation can be especially problematic in older homes. Drake Lawn & Pest Control explains that it’s importance to do regular pest control management. It is important to look for immediate solution such as tap insulation against pests to avoid costly damage.
guest bedroom

Our guest bedroom is actually pretty sizeable (bigger than the sleeping area of the Master actually) which is nice when we have guests, we have two beds and some furniture from websites like The problem is, because it’s so large we kind of use it as a dumping ground for all the stuff we don’t want to look at. The hvac system in each room was also serviced by professional ac maintenance technicians.

It’s where we keep our gym bags, stuff we want to take to Goodwill, crafting supplies, extra blankets, etc. I also use the closet to help rotate my wardrobe, and when I pack (like I’m doing now for Scottsdale) I lay all my stuff out on one of the beds…so basically one day it’s spic and span, and the next it’s like Hoarders: Sacramento.

Before Company Comes, I Hide…

My Purse and Work Bag that are always sitting at the kitchen table.

I hate table clutter, so it’s usually clear of detritus but the purses and bags and hoodies hanging over the backs of chairs definitely go when anyone is heading over.

Most Recent Music Download

I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t downloaded music in FOREVER. Garrett does most of that and I just usually listen to what he picks since we like the same stuff. The last thing he downloaded was the Clean Bandit album New Eyes. I’m into it. I downloaded a new Audible book though, can that count?


Have you read it? What did you think?

The Last Thing I Bought Online

This Matahari Luminous Firming Anti-Aging Lotion that is supposed to extend the life of a spray tan. (Random, I know.) I’ve never used this brand, so I hope it works.


I Hate To Shop For…

Underwear. (No, no I will not use the word panties. GAH) I just never end up with the right size or style. And you obviously can’t try them on and you have to rely on your own estimation of your ass which, you know, can be inaccurate. I usually either end up with undies that I’m yanking on because they are too small or the wrong style, or ones that come out of the dryer and look like a freaking parachute. Am I alone in this?

I finally solved this problem using this genius suggestion and just took a well fitting pair of chonies and bought multiples. Variety may be the spice of life, but it ain’t the spice of my underwear drawer. HOW THE HELL DID WE END UP DOWN THIS DIRT ROAD?

All that to say, sometimes the most obvious solutions are game changers.

Favorite Family Ritual

Sleepy weekend mornings, drinking coffee and tea on the couch with Buster and Garrett.
I swear to you this dog purrs like a cat! Now, he also sometimes wakes us up at 4 am on a Sunday morning because he's ready for cuddles which is not  as cute as cat-dogging, but I'm not sure I would change anything.

I Sleep In…

A really comfy Queen Size Bed. πŸ˜‰

I Have A Style Crush On

Courtney Kerr
Courtney Kerr
I like how she balances casual and glam and isn’t afraid to be a little over the top. It was this post that made me NEED a jumpsuit in my life, actually.

I also adore Beth over at Seersuckers and Saddles. I mean, seriously???

I’m Currently Reading

Well you already know what audiobook I’m reading. The physical book on my nightstand is considerably dishier.

andy cohen
A few entries read before bed and I’m dreaming of Real Housewives drama and a ritzy New York social life. It’s been fun.

How Did I Ever Live Without

The first thing that popped into my head, no joke, was Buster.
Lawn Massage

Cheesy, but true.


Now it’s your turn to answer some of that randomness. Pick a couple and let me know in the comments.

Should We Tie Them In A Knot Or Should We Tie Them In A Bow?

Oh y’all, we have some serious loose ends to tie up now, don’t we?

While I knew I had been neglecting the blog, I didn’t quite realize that I haven’t posted since February! WOWZA. I blame Whole 30 Grocery Shopping, damnit! (Also: Life.)

Let’s start with that particular loose end, shall we?


Our Whole 30 went swimmingly. And in the end we totally spent less cash. during Week 3 I bought some crab because we were halfway done and I felt like a treat, so we spent closer to $150 and during Week 4 we only spent like $50. It was insane. I had a hard time with those spending recap posts though because both weeks when I came home from grocery shopping it was dark (crappy lighting for photographs) and once I put the groceries away, I sure as hell wasn’t getting them all back out for their close up, ya know?

So — money saving was a success! Documenting it though, was a major fail! Win some, lose some.

So we had been doing that Whole 30 because our engagement photos were right around the corner and hey — we took them!


holly + Garrett
holly + Garrett 2

Oh hey, look at us, just here sauntering through fields of mustard all in love and shit!

We confirmed two things during that photo session:

1. Yes, we really ARE that un-photogenic — even with a professional involved. We’re going to have to like, practice or something before the actual wedding. And

2. We freaking LOVE our wedding photographer! Catherine J. Gross is one of the BEST wedding photographers in Maine. She is truly the best!

Speaking of The! Best! Wedding Things! — We hired a wedding planner too and it has absolutely been the best decision I have made in my adult life. Previously that spot had been occupied by “hiring someone to clean my house” but this decision is EVEN BETTER YOU GUYS. (Carli, your well timed comment a while back really helped push me over the edge, so thank you!)

Her name is Kirsten and she is just the cutest and I’m like 9000 times less stressed now that we are working with her. We not only hired her for Day-Of Coordination but just to design and execute the entire event. Sometimes I feel a little guilty because it feels a little Beverly Hills Darling, SHI SHI SHI, but mostly I am just patting myself on the back for knowing my limits. Wedding planning was NOT A STRENGTH and I was feeling The Dread about the wedding 100% of the time. Now I AM SO FREAKING STOKED! We booked a Wedding Venue with Lodging in Fort Worth TX. Money well spent for that turn about alone.


So what else is new? Work is about the same — which means busy all day, errrrday, five days a week at least — but I truly have never been happier at my job. There is a lot going on, but I love my job, my team, my company more than ever — I’m talking cheerleader style — and so the busy-ness is a good feeling. But it definitely has cut into my creative pursuit time, especially here on this site.

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking to myself maybe it’s just time to close up shop on the blog. I was carrying around that nagging feeling of slacking at something and just thinking silly things like “The internet has changed! What do you have to say? Maybe you are too old for this.” But that made me feel really depressed, so I know not writing here is not the answer.

I do, however, think this blog needs a bit of a facelift and I probably need to update some of the text-y things to more accurately reflect my life in this moment. (Anyone who knows anything about blog design — come talk to me! I am in a hiring mood.) Regardless, I think I’m going to make a more concerted effort to prepare content on the weekends and manage my time a little better so I’m not popping in once every two months because WHAT? That is ridic! I can’t promise I can go back to posting 5 days a week, but I do enjoy sharing here and I do miss our conversations in the comments so I’ll see what I can do about that.

Beyond all of that, the only significant thing I have going on in the near future is that this weekend I’m going to Scottsdale for my cousin’s bachelorette party and we are doing a night out where we all where black (and the bride wears white, obvs) and so I ordered a black jumpsuit from an online Women’s clothing store! HA! Now I just need to decide if I have the courage to wear it.

I tried it on for Garrett the other night and he told me it was “Out there.” I asked if that was bad or good and he said “it wasn’t bad it was just like nothing he had ever seen.” Why we even ask boys about their opinion on fashion, I don’t know. He did also have some concerns about how one goes to the bathroom wearing a jumpsuit, but I think that concern is actually kind of legit. Like, how big of a pain in the ass is it going to be to pee in this getup.

It looks like this, by the way:

On the pro-side — a bachelorette party in a town where you don’t know a soul seems like an exceptional time to wear something crazy, right? On the con side — this outfit feels ballsy and a little outside of my comfort zone. I do plan to be drinking cocktails by a pool most of the weekend though, so you know by Saturday night maybe it won’t feel ballsy at all. πŸ˜› Any jumpsuit type wisdom or war stories you have though would of course be appreciated. haha I’ll let you know what I did when I get back.

Anyway, thanks to you all for sticking around and sending me “Where the hell are you emails” and showing concern. I’m lucky that all of you care enough to read this site, or make sure I’m ok and I never take that for granted.

Y’all are the bee’s knees. Hope your Monday is treating you right.

What I Ate Wednesday: Whole 30 Edition


The first week of Whole 30 I just went with a basic frittata. Frittatas are easy, portable (which is great during the work week), and can pack an awesome flavor/nutrient punch depending on what you put in them. This week I made mine with chorizo, onions, kale, black olives and spices. I thought I had the perfect combo and was totally excited to make it, then I popped it in the oven and promptly FORGOT TO SET THE TIMER.

More than an hour later Garrett asked me why the oven was on and I almost started crying! All of that work! All of those ingredients! Overcooked and unusable! (I am skeeved out by overcooked eggs.) But it turns out, this frittata might even taste BETTER overcooked. The kale edges got super crispy, and overall it was awesome!

Tonight's #whole30 dinner: Deconstructed Jambalaya. Spicy seasoned shrimp and andouille over cauliflower rice. I meant to make *actual* jambalaya in the crockpot today but I had too much going on. Figured this would be close enough in the end and would al

I’ve been on a little bit of a chorizo kick lately (clearly) and so I decided to try my hand a deconstructed Jambalaya. Shrimp and spices cooked in ghee mixed with chorizo and served over cauliflower dirty rice. IT WAS GREAT! So great we had it again a couple nights later. πŸ™‚

C'MERE TACO SALAD! #whole30 #hollydoesdinner

There has also been taco salad because OF COURSE THERE’S BEEN TACO SALAD. This is me we are talking about. Can’t Stop/Won’t Stop.

Skipped chili in favor of some crunch today. ️Tuna salad MUST be crunchy, IMHO. #whole30

One of my favorite things I’ve been eating though has been tuna salad with pepper “chips.” I really like crunch with my tuna and sometimes celery isn’t enough. My favorite thing to have with tuna is some tamari rice crackers but obviously those are off limits. Desperate for MOAR CRUNCH the other day, I grabbed a pepper and sliced it into scoops. Totally worked!

Crunch 4EVA!

And that’s most of the highlights!

A Wedding Update Seems Like A Good Idea

I know wedding updates should be saved for Wednesdays because then I could title this Wedding Wednesday and everything would be cutesy and I could feign coordination and organization and FORETHOUGHT and stuff, but that is really not how I am rolling with wedding planning so far. I thought maybe we could just have some real talk instead.

I am being a real pill about planning this wedding. I’m focusing on how stressful everything is, how expensive it is, how many tedious freaking things I have to make decisions on that I DON’T EVEN CARE ABOUT. How everyone feels invited to share their opinions on how things should or shouldn’t be, while simultaneously saying “But do it for yourself! This is YOUR wedding.”

All of it has been…a lot, and I’m going to be very honest and say I haven’t enjoyed it too much yet. I’ve been having nightmares about showing up on the day of and forgetting to hire a caterer. I’ve been catching the tiniest blemish in the mirror and berating myself for how unphotogenic I will surely be. Worst of all, I have let this feeling of silent resentment build up when I’m adding to my excel spreadsheet of wedding related tasks after a long day of work and Garrett is lounging on the couch or reading a book. I’ve been a real joy to be around, as you can imagine.

But I started marinating on that exact word this weekend: JOY.

This should be a joyful time.

This *is* a joyful time.

I am marrying my partner in crime, who I love to pieces and we have the means and the time to plan a celebration that has our friends and family actually willing to organize their schedules around. We have people who are excited FOR us, and invested in all of the steps in between. No small thing — and definitely worth gratitude. But I haven’t been acting that way.

I should also mention, if we’re talking about things I am grateful for, this relationship by itself. For ten years it has kept me sane and laughing and entertained and challenged and growing, so I guess it is fitting that I am doing all of those things when planning this wedding.

But here I was sitting at the kitchen table staring at a spreadsheet with a scowl on my face rolling my eyes about tasks and to-do lists and obligations and how women TOTALLY get the short end of the stick with wedding planning and baby-making and GOD IT’S ALL JUST SO UNFAIR I COULD CRY.

When I type that out I feel embarrassed. Embarrassed that I even had all those emotions or that I’ve been going on like this for months. That all of this is my wedding planning story. But I thought a lot about why I am focusing on the negative and the stress instead of the joy, and what do you know — METAPHOR FOR LIFE, ALERT — I think I just I really, really don’t like doing things that I feel I’m not very good at.

And sure, that makes sense. But first of all WHO SAYS I’M NOT GOOD AT THIS??? And second (and more important) how crappy would it be to let this incredibly special and unique time in my life go by being pissed off, when really I’m just kind of scared I’ll make a mistake.


On Friday night I had a little Come-To-Jesus conversation with myself where I mostly said, “Self, THIS IS A JOYFUL TIME! And you are allowed to enjoy it even if you are unsure. Also: you are allowed to ask for help. But you are the one who has to choose to be positive, even when you’re freaked out, SO DO IT.” I think the conversation went well, because there was no talking back, you know? πŸ™‚

On Saturday morning, while having a serious case of the anxiety sweats (AWESOME) I went wedding dress shopping with my mom and my aunt. It was a bit of a turning point because you all there is no better word to describe it than JOYFUL. We had such a great day, it was so easy and effortless. And it really felt like something to be grateful for.

I kept reminding myself, we have a venue we are so stoked about. We have a photographer that we connected with so well we don’t feel nervous. And we have plenty of time before September to iron out all the other details.

So Saturday afternoon I let myself enjoy playing a little bit of dress up and found a dress that — what do you know, looks nothing like any of the dress inspiration I had pinned before hand. It’s not “simple” or “understated” or “classy” or “casually elegant.” All the words that rolled off my lips when I walked in.

It’s freaking bejeweled and sexy and completely different then anything I would have picked off a rack and most important, I FELT LIKE A MILLION BUCKS IN IT! (Which, in the end was good, since that’s just about what it cost! LOL) Hell, I even tried on a veil moments after saying to the girl helping me “I’m totally NOT a veil kind of girl?”

“Just try it on for you mom,” she said. And so I did.


And while I thought I wasn’t a veil-girl, I am TOTALLY an accessories girl, and Coco Chanel can just shove it in this instance because I’m going to add ONE MORE accessory instead of removing one. I mean, how many times does one really have an excuse to accessorize like that, right?

Afterward, the 3 of us ladies went out to lunch and just had the best time. A joyous time, even. And I think from here on out, I’m focused on letting that continue.

Well this feels surreal...

Whole 30 Grocery Haul — Week Two


Today started our second full week on the Whole 30, and as promised I’m sharing what we spend each week on groceries. (You can find our Week One list right here, where we spent a total of $65.66.)

Last week, in addition to that haul, I did go to the store to buy a red bell pepper which cost me a whopping $2.08 (in addition to two hours of my life) so I really tried to ensure that I wouldn’t have to make a second trip this week. I went to three stores (eep!) but we needed a good variety of stuff and I try to shop at the store that sells the products we buy for the cheapest price.

For breakfast this week I made breakfast boxes as per usual (example of what I’m talking about here) and filled them with roasted brussels sprouts, hard boiled eggs (ugh, peeling egg shells!) and made my own sausage. (Link stolen from Beth who has a great blog you should totally check out.)

For lunches I made a huge batch of Paleo Minestrone for me and for Garrett I made boxes filled with roasted kale and Trader Joe’s grass fed beef burgers.

Dinners, again, will be a mix of protein and veg that I’ll document on Instagram, but I did make a batch of Rogan Josh and Greek Beef Stew because we picked up some stew meat. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Here’s how all the shopping broke down:

Trader Joe’s


I loaded up on produce at Trader Joe’s because they have some things I enjoy (shredded brussles, what what!) and some convenience stuff that is still compliant. (WOOT!) Here’s a list of what we got:
Zucchini, Squash, 8 Vegetable Mix, Mushrooms, Shredded Brussels Sprouts, Curry Simmer Sauce, Cabbage, Kale, Leeks, Cauliflower, Garlic Sauce, Apples, GrassFed Burgers (Frozen), Ground Turkey, Salsa, Guacamole, Olives, Spaghetti Squash, Butternut Squash, Jalapenos, Snow Peas, Bananas

Trader Joe’s Total: $80.13



While I was at Trader Joe’s I sent Garrett to Costco with a list. Unfortunately it was not specific enough (you know how this goes sometimes, right ladies? :)) So we generally buy the Organic Ground Beef from Costco which is about $4.99/lb and comes 4.5 lbs to a package.

I guess Garrett wasn’t paying attention because he came home with regular ground beef. No big deal. This is as good of a time as any to point out that Whole 30 isn’t only about buying the most expensive meat and produce you can find.

I think sometimes people have the misunderstanding that Whole 30 means you must buy the absolutely best and cleanest possible ingredients. Sure, that would be great, but that’s not always in everyone’s budget. Here’s a handy dandy guide to what is Good-Better-and-Best that I’ve found helpful in the past. If you want to try a Whole 30 but think you can’t afford expensive produce and meat, I’d definitely take a look at that.

This week we’ll just drain the fat off the ground beef and roll with it.

We also picked up stew meat, eggs and brussels sprouts.

Costco Total: $57.01


As you can see we had to stock up on some protein this week so we spent more than last week, which is reasonable. We will probably have to do this a bit next week as well because last week we finished up our shrimp and andouille sausage stash. We still have a few packages of chicken thighs, but after that our freezer meats are basically used up.

So far for two weeks worth of Whole 30 grocery shopping we’ve spent $204.88, which seems mighty reasonable to me for 40+ meals. That’s all for this week. Hope this has been helpful in some way!

Fun Things To Read On A Friday


Happy Friday, you all! WE MADE IT!

I really really need a weekend. Yesterday I was working from home and decided to take advantage of that “flexibility” and run up to the grocery store at 10:30 am (right before a conference call) and grab a red bell pepper for lunch because we only had green ones on hand. (I was allowing myself a diva moment since we are Whole 30’ing.)

When I got back in my car it was COMPLETELY DEAD in the parking lot and I only had 20 minutes until my conference call. Thank god I only live about a mile from the store so I could run home (in flip flops, awesome!) to get to it…AND THEN HEAD BACK TO THE STORE TO DEAL WITH CAR DRAMA. Needless to say my day went down much differently than I thought it would and today I am playing catch up.

Weekend: I NEED YOU!

Guess what I’m doing tomorrow? Going wedding dress shopping. That should be…an event. I have no expectations and I’m sort of anxiously looking forward to it. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Now, onto some things that piqued my interest this week on the internet:


*I am very intrigued by this salad dressing. Think it may have to show up on the meal plan this week.

*Ebola > Small Talk? Hmmm…I kind of agree.

*A relatively easy way to organize your Instagram photos if you are feeling like they need some tidying.

*It’s better than heroin.

*Great sports bra suggestions for how to tame big tatas.

*I continue to love reading people’s takes on the changing of the blogosphere.

*Remaking yourself every ten years? Now that I think about it, that sounds about right.

*I didn’t get around to posting a What I Ate Wednesday this week but my friend Sarah did and there are some intriguing looking recipes there. Check it out!


Hope all of you have great weekends too!

Read // Watched // Listened : JANUARY

With lots of wedding, work and life stuff going on this year I’m trying to make an effort at penciling in some good downtime. (So Necessary!) I have been leaning on terracotta weddings.

Here’s some of my downtime favorites from last month.



You guys I FINALLY FINISHED A FREAKING BOOK! I used to be an avid reader but in 2014 I only read 4 books. I was starting to think I’d forgotten how to finish books. Big Little Lies kept my interest from start to finish, was a unique little mystery, and kept me so entertained I bought the kindle version so I could always have it with me. Two thumbs up!

I’ve also been cracking this book open quite a bit this month but it’s in no way as fun as the first.


We watched a ton of fun things on TV this month (especially sports) because we were breaking in our new television. WOOT! It’s funny, when we first got it I totally thought it was gaudy and ridiculous and now one month in I think it’s looks just perfect. Funny ow that happens (Garrett is relieved!)

Good luck jersey officially donned. It's time to get SERIOUS.

We watched spent A LOT of time cheering in front of the TV watching Ohio State football:

Who knew Diddy and I were on the same page about so many things.  #GoBucks #WhosHotWhosNot

But we also managed a little nostalgic trip down memory lane by watching the entire Back to the Future trilogy.

We're watching Back to the Future Part 2. Looks like we've about 10 months to figure out flying cars.

The first one happened to be on TV one Saturday morning and we got sucked into it. Then that evening we had to bust out the DVD boxed set just because it was so cute!

My other TV obsession in January:


Don’t judge.

Even Garrett is into it and recently as we were watching it on that freaking giant television he looked over at me and said “This might be my favorite show on tv right now.” And that, my friends, is the definition of marital compromise.


Came home from getting a mani/pedi and Garrett had left me a note some "presents" on the table. Lip gloss and Taylor Swift are TOTALLY my love language!

I listened to a whole metric ton of T-Swift in January — so much so that Garrett finally bought me the album. I don’t even remember the last time I bought an actual, physical cd! This one is totally worth it though — so so good!

I could also listen to this on repeat, no problem:


Anything you read // watched // listened to that you are dying to share?

*****some links above are affiliate

Whole 30 Grocery Haul – Week One


Welcome to my first Whole 30 Grocery Haul!

I love seeing what staples other people buy at the grocery store so I thought it might be fun to share mine while we are doing this Whole 30. More fun — I’ll show you how much we spent. I shared how I save money doing a Whole 30 yesterday so I thought I’d also show you throughout the month what the actual spending looks like.

A few things to note:

*We had some veggies I wanted to use up this week (zucchini, green beans, squash, baby carrots and a head of cauliflower and a bag of kale) and the freezer was pretty full of protein so I meal planned this week to use what we had on hand.

*For breakfast we’re eating frittatas with chorizo, kale and black olives. For lunches I made chili. For dinners, it’s just meat and veg every night in different varieties. I’ll try and share some meals over on Instagram so you can see specifically what we’re eating.

*As we go through the month we’ll DEFINITELY buy more protein, so don’t worry — I didn’t just stock up on protein the week before we started tracking and then am all of a sudden going to be like “See…wee only spend a few dollars.” No ma’am. We’ll definitely need to buy ground beef next week for sure and I’m sure at the end of the month we’ll still have usable stuff in the freezer, so you’ll see how all of that balances out at the end.

*As for pantry/freezer stock other than protein, I always have cans of tuna, cooking fats, and random bags of frozen veggies for when we need quick meals. I may or may not have to restock those things during the course of the month, but I’d be restocking them regardless of a Whole 30 so I don’t think it will be a huge budget swing.

*At the end of the month maybe I’ll get real crazy and break down our spending by veg/protein/fat and give you a price per meal.

So after all that — here’s what we bought.


Shredded Carrots
Potatoes (YESSSS! This is our first Whole 30 since potatoes got the green light!)
Coconut Milk

What we spent: $35.28


Hard Boiled Eggs
Red Onions
Green Onions
Green + Yellow Peppers
Fizzy Water

What we spent: $30.38



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