Category Archives: Food

Paleo Chocolate Chunk Brownie Bites

Paleo Chocolate Chunk Brownie Bites

I’ve been wanting to post a treat for a while but with so many doing the Whole 30 it seemed like it would be kind of a jerk move. But now that it’s over…BRING ON THE TREATS! Ok, let’s not go HOG WILD, but this one is worth a share. I made these for my CrossFit buddies and they got rave reviews, so then I tried them again at Super Bowl and they are a keeper.

If you’re looking for a company that offers chocolate bar packaging services, visit for help.

I got the inspiration from the Best Damn Brownie Recipe over at WOD Fuel, made a few tweaks and then turned it into Brownie Bites because, for me, having an entire tray of brownies sitting around is DANGEROUS. (Pass me a fork!) But having “bites” around force me to have a little more self control.

*Note: I said A LITTLE. 🙂

Anyway, super simple ingredients and method. Try them the next time you are craving a sweet treat! With only half a cup of honey for about 20 servings, it’s not too crazy.

Paleo Chocolate Chunk Brownie Bites 2

Paleo Chocolate Chunk Brownie Bites

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
    • 3 ounces 50% or higher Dark Chocolate, broken into squares
    • ½ Cup Ghee
    • ½ Cup Honey
    • 2 Eggs, beaten
    • 3/4 cup Almond Flour
    • 1 Tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract
    • ½ teaspoon Sea Salt
  • 3.5 ounces 70% or higher Dark Chocolate, chopped into chunks
    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and grease a mini muffin pan
    1. In a microwave safe dish, melt your ghee with the first 3 oz of dark chocolate squares until just melted.
    1. Stir honey into the chocolate/ghee mixture
    1. Stir in the beaten eggs along with the almond flour, vanilla and sea salt and mix until smooth
    1. Fold the chunked chocolate into the batter
    1. Scoop batter into the muffin pan filling each with a little over a Tablespoon of batter
    1. Bake for 17-19 minutes
    1. Cool for 15 minutes and serve
  1. Store in the refrigerator before serving if you prefer harder brownies, leave out if you prefer softer
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5 Things To Do With: SPINACH

5 Things To Do With Spinach // Holly Would If She Could

I was going to start this post by saying that I am not a huge fan of spinach, but that’s not 100% true. If this website was called into evidence, it would obviously reveal that I do like spinach salad covered in warm bacon dressing. I mean, duh. Also, I don’t think they let you even HAVE a blog these days if you don’t have a recipe for a green smoothie that you endorse, so there is always that. I finally developed a taste for warm spinach in a breakfast casserole and then I branched out to eating it in a dinner appropriate egg dish that, while delicious, is ugly as sin.

(Oh man, Joe’s Special is just so darn ugly. But you all, it has helped me embrace TWO ingredients I don’t normally love – spinach AND mushrooms. WHAT? I’m convinced it’s a Miracle Food. A really ugly Miracle Food.)

Anyway, the fact is though, my brain always defaults to thinking about how I can “hide” the spinach. Maybe you can love a side dish of sauteed spinach, but I have to be honest, it makes me feel like I’m eating wilted grass. I just can. not. abide. So I hide! And now I’ve made a spinach poem. We may be at an all time low here, you all. If you are a hider too (no need to be a poet) here are my 5 favorite ways to get some spinach in your meal without it having to be the main act:

1. Stuff It In A Muffin

Meat and Spinach Muffins (from The Clothes Make The Girl)
Meat Spinach Muffins - The Clothes Make The Girl dot Com

This recipe is a gem (as is Mel’s cookbook Well Fed) and I love the novelty of having a muffin that isn’t overly eggy and is packed with a protein/veggie punch.

2. Add It To A Soup

Paleo Stracciatella (from Goddess Lifestyle Plan)
Paleo Stracciatella

Recently my mom made me a batch of chicken soup and she just happened to throw in spinach because she had some…BRILLIANT! This led me down a rabbit hold of spinach-type soups and I found this recipe for Paleo Stracciatella which looks delicious!

3. Prep A New Pesto

Lemon Thyme Chive Spinach Pesto (from Caveman Connoisseur)

lemon thyme spinach pesto

Such a versatile and verdant little change up, right? I can’t wait to try this. I may substitute something for the pecorino, or find some raw parmesan, but regardless this will be making its way on to my menu soon.

4. Change Up Your Chimichurri

Grilled Skirt Steak with Spinach Chimichurri (from Cooking In Red Socks)


Grilling season is right around the corner and Chimichurri is one of my favorite toppers for grilled meat and vegetables. How about getting creative and working in some greens?

5. Mix It Into A Burger

Turkey Spanikopita Burgers (from Tastebook)

spanikopita burger

This is in pretty regular rotation at our house, sometimes with raw feta, sometimes without and let me tell you it is delicious either way! Definitely worth trying, and if you serve it over a bed of raw spinach: EXTRA CREDIT! 🙂


What’s your favorite way to hide spinach? Have a good recipe? Don’t forget to share!


Original Spinach Image Source


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The War Wages On

Hey! It’s Monday! And the 49ers lost….womp womp. That sort of sums up my mindset right now. I was going to do a more in depth post about Whole 30 2.0 and what I learned, but you know what? I’m tired of reading about the Whole 30. (Really tired, actually. Confession Time!) Mostly though, my experience with this Whole 30 was basically the same, so why repeat myself. Again I found that The Little Things Make A Big Difference. Also, things will feel hard, but you will be happy with the results. Yep, that about sums it up.

So instead of in-depth wrap up, I’ll just give you the game highlights:

1. Operation Get Rid of Back Fat was a success!

I mean, it’s not completely gone by any means, but I definitely feel like there is LESS to contend with. Before Pictures. UGH. Still can’t believe I took those. But hey, I feel like from the side I can definitely see a difference.

The front isn’t quite as dramatic.


My clothes are fitting different in the hip areas which is nice.
(But man, why do I take these AFTER I workout when I look hella beat up? LAME! ha! Whatever.)

2. The After FEELS better than the Before

If you remember, I wrote down how I was feeling in December to make sure I kept those things in mind when evaluating my success.

*Vampire Bite Acne is gone (actually MOST of the acne is gone. This is different from the last time around. AWESOME!)

*Body image is good. Plus I just feeeeeeeeeeeeeel better at the gym. We did a bunch of pullups the other night and they just felt so much easier (and I was doing them on a lighter band, so WIN!)

*No more splitting nails. Man, the fingernail thing is SO DRAMATIC for me when I’m eating better. It’s kind of nuts.

*Also, I ended up losing 14lbs, which was a nice little touch of icing to add on the cake.


So how did I celebrate all the Whole 30 madness being over? By having a Cobb Salad (mmm bacon!) and a glass or two (or twenty) of wine on Friday night! It seemed like a great idea at the time (HA!) but it felt less ideal on Saturday morning when I woke up. Garrett and I were set to run with some pals from our Relay Team (Team Name: Longest Wod Ever) and I wanted to flake so hard it was palpable. But G dragged my butt out of the house and I’m so glad he did.

It was great to see the ladies, and after an hour of sprints, bleachers and hill runs I felt like I had my Tiger Blood back. So just for giggles we headed out to open gym to do some lifting.

After an hour of cleaning and snatching, Garrett and I spent some time getting to know the GHD Machine. I wanted to get over my fear of GHD situps (seriously, you guys, THEY ARE SCARY!) and Garrett wanted to do some back extensions. It ended up being rad. I like learning new things! Also I decided that I want to add the GHD situps into my regular rotation. I’m going to show my lower abs who’s boss!

After our workout though we showed the Whole 30 who was boss by eating Mexican food. I’m sorry, I want to be a better example, but I also really enjoy corn chips and salsa. So that’s what we did. 🙂 And then I took an epic nap with the dog. I mean, can you blame me? (Buster was exhausted by proxy.)


Sunday we celebrated the Super Bowl with some champagne (YUM!)
Whole 30 whaaaaat?

But this morning I am ready to get February back to (mostly) Whole 30 eats. The War Against Back Fat wages on, you know. 🙂


How was your weekend? Any fun Post Whole 30 Eats? How are you feeling now that it’s over? Are you happy about the Super Bowl results? *sniffle*

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Chorizo Stuffed Mushrooms

Chorizo Stuffed Mushrooms


I recently wrote about Healthy Super Bowl Food for a local magazine and shared my favorite strategy for keeping things in check on game day: Incorporate as many vegetables as possible! I thought it might be on your mind too, and since many of us will be getting together with friends and enjoying a fun afternoon, I wanted to pop in real quick and share a simple recipe to help your healthy eating cause. This bite-sized appetizer is not only super delicious, but Whole 30 compliant!

If you are feeling really creative, you could even customize the filling to include MORE vegetables if you wanted. I have to admit, I’m not really a mushrooom fan, but something about the salty, spicy bite of a chorizo stuffing just compliments the earthy flavor of a mushroom. It’s an awesome match-up, and hopefully the Super Bowl will be too!


Chorizo Stuffed Mushrooms

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 16 White Mushrooms, half the stems reserved and finely diced
  • 12 oz Pork Chorizo
  • 1 Tablespoons Ghee or Butter, divided
  • ½ Red Onion, finely minced
  • ½ teaspoon dried parsley, divided
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 oz of pork rinds, crumbled (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Wipe mushrooms clean with a paper towel or a damp dish towel. Hold stems firmly and pull out. This will leave the hollow portion in the middle for stuffing.
  3. Reserve half the stems and chop them finely into small bits and set aside with the filling ingredients.
  4. In a large pan over medium high heat melt 1 Tablespoon of ghee
  5. Brown mushrooms in batches, careful not to overcrowd the pan, about 6 minutes each side
  6. When Mushrooms are browned, set aside in a greased 13×9 pan
  7. In a separate pan while you are browning your mushrooms, crumble 12 oz of pork chorizo into a pan over medium high heat and cook until most of the surface is brown and crispy (about 10-12 minutes)
  8. Remove crispy chorizo from pan and set aside, while leaving about aTablespoon of pan drippings behind
  9. In the chorizo drippings, sauté ½ red onion and mushroom stems over medium high heat until browned (about 5 minutes) then add salt and ¼ teaspoon of dried parsley
  10. Mix the chorizo back in to pan with other ingredients and then scoop filling into each mushroom
  11. Top with remaining ¼ teaspoon of parsley and (optional) crumbled pork rinds and bake at 350 for 20 minutes


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Whole 30 Meal Plan — Week 5 (THE LAST WEEK!)

Whole 30 Week Five Meal Plan

Woo hoo! It’s the final week and all I can think of is “just get food on the table until it’s over.” My creativity is gone with the wind, and I don’t mean Gone With The Wind Fabulous. While that may sound sort of boring, I actually think it’s an indicator of success. By the time I get to the end of the Whole 30 I’m basically eating because I have a need to nourish, not to feed any cravings or particular emotions. SCORE!


Breakfast: will be the same all week. I made Italian Brunch Bake and roasted up some brussels sprouts. Breakfast in boxes all week long!
Lunch: Rogan Josh (straight out of Well Fed. HOLY CRAP this is a simple, but flavorful dish.)
Dinner: A variation on Nom Nom Paleo’s Slow Cooker Kalua Pig (smoked paprika instead of bacon. Oh bacon, how I miss thee!)


Lunch: Taco Salad, because OBVIOUSLY.
Dinner: Turkey Satay Burgers + Broccoli Slaw +Green Goddess Cauliflower Rice (h/t for pointing me in that direction Tara!)


Lunch: Roasted Shrimp (riff on this recipe) + Green Beans (the microwavable Trader Joe’s kind
Dinner: Ground Beef with Baharat (Paleo-ified) over Spaghetti Squash


Lunch: Chicken Salad with Avocados + Sliced Cucumber
Dinner: Burgers TBD + Roasted Broccoli + Sweet Potato Fries

No idea what to do with the burgers Thursday night, so riddle me this…what is your FAVORITE way to make/dress/serve a burger?

Happy Last week of Whole 30 you all! Thanks for keeping me (mostly) inspired in the kitchen! ha!

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Whole 30 Meal Plan – Week Four

Whole 30 Week Four Meal Plan

So! I’m a few days late, but I promise I’ve still been meal planning. This is the last FULL WEEK of the Whole 30. Can you even believe that? Just yesterday we were talking about Make Ahead Meals and now we are less than 10 days from finishing. My mind is BLOWN! It’s going by pretty fast I think, and a stocked fridge and a menu plan full of ideas just keeps me chugging along.

My strategy this week is to rely on leftovers. I’m making a few larger meals for dinner and then serving them up for lunch the next day. I’m also still relying on some convenience food (Trader Joe’s Turkey Burgers and Microwave Green Beans mostly) but hey…ya gotta do what ya gotta do!


Breakfast: will be the same all week. I made an egg casserole with Chorizo + Kale + Onions and roasted up some butternut squash. Breakfast in boxes all week long!
Lunch: Leftovers (we did some fridge clean out)
Dinner: Rogan Josh (straight out of Well Fed. HOLY CRAP this is a simple, but flavorful dish.)


Lunch: Leftover Rogan Josh
Dinner: Paleo Minestrone Soup


Lunch: Leftover Minestrone
Dinner: Kielbasa Steamer with Stir Fry Sauce (Less recipe more method: Chop up Cauliflower, Carrots and Broccoli and steam with Kielbasa over the top. Serve up with Ghee and Stir Fry Sauce. Plain. Simple. Delicious.)


Lunch: Trader Joe’s Turkey Burgers and Green Beans. Sounds kinda simple and boring but I am LOVING this meal right now.
Dinner: Turkey Curry Shepherd’s Pie


Lunch: Leftover Shepherd’s Pie
Dinner: Pork Chops — TBD — if you have a suggestion I’d love to hear it. Also, roasted brussels sprouts and broccoli.


We are going to be gone at another all day event on Saturday — CrossFit competition season is beginning and we really enjoy spectating. Last week this is what we packed up to take with us:
Heading out to an all day event. #whole30 on the road!


I’ll post a new menu on Sunday! THE LAST MENU. Yesssssssssssssss!

So how many of you are still going strong?

Have a great week everyone!

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Southwestern Turkey Burgers

Southwestern Turkey Burgers

Today, let’s talk turkey!

Turkey burgers have come a long way right? They used to be this dried out “healthy alternative” to a REAL burger but now I find it’s just another iteration of poultry that I really enjoy. The only problem? If you have a red-meat-loving spouse at home it can be challenging to talk them out of the Turkey Burger = Fake Burger headspace.

For years when I’d suggest making turkey burgers Garrett would kind of groan and suggest that we eat something different. That is until I made these burgers one night. It’s a play on an old Rachael Ray recipe that I adapted when we went Paleo because it was that tasty! It’s been making appearances on my meal plans forever but I have never blogged it, which is silly because it is absolutely a staple in our house. The key to making it not taste like a “fake” burger? Tons of different flavors.

Southwestern Turkey Burgers 1

Turkey is a blank canvas and alone it can be a little bit bland. But that makes it the perfect type of meat to mix with smoky, spicy Southwestern flavors and crispy sweet peppers. Add a little touch of your favorite hot sauce and some jalapenos dialed up to your desired heat level and your turkey is all of a sudden a flavor force to be reckoned with.

Southwestern Turkey Burgers Ingredients

The nice thing about this recipe is you  just dump everything in a bowl and mix. I say just get your  hands dirty, but you can also mix it up with a fork. Turkey is pretty forgiving and doesn’t get too tough like ground beef does if you overmix it. Grill or fry up in a pan and serve over a giant bed of greens. Your dinner will be done in less than a half hour and you won’t feel at all like you are eating a healthified version of something. If you want to get really spicy top it off with some smoked jalapeno kraut. That stuff is the real deal and so is this burger!

Southwestern Turkey Burgers 2


Southwestern Turkey Burgers

Author: Adapted from Rachael Ray
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 30 mins
  • 1.25 lbs of ground turkey, preferably dark meat
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 large shallot or 1/4 red onion, finely diced
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley
  • 1 small bell pepper, finely diced
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, finely diced
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons hot sauce
  • 2 teaspoons grill seasoning
  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut oil
  1. Combine turkey, garlic, shallot, thyme, parsley, bell pepper, jalapeno, cumin, hot sauce and grill seasoning in a medium bowl and mix until combined
  2. Dived mixture into 6 equal mounds and then form into patties.
  3. Heat coconut oil in skilled over medium high heat
  4. Add patties and cook 5 to 6 minutes per side
  5. Serve on a giant bed of lightly dressed greens
  6. Enjoy!
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Whole 30 – Reaching the Summit

Living up to its name: Damn Good Chili! #whole30 #hwisc

Whole 30ers…can you see the summit? Maybe for you it is today. For me it is tomorrow. Regardless I wanted to pop in and share a few thoughts since we are halfway there:

*If you have made it this far — CONGRATULATIONS! This Whole 30 has been both easier and tougher on me than the last time around. Easier in that all of you are really helping keep me accountable. This weekend I had the desire to really go off the rails and just eat what was easy since Garrett was out of town. When I have no one to cook for I sometimes just want to eat mindless things which, while Paleo, are not necessarily Whole 30 compliant.

*It has also been harder though because I have really FELT all of the ups and downs. I’ve basically been a snapshot of The Whole 30 Timeline complete with random cravings for things I’d never eat (Mac and Cheese) and anxiety dreams that I bought the wrong almond butter with EEEEEEK. Evaporated Cane Juice OMG DRAMA. ha! If you are still wondering if your reactions are “normal” I highly recommend that read.

*My favorite part of that timeline is this quote from days 8-15, which is super appropriate. I think it is really worth marinating on:

All joking aside, though, this phase gets really intense and for some people. This is the part of the program where our minds try to drive us back to the comfort of the foods we used to know. Our food relationships are deeply rooted and strongly reinforced throughout the course of our lives and breaking through them is really big deal.

*Understanding how you relate to food is one of the major points of the Whole 30. People often forget this or hop into the challenge thinking “Oh I want to lose weight and feel great!” And of course those things happen too. But to get to the “feeling great” part, you have to put in A LOT of work that sometimes involves working through your relationship with food. I really want to commend you if things have gotten difficult and you haven’t yet thrown in the towel. Dealing with those emotions and issues and rationalizations can be really difficult and it can be super easy to find a legitimate sounding reason to put it off until later or just quit altogether and say “It wasn’t right for me” So high five if you have felt those emotions and are pushing through!

*But what if you haven’t pushed through? What if you have strayed, or found it difficult or decided it’s not right for you right now? Well to that I want to say, better luck next time and don’t spend too long beating yourself up about it. It’s important to remember that not being able to complete a Whole 30 does not indicate anything else about you except for that right now, you are not able to complete a Whole 30. That’s it. Let the judgment go. It’s not a failure. YOU are not a failure. Learn and move on. It’s the best thing you can do.

*At this point I also feel like it’s worth reiterating that the Whole 30 isn’t about losing weight. Yep, seriously. It’s not. At all. So, difficult as that is, try not to get all wrapped up in that idea. Dallas and Melissa have written two really great articles about this exact thing and if you have sneaked on to the scale (DON’T DO IT!) and are feeling discouraged, please read them both! Then I would recommend making a list of some of your health or fitness victories over the last few weeks. I had two last night that I’m going to keep in my back pocket for when I feel challenged during the next two weeks.

*The first was our warm up in last night’s workout — Run a mile. UGH. I am always so god damn slow so I just headed out and figured that I would run as fast as possible but not beat myself up for being last. I did my best, clocked my time and expected to see around 11 or 12 minutes, which is my average (Remember my hilly half marathon? I averaged 14 minute miles!!!) So when I got back to the gym I was shocked to see that I ran that mile in 9:34. Under 10 minutes! Victory. I have no doubt that part of the reason for the improvement has had to do with being diligent about properly fueling my body for the last two weeks.

*The last was during the metcon portion of the actual workout:
I got through 9 of those wall walks and my arms basically felt like we noodles. (Here, watch {one of} my CrossFit boyfriend(s) Chris Spealler do them at about 30 seconds in if you have no idea what I’m talking about.) Anyway, wet noodles. I was ready to modify the second time around by my lovely coach basically said “Sorry, no dice. FINISH IT UP, CHUCK!” Well, she didn’t call me chuck, but you get what I’m saying. And in the end, I *did* finish. And it was hard as hell and my arms STILL feel like wet noodles 16 hours later. But last night also felt like the night that I got *my* fitness back. It’s been such a struggle over the past few months with the extra lbs and the crappy food in my body! Last night I really remembered what working hard and performing well (for me!) felt like. And it felt great! And that is way more important than the number on the scale right now.

NY Res to get better at body weight exercises like wall walks. Also to NOT play dead on the gym floor  #htcone #trooponex

So tell me about some of your victories over the last 2 weeks? I know it has been hard at times, but surely there have been moments when you noticed positive changes. TELL US ABOUT THEM!

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Ground Beef & Spinach Egg Casserole

Ground Beef & Spinach Egg Casserole // Holly Would If She Could

Just about every Sunday I whip up an egg casserole while doing my food prep for the week. I use a 13×9 casserole dish because it yields 8 nice sized squares. Symmetry makes me happy! Plus then I can put them in individual containers with roasted vegetables so Garrett + I have a grab and go breakfast for the week. I assure you it would be just as lovely to serve to friends at brunch.

I have a few favorite breakfast casserole recipes that I rotate through so I don’t get bored, but for the last few weeks I’ve been making this one with ground beef and spinach. Seasoned ground beef and eggs go really well together, and when you throw in a metric ton of spinach you get to start your day off with a leafy green smugness that helps you run faster, jump higher and knock out your To-Do List with superhero-esque strength.

The best part about it? Very few ingredients!


Look at that. That’s nothing!

You start by sauteing half an onion until it is translucent, then browning ground beef and seasoning the mixture with salt, pepper and garlic powder. So far, so good, right? Then it’s time for the go-go juice. Uh, I mean the spinach. Let’s talk about the spinach for a second, shall we? I’m going to give you a really specific measurement to add and that is 2 to 4 large handfuls. Got that? 🙂 It doesn’t matter if you have large hands or small hands, you just want to dig deep in your bag and pull out the biggest handful you can handle and then throw it in the pan. Repeat this until you are satisfied that you have enough giddy-up and go. The thing about spinach though is that it looks likes too much when you throw it in the pan, but then it cooks down to almost nothing. I have huge hands, which a jeweler recently confirmed to me (THANKS BUT NO THANKS WE WILL BUY NO JEWELRY FROM YOU!) so I like to use about 3 handfuls.

3 handfuls

See? Not too bad.

All that goes into a casserole dish, your seasoned eggs get poured over it (Yep, egg seasoning. It’s necessary!) Then you bake, and most importantly YOU EAT! That last part is the best part.

Egg Casserole

Enjoy it in your breakfast nook or out of a tupperware at your desk at work. Either way it’s a great dish and I hope you enjoy it!

Ground Beef & Spinach Egg Casserole

Cuisine: Breakfast
Author: Holly Would If She Could
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 40 mins
Total time: 1 hour
Serves: 8
    • 1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • 1/2 Red Onion, finely diced
    • 1 Pound Ground Beef
    • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt, divided
    • 1 1/4 teaspoons pepper, divided
    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 2-4 Large Handfuls Spinach
    • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 12 Eggs
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 13×9 casserole dish
    1. Heat Olive Oil over medium in a large skillet. You can also use beef tallow for more flavor and if you want a healthier option.
    1. Saute diced onion until translucent, about 5-7 minutes
    1. Add ground beef and crumble with a wooden spoon and brown until cooked through
    1. Season meat and onion mixture with 3/4 teaspoons of salt and 3/4 teaspoons of pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
    1. Add spinach and let it wilt while stirring into the meat mixture
    1. Sprinkle in 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg. This gives your spinach a little something extra!
    1. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl crack 12 eggs, season with remaining salt and pepper and scramble with a fork
    1. When spinach is wilted, transfer meat mixture to casserole dish
    1. Pour egg mixture over meat mixture
    1. Cover dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes
  1. Remove foil and finish baking for 10 minutes or until eggs are cooked to desired doneness
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Whole 30 Meal Plan – Week Three (Plus New Homework!)

This will be lunch! Thanks @cookingcaveman

Twelve days in and I have already lost my desire to be creative in the kitchen. This time around I have a lot more going on in my work life, so this week I have to put kitchen creativity low on my priority list. I still want to make delicious, compliant meals but I think there will be little pomp and circumstance surrounding them.

This week I’m not trying any new recipes and I actually picked up some convenience food at Costco and Trader Joe’s yesterday, including: chicken sausages, pre packed microwave in bag green beans, pre-chopped kale, and frozen turkey burgers. All will be yummy yet will require very little brain power. Plus, I’m calling in the big convenience guns and doing breakfast for dinner one night.

Whole 30 Week Three Meal Plan

Sunday meals are going to be slapdash. Garrett isn’t around so I’m sort of slapping together leftovers and doing food prep today. Nothing exciting, but definitely sustaining.


Breakfast: will be the same all week. Beef + Spinach Egg Casserole. The recipe will be on the blog this week!
Lunch: Cinnamon Beef Stew This is a total repeat and I don’t even care. It’s awesome, I made a batch this morning and it will work for lunch for two days. Score!
Dinner: Paleo Krabby Patties with homemade tartar sauce, salad and roasted golden beets.


Lunch:Cinnamon Beef Stew
Breakfast for dinner


Lunch: Crock Pot Stuffed Peppers I really enjoyed these last week so I made another batch for lunches this week.
Dinner: Trader Joe’s Turkey Burgers with Zucchini + Sweet Potato Fries


Lunch: Crock Pot Stuffed Peppers
Dinner: Paleo Chicken Piccata + Salad +Steamed Green Beans with ghee


Lunch: Chicken Sausage over Spaghetti Squash topped with roasted kale. (This is my new fave comfort food. Sounds plain, tastes delicious.)
Dinner: Taco Salad. Convenience or not, I must have my taco salad. 🙂


We are going to be gone at an all day event on Saturday so I have not planned this day at all. I’ll probably figure it out as we go. Have any suggestions for portable food that is compliant? Let me know!


I’ll post a new menu on Sunday!

So Hey — Let’s Talk About Homework

I want to see your grocery haul, folks! Where do you go? What do you buy? What are your time savers in the kitchen? What convenience foods are helping you get through this? Show me, show me, show me! And tag your photos with #hwisc for next week’s roundup.

Have a great week everyone!

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