Search Results for: sonoma

February Progress Report + March Intentions

It’s hard to know where to begin when talking about Progress this month. I hit the gas pedal hard on many things this month, but others came to a grinding halt. All in all, I felt off and mostly unbalanced. If I were going to make this post short and sweet I would say February: You Did It Wrong. My one intention for February was to read more and it was one of the MANY things I didn’t even make an attempt to accomplish.

What I *did* accomplish was a ridiculous amount of professional things and fun side projects and at least lucky for me “Move Towards Your Professional Goals” is on my list. Forgive me that I won’t talk about that stuff here, but you know the drill. Mark my words though: it was good. The question I really found myself asking towards the end of the month though was — was it worth it? And strangely enough, I’m not sure. I thought my grand professional goals were SUPER IMPORTANT but when I put all my efforts into making them happen, I felt — quite deeply — the loss of some of my simple pleasures.

So my intention for March is a clear one: Balance Work, Play and Love. And for me love includes nurturing my family relationships, friendships and of course, Garrett. While we did have multiple fun outings together, and also dinner with friends I want to get back to watering those roots. Also, if you can believe this, I’m looking forward to a month without significant travel. We’re going to Portland in April, I’d like to get out of town in May for Garrett’s birthday, and then there is a long Sonoma weekend in June. I think I’d like to just enjoy being around our house this month, if that’s okay. And you know what? I think it is.

I want to get back to some routine: Eating well, sleeping well, taking care of my body, and staying creative. I want to have a chance to work on mundane things like Home Improvement projects such as roofing with professionals like roofer Nashville, and fine tuning our finances (I know…SNORE!!! But I really want to.) I want to be more present here. I want to cook more food and take more pictures. I want to read more books and tell more stories.

So that’s the plan, Stan.

I don’t feel like February was a failure at all, but I do feel like I spent the majority of my resources in a way that only met the minority of my needs. I’m ready to change that. It’s time to jump in with both feet.


What’s For Dinner?

Last January Garrett and I headed down to the central coast and spent a long weekend looking at a lot of this:

Avila Beach

This coming weekend we are headed down again to celebrate one of my besties’ 30th birthday and her recent engagement! I’m hoping the weather will give us a repeat performance.


What does this mean to you? Well, it means my menu post is a little bit light. But here is what we are eating all the same:

Lunch: Taco Salad (I know, same old! But it’s easy AND delicious.)
Dinner: Slow Cooker Coconut Ginger Chicken over Cauli Rice

Lunch: Chile Rellenos Casserole (I’m making this ahead of time)
Dinner: Chicken with Pepperoni Marinara + Garlic Sauteed Zucchini + Salad

Lunch: Sonoma Chicken Salad in Lettuce Cups (or leftovers for Garrett since he hates Chicken Salad like a crazy person.)
Dinner: Spinach Stuffed Turkey Burgers (a riff on this recipe) + Kale Chips + Salad

Lunch: Leftover Spinach Burgers + Veggie Mustgo
Dinner: Cajun Turkey Chili (This recipe is my own. If it’s good, I will post it.)

Friday through Sunday

The Pier on Avila Beach



I Love These Ladies Like A Love Song, Baby

I think we can all agree that if one cannot find the energy to recap a weekend until a Wednesday, it was a very good weekend, yes?

A very good weekend, indeed!

As a consolation for the fact that I had to back out of The Blathering this year (WEEP!), I invited AndreAnna and Liz to come play for the weekend, and play we did!

AndreAnna arrived Thursday and I’m pretty sure we didn’t stop talking until we realized it had slowly turned into The Middle of the Night and if we wanted to actually make it through the next day, we needed to go to bed IMMEDIATELY.

Friday morning, you know we had to workout.

AndreAnna was one of those people who made me feel like I could maybe, possible, hopefully, actually survive CrossFit — so the weekend could not go by without us actually busting out a WOD side by side. Fun times! In order to balance out the bad-assery of our morning we headed out to get manis and pedis and then OBVIOUSLY shopped until we dropped.

Friday night Liz rolled into town and we wasted no time — no passing go or collecting $200 — it was time for cocktails and some fireside chat!


And some fireside double unders, which also go well with cocktails in case you are wondering. If you haven’t tried to jump rope a bit tipsy in flip flops, I dare say you haven’t lived. Also: I need one of these magic jump ropes STAT!

You would think this would be the point in the evening where Garrett would say to himself, “WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING IN MY HOUSE?” but honestly, I think he was a smitten kitten, and could not have been more entertained by the three of us goofing around. I mean AndreAnna kept him in stitches, and within about 5 seconds of meeting him Liz dropped some serious Formula One knowledge on him, so it is safe to say that Garrett ALSO loves them like a love song.


Saturday we headed out to Sonoma in search of the quintessential California Combo of wine and cheese. I mean, it’s kind of a must, right? The plan was to grab some sandwiches at The Sonoma Cheese Factory but first we had to stop over at Swiss Hotel for some Glarifees.

(Thank you Gina for turning me on to these a few years ago — they have changed my life and I’m sure now AndreAnna and Liz would say the same!)

What the hell is a Glarifee? Imagine the best Irish Coffee you have ever had, but more foamy and delicious and ICED! And there you will have it. It is worth it, and if you are ever in the are, it is a MUST TRY. Trust me on this one.


Of course we eventually got our sandwiches. I have like 5000 version of this same picture and every single time it tastes even BETTER than it looks. I’m not too much of a bread eater anymore, but there are just some things for which there are no substitute and a sandwich at the Sonoma Cheese Factory is one of them.


Then it was off to Sebastiani Winery, and I’ll give you one guess as to what we did there.


A quick stop for some “dinner” on the way home and we were ready to hit the town.


(Why yes, this did end up proving to a be a poor choice for “dinner” prior to a night out, thanks for noticing. Rookie Mistake.)

Saturday night found us out at Faces, which I have to say after 10 years of living here in Sacramento is still the best place for a night out that includes cheezy pop, ridiculous rooms to dance in, strong drinks and hot gay men go-go dancing on the bars. We put on our fancy clothes and headed out to enjoy JUST THAT!


Of course a few cocktails later we may not have looked quite so pulled together, but still having a blast!


Sunday morning required A LOT of coffee, a greasy breakfast at Tower Cafe, and a good amount of time couching. I mean where else were we going to brainstorm theories of why Selena Gomez is so cute and Demi Lovato looks so bootsy, even though they are the same age? Deep thoughts, you know. WE HAD LOTS.

I think that was the best part of this weekend, looking back. It’s fun to be able to email and tweet and facebook and text, but there is nothing quite like sitting on your couch shoveling pizza in your mouth with no shame. Or booty shaking to Robyn in the living room. Or dropping blenders full of margaritas on the patio and being able to do little more than laugh hysterically.

These are the moments that you can’t have while sitting at a computer all day, and I feel so lucky that we got to have an entire weekend full!

These are my people.






The rest of the weekend photos are here if you’d like to have a look. Half naked go-go dancers is all I’m saying. HALF NAKED GO-GO DANCERS.

What’s For Dinner?

Well I finally took a minute from my busy couch babysitting schedule to come up with some meals. But since I have friends coming into town this weekend, I’m only cooking for half of the week — the other half we’re playing by ear.

Lunch: Carnitas Salads (mmm, leftover carnitas!)
Dinner: Asian Beef + Cauli Rice Bowls

Lunch: Grilled Sausages + Broccoli + Salad
Dinner: TBD Burgers + Sweet Potato Fries + Salad

Lunch: Grilled Chicken Thighs + Green Beans
Dinner: Green Curry Chicken + Vegetables + Salad

Lunch: Spinach Salads with Bacon and Eggs
Dinner: Grilled Rib Eyes + Asparagus + Salad

AndreAnna gets here!

Girls Weekend!

Today will probably involve some lunch at the Beacon Bar & Grill and definitely some Rum Runners. Maybe after an Emerald Bay Hike and some fun shopping? My favorite Lake Tahoe trip!

Liz gets here!


Sonoma Trip! You KNOW this means there will be a meal at the Sonoma Cheese Factory and some lunch on the plaza. Duh.

Sat night, we will go somewhere fun!


Brunch at Tower Cafe, for sure.

Then, I’m sure there will be more couch babysitting. It seems to be The Thing lately. 🙂

What’s cooking in your neck of the woods this week?


2011 Summer Bucket List — How’d I Do?

Oh man, the thing about goals is that I have ALOT OF THEM. I know some people think that is crazy, but I don’t always get them all crossed off, and that’s ok. But I like to push myself, and I think it is always good to have intention.

This time around is no different. I didn’t get to cross all of my goals off, but I think even where I “failed” the intention was still there. I’m wholly convinced this goal list helped me have a fantastic and memorable summer.

I can’t wait to start planning for Fall!



Go miniature golfing with Garrett (can you believe we have never done this together?) – FAIL

Hike Feather Falls (our favorite local hike. OMG, can’t wait!) – FAIL, but it is still warm out, so this one may still happen!

Go Wine Tasting (if we hit up Amador, I can cross this off my 2011 list too. Multitasking!) – Partial Credit because we did go wine tasting, twice! Just not to Amador.
2007 American River Red.  YUM.

Have a picnic in the Plaza in Sonoma (Gina and Jim, consider yourself invited) – Yes, for my cousin Jim’s 34th Birthday

Get to San Diego to visit my cousin (Hi Jen! You are missed!) – FAIL. Oh, such a FAIL. Plane Tickets: Y U NO BE FREE???

Pack Dinner and a blanket and head to McKinley Park – Partial Credit. We packed a number of dinners up and headed out on a blanket to eat them this summer. Only we did it in our backyard instead of traipsing across town to McKinkley Park. Figuring out that dinner on your lawn is just as good as dinner at the park = Seriously winning.
Our Picnic

Spend a weekend in Chico with my family – Partial Credit. We didn’t make it up to Chico, but we did get to see our Chico family which was awesome!

Go to the beach (um, and wear sunscreen!) – Oh this is such an EPIC FAIL. And also the thing I hate the most about Sacramento — no beach! We didn’t get out of town a lot this summer and the beach time suffered. Luckily California has great weather for most of the year so who knows, we may get to the beach in Fall!

Have a rollerskating date with my cousin (Flashback!) – Partial Credit. We are actually in the process of planning this date right now.

Superficial Goals (hey, we all need some)

Buy a cute new bathing suit (old ones are still cute, but no longer fit, woot!) – Done! And no, I’m not posting a picture in it. You’re Welcome!

Find a maxi dress that doesn’t look like a tent when you put it on – Partial Credit. I found THE PERFECT Maxi Dress! At Old Navy of all places! And then it hung in my closet for over a month because every time I tried to wear it OMG, it was SO HOT! And really, I don’t need help in the “getting sweaty” department. And I also don’t think Unsightly Ass Sweat makes a dress cuter. So I returned it. (TMI?) Maybe maxi dresses aren’t for me. Or at least not in the summer.

Make a ridiculously delicious Paleo dessert – Do sliced Flavor Grenade Pluots count? Ha. Fail.

Cook something with Bison – I made Bison Burgers! And they were Awesome! So awesome I didn’t even snap a pic!

Finish redesigning and migrating website (this will involve calling a professional, I’m sure) – It did involve calling a professional. But she rocked! And it is done!

Get over my flabby arm phobia and just buy some damn tank tops in which to work out – Done and done!
Portrait of a CrossFitter

Get a few pedicures (for everyone else’s sake. 😉 – Nope. Didn’t even get ONE. I KNOW, right???

Have a dinner party in my backyard before it gets sweltering – I had brunch instead!


Read outside as often as humanly possible – Oh I did this like it was my JOB!

Spend an evening drinking Mai Tais and (finally!) put your Maui photos in an album – While I didn’t drink Mai Tais, I did put a bunch of photos in albums last weekend. So nice to have it organized!

Make an effort to get 8 hours of sleep per night (so hard in the summer because it’s SO DAMN HOT) – Yep. The summer was mild, and the sleepin’ easy!

Enjoy your garden and can your little heart out when those tomatoes get overwhelming – Obviously.

Make Jam – No jam. But I do wan’t to make BACON JAM. How good does that look???

photo credit

Will you make a Fall Bucket List?

Weekend Recap, Because I Have NO IDEA What’s For Dinner This Week.

Many moons ago — you know, when I was in my early 20s — I used to have to be at work by 5am regularly. Being the socializer I was, I often went out the night before and somehow made it to work bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to take on the day. This ability is no longer my reality.  In fact I packed so much into this weekend that when my alarm went off this morning I couldn’t figure out if my radio was playing music or if I had been hit by a truck and the sound I heard was angels singing.  Then I realized it was Bon Jovi on the radio and while it is many things, Wanted: Dead or Alive isn’t quite what I would call a Pearly Gate Anthem.  And my day began.
You all, I am TIRED.
I realize that all of you with adorable babies and multiple children are probably rolling your eyes and thinking Holly, you don’t know tired – so I won’t make this a post about trying to one up your fatigue. Instead I will show you some pictures and tell you some random things and we will call it a post for the sake of documentation, mmm kay?
For starters I spent the weekend checking a few more things off my summer bucket list  so you know despite my tiredness I am sublimely happy.  Friday my mom came out to visit for the weekend. She actually lives close by, but we both had similar errands to run and we were going to the same party on Saturday so we just made a weekend out of it. It was basically a girls weekend + Garrett.  You know he loved it.
My mom can shop with the best of them, and Friday we did just that. After a crazy intense workout Friday morning, we headed out for most of the day to take care of business.  Taking care of business with my mom always involves at least one trip to Target where we A to Z every aisle in the store.  This is dangerous and while I love it, I do not recommend it if you are trying to save money.  My mom is a fantastic shopping enabler!  By the time we got home on Friday night we had just enough energy to have some dinner with Garrett, during which my mom got a long overdue lesson about the strategy of Formula One racing, we did a little prep work for the brunch I was hosting on Sunday, and then we all headed to sleep.
On Saturday morning we woke up early and I got to check my first item off the Summer Bucket List: Have a picnic in the Plaza in Sonoma.  My cousin Jim’s birthday was on Sunday so the bulk of my family met up in Sonoma at Sebastiani to eat and celebrate because that is how we roll.  Ok, truth be told we didn’t picnic in the Plaza, but my mom and I did get to see the plaza, because that was where we got sandwiches.  Qucik PSA: The ONLY proper sandwich choice when picnicking up in wine country is The Sonoma Cheese Factory.  They make the kind of sandwiches that God would make if heaven were a deli. Paleo diet be damned, when in Sonoma there must be sandwich consumption. I believe that is written in the epilogue of The Bible.
Then we headed over to have a picnic at a winery so I’m just going step in and call that close enough — CHECK!  I seriously LOVE chilling with my family.
There was lots of wine drinking and baby squeezing and joke-cracking that afternoon. It was a fun, yet too short, visit with my family. All the photos are here if you enjoy that business.
Unfortunately Garrett had to work and miss out on the Saturday afternoon fun which was a bummer, but when we got home he went all out and put together an impromptu liquor tasting for the three of us while I did a few more things to prep for my brunch.  I don’t even like any sort of brown liquor, quite frankly, but I highly recommend comparative tasting.  That’s probably the coffee/wine geek in me, but it was so much more fun to taste the differences between all the different types rather than just drink a glass of brown stuff.  My favorite at the end of the tasting?
Who knew?  Never thought I would enjoy scotch on purpose.
Saturday night Garrett suggested we bust out some old family movies and all watch them together and if you guessed that this melted my mama’s little heart, then you guessed correctly. That Garrett knows just how to get brownie points, so the 3 of us stayed up way too late laughing and reminiscing about old family stories. Also, about how awful the fashion was in the 90s. I turned off those videos with no clear understanding of what purpose the mock-turtleneck served, and with extreme wonder surrounding why people ever wore matching sweatsuits. Awful, really really awful.
Sunday morning again came too quick, and my mom headed out because she babysits my little cousin Chelsea on Sundays and Mondays. After a whirlwind of a weekend my mom was off to baby wrangle. It’s a good thing I made a huge pot of coffee because you can tell by the look on her face that this little chicky doesn’t want to sit still for long. My mom needed all the caffeine she could get:
After she took off, I checked another thing of the Bucket List: Have a dinner party in my backyard before it gets sweltering. Except I didn’t actually have dinner, I had a brunch, but I’m just going to call it complete anyway because Bobby Brown told me that was my prerogative. CHECK! Since Sacramento is always sweltering I thought my best bet for getting to eat outside was to do breakfast instead of dinner. Sarah, Elizabeth, Amy and Elisabeth came over and I would show you a picture of that lovely afternoon except I didn’t take a single one!  I think that is the sign of good conversation if you can get 5 women in a room who document their lives via blog and not a single one busts out a camera.  Either that, or they thought my tablecloth was ugly.  I’m going to hope for the former.
We had lots of coffee, cocktails and food — so much food actually that I forgot to even serve the bacon I had cooked.  And no Garrett and I didn’t have bacon for dinner, why would you even think that?????  Actually we didn’t ONLY have bacon, there was also blueberry cake too.  We like to make sure we get in some fruit, you know?
By the time evening rolled around I basically only had enough energy to play fashion police on the couch while watching my DVR.  For example — WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE:
After contemplating that I was obviously too exhausted to do much else besides go to bed.  And now we are back to the grind on a Monday.  How does that even happen?
How did you enjoy your weekend, peeps?

2011 Summer Bucket List

Though we aren’t doing anything super exotic, like heading to Maui which we did two summers ago, I am definitely planning on enjoying the next few months.  And it just wouldn’t be like me if I didn’t make a To Do List to celebrate (Hot damn, I love a good list!) Yes, I am still working on my overall 2011 Goals but I’m just considering this a short term subset of that list.  

Here are some ways I plan to enjoy this summer.


Go miniature golfing with Garrett (can you believe we have never done this together?)
Hike Feather Falls (our favorite local hike.  OMG, can’t wait!)
Go Wine Tasting (if we hit up Amador, I can cross this off my 2011 list too.  Multitasking!)
Have a picnic in the Plaza in Sonoma  (Gina and Jim, consider yourself invited)
Get to San Diego to visit my cousin (Hi Jen!  You are missed!)
Pack Dinner and a blanket and head to McKinley Park
Spend a weekend in Chico with my family
Go to the beach (um, and wear sunscreen!)
Have a rollerskating date with my cousin (Flashback!)

Superficial Goals  (hey, we all need some)

Buy a cute new bathing suit (old ones are still cute, but no longer fit, woot!)
Find a maxi dress that doesn’t look like a tent when you put it on (Help!)
Make a ridiculously delicious Paleo dessert
Cook something with Bison
Finish redesigning and migrating website (this will involve calling a professional, I’m sure)
Get over my flabby arm phobia and just buy some damn tank tops in which to work out
Get a few pedicures (for everyone else’s sake.  😉
Have a dinner party in my backyard before it gets sweltering


Read outside as often as humanly possible
Spend an evening drinking Mai Tais and (finally!) put your Maui photos in an album
Make an effort to get 8 hours of sleep per night (so hard in the summer because it’s SO DAMN HOT)
Enjoy your garden and can your little heart out when those tomatoes get overwhelming
Make Jam

Honestly, I can’t wait.  

What are you up to this summer?

Ask And You Shall Receive

Wasn’t I just bitching that I wanted some inspirational resources about improving my writing?  I opened my Reader this morning and found this:  60 Tips to Improve Your Non Fiction Writing

I’ve been dying to get back to doing some yoga and today’s Deal Ticket and Living Social Deal were both Yoga-centric.  (Though neither really worked out for me, I thought it was kind of a coincidence!)

Lately I’ve been trying to sell Garrett on the idea of getting bikes.  Not fancy bikes, just fun bikes — we LOVE riding bikes yet we don’t actually own bikes and I just think that’s ridiculous, hence my prodding.  Today, I got an email from my old roommate that she is sending her old mountain bike up with her brother who is coming into town and he’s going to drop it off at my house!  Hooray for giving away stuff you aren’t using!  

Wanna join our bike gang?  We are pretty fierce?
(This picture is actually a picture from a biking wine tour with friends and family in Sonoma and while I’m doing some asking I’d just like to say right now, Universe, that I’d like another one of those, ok?)
I’ve been having a bit of wanderlust but bemoaning the fact that everything costs SO! MUCH! MONEY! but it turns out I have to do a bit of traveling for work and Garrett and I may turn that into a long weekend in Yosemite.  Also we are trying to plan sometime to go see his parents who live in New Mexico and all of a sudden it hit me — Southwest Roadtrip, maybe?  A car rental, overnights with friends, and some downtime with parentals sound like a pretty affordable getaway, no?  Plus I keep forgetting that I am going to Chicago in November!  Well, not really forgetting, but now that it’s getting closer it just seems so exciting!  Wanderlust, I will tame you.   
It feels so nice when things in life just align, you know?  Just wanted to take a minute to document my gratitude!
And of course brainstorm for some badass things to ask for — what do you wish the Universe would drop in your lap?

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The Trip of A Lifetime

I consider myself a bit of a traveler. I mean I don’t really go to super exotic locales or cliched destinations or anything (hell, I have embarrassingly only used my passport once and it was in 1986 when my hair was in full on bowl cut mode, god I should find and scan that picture) but if I have a few extra bucks in my pocket my first choice is always to spend them by getting out of town. Usually I like exploring a new place, and usually it is someplace quaint rather than extravagant, somewhere off the beaten path or somewhere seemingly ordinary. But this year I took the trip of lifetime and of all places, it was to Maui! I’m know. You are all thinking: Holly, could there be a more cliched travel destination than Maui? And the answer is, probably not. But for a few really personal reasons, it was by far the best trip I have ever taken.

Hawaii was always this mythical place in my mind growing up. My parents had lived there while my dad was in college, and even after he graduated and started playing football professionally in Detroit they spent the off seasons on the Big Island. Growing up all of their friends and members of my family had these great stories about the times they visited my parents on the islands. There were funny stories and amazing adventures, and they all painted a gorgeous picture of a what a crazy life my parents had before I was born. First of all they were in their early 20s. Imagine what you were doing when you were 22? I know I was goofing off in college and then “Finding Myself” in Los Angeles (ha!) definitely not living it up in some exotic locale. It was fascinating to me that my parents had this offbeat life before I came around — I know that’s a little self centered, but as a kid it just seemed so weird to think of your parents life before you, but it was hard to ignore when it was a life of stories re-told in such vivid technicolor. When I was young and my parents would tuck me in to bed at night I always asked for a story, and often times my father would describe tales of his time at Globo Surf, surfing and swimming and hiking in the lush Hawaiian landscape with its strange sounding names — and I would drift off to sleep awaiting the day I would finally get to make sense of it all in person.

As I got older, it became less of a myth and more of a promise. You see my Grandma Marian (who passed away in 2004 and was the absolute light of our whole family) knew how much I wanted to go and was always assuring me that I would get there. Each summer all of us grandkids had the opportunity to take our own “solo trips” up to her house in Sonoma. When it was my turn to visit, she always let my fingers go walking through her perfumes and lotions — my childhood favorites always being the L’Air du Temps bottle because it was pretty (hello 80s flashback) and a metallic tube of Crabtree & Evelyn Rosewater Hand Therapy. We spent our days visiting, doing water aerobics at her class, watching Jeopardy, having sandwiches at the Sonoma Cheese Factory, and of course always making time to catch up with her neighborhood buddies as they knew all us grandkids.

Inevitably during these trips we would stop by and say hi to her best friends (and my dad’s Godparents) Mert and Don, who lived down the street. Many times they would tell stories of their recent trips to Maui altogether and how the 3 of them spent their days lounging and having cocktails and enjoying the weather at at the beach. They would always laugh when I would get upset about not having been to Hawaii yet, and say that someday I would have great friends to go with when I understood the power of The 5 o’ Clock Cocktail. I would roll my eyes, of course, but they just made Maui seem so accessible. But I couldn’t, in my 9 year old mind, figure out how to make it happen. So instead I’d come home from my week at Grandma Marian’s and just nag my parents about it. They finally promised that they would take me when I turned 10, but frankly I’m not sure they ever really meant this. I think it was more of a finite answer to the infinite questions I would always ask “When will visit Hawaii? How long until I can see Hawaii? Can I learn how to surf? Where we will snorkel?”


And so that was that. Except of course age ten came and went and we never made it to Hawaii. It’s not like my parents never took me anywhere, my childhood was full of fabulous family camping adventures, the aforementioned trips to Sonoma, and one incredibly exotic trip to Bermuda (which I totally didn’t appreciate a the time — God, the regret!) but we just never really made it to Hawaii like we were supposed to when I turned 10. And so as you can imagine I pretty much brought that up annually over candles and cake. It became a bit of a family joke, actually.

I think as I got older I finally came to terms with the fact that nobody was going to Take Me To Hawaii, so I went about researching the cost of getting there myself and Holy Hell are those plane tickets pricey when you are making $12 an hour slinging mochas, so I kind of gave up the dream for awhile. I was fine doing my frolicking around the mainland and exploring California’s bounty until about two years into my relationship with Garrett when he nonchalantly mentioned that his family owned a portion of a condo in Maui and would I be interested in heading out there for a couple of weeks at some point? To which my answer was, HELL-TO-THE-YES! And also immediately afterward, WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU WAITED TWO YEARS TO BRING THAT UP, BUDDY? His reply was that he had pretty much gone every summer of his entire life up until he was about 16 and so he wasn’t sure that Hawaii was anything I was that excited about.


(No really, BLINK BLINK.)

So once we had a very brief repeat conversation about my likes and dislikes (LIKES: Free Condos in Maui. DISLIKES: My boyfriend thinking I would not be interested in Free Condos in Maui. See? Easy) he explained that his parents and grandparents and some teacher friends from the bay area each owned 1/12th of a condo. We could have the condo for a month if we wanted, so pretty much immediately I began to plan. Of course as travel planning goes it took us a couple years to get our time/budget/act together, but surprisingly at the end of May this year I (FINALLY) found myself on a 5 hour flight that was Maui-bound. Only twenty years after my 10th Birthday.

It was kind of a moving experience, that flight, which I realize sounds totally cheesy, but really the whole time I just kept looking out the window and thinking I can’t believe I am finally going to Hawaii. I had not only packed my entire closet (which actually turned out to be a totally unnecessary rookie mistake) but also a lifetime of anticipation! And let me tell you when that plane finally landed I just let all those emotion loose! I actually cried when the plane landed because I WAS FINALLY HERE! I was finally able to see the places I had dreamed about as a child, to feel the ultimate relaxation with my best friend that I had heard about as a teen, and to see the beauty that I had envied as an adult. I had a moment of sadness because neither my father nor my grandmother were alive to finally hear about all of the experiences I was about to have, but in that moment it was like they were right there. The rite of passage was right there under my feet and it was so much for my little heart to take and so I just cried and cried the happy tears of joy that were 30 years in the making. Of course Garrett finally looked over at me and said “Dude, all these people are going to think I’m being mean to you if you are crying” and so we had a huge tear filled laugh, I wiped my cheeks and the adventure began.

We stayed in that condo for 12 days, and it was probably the most blissful time in my life. Garrett recounted memories of his trips as a child and I finally got to reconcile the pictures in my imagination with reality and it was truly so much better in person. I felt incredibly close to my father and my grandmother during that time, and as Garrett and I spent our days walking hand in hand on the beaches or cruising the island highways off to our next undertaking, I would think of my parents, and the similar moments they must have shared in their early 20s with the gorgeous Hawaiian sunset as their backdrop. What were they hoping their future held? I felt connected to the past, connected to nature, connected to a family history that surrounds me with wonderful memories even though we are no longer able to all sit together around the table and tell stories. Around every corner there was a reminder of the connections that I have always had with this beautiful place, and it truly felt like coming home.

The weirdest coincidence of the whole trip happened a few days before we left when I went rummaging around in the condo bathroom for some Advil. Underneath the sink amidst years worth of sunscreens, community shampoo bottles, and expired medicine, I found a halfway used tube of Crabtree & Evelyn’s Rosewater Hand Therapy. Immediately forgetting about my headache, I doused myself in it and took myself back to those Sonoma summers with my grandma and hearing about her trips with Mert and Don and enjoying the Maui Life. It was a special moment, and the coincidence was sort of overwhelming, so when I got back home I of course shared the story with some of my relatives. Through a series of conversations I ended up having with my aunt describing where we stayed and through photographs of our trip, we ended up connecting the dots to figure out that the condo Garrett and I stayed was the same condo that my Grandma and Mert and Don had stayed in every summer all those years ago. Completely unable to believe that possibility Garrett called his parents who had the original Condo-share agreement, and sure enough, Mert and Don’s names were on the contract for all those years with Garrett’s parents and grandparents.

And seriously? A moment like that not only makes a trip, it kind of makes your life.


The Little Studio: Bathroom + Kitchen Edition

So I realized that I had showed you the before pictures of my new little studio (emphasis on the little), but I hadn’t yet posted any update pictures so I thought I’d show you what I did with the Kitchen Renovating and bathroom remodeling project.

(Bedroom/Office/Closet Pics to Come!)

So here is the Main Area where I spend a good portion of time. It houses the kitchen, the dining area, and off to the right you get a sneak peak of the bathroom.

The thing about a studio is that there is very little space. This challenge has probably been my favorite part of living here because often I have had to really streamline my material things and be creative about storage. Part of my solution has been to repurpose some items like this bar from Pottery Barn:

This actually functions as a home for my favorite cookbooks, but also instead of storing bottles in there it has become something of a dry goods pantry. And because the space is limited, I really have to be organized about the food I keep on hand, which I love. I took some great ideas from this website about what to keep on hand, and it has really made my pantry not only more organized but healthier! When you don’t have much room for storage, I am more likely to store something that will make up part of a delicious, healthy meal rather than some impulse buy snack food purchase.

One of the other storage solutions I have found instrumental in this space is my Ikea Expedit Bookcase. I turned it on its side and, voila! Insta-storage!

With little cabinet space, I had to find a solution to the question of where to put a lot of my cookware. It also made me realize that the things I stored needed to function in multiple different ways. For example, the bottom right corner stores my All Clad Multi-cooker which is a multi-tasking lifesaver, as it only takes up as much room as a stock pot, but it also includes a strainer for cooking pasta and vegetable steamer basket. This guy may seem big, but in the long run saves me SO MUCH SPACE!

In the actual prep area you will see that the space is limited (are we seeing a pattern, yet?), but I actually found some creative solutions, again from Ikea that really helped me fit everything I needed in there without taking up all my counter space.

When you need to know more about the various materials out there, you can turn to a durable materials review to help you understand what the best ones are for your project. If you are doing some remodeling in your home or office, you need to make sure that you are choosing durable materials so that you will not have to replace them for many years. If you want to make sure that you get the best ones possible, you should check out some of the information that is available with this article from SuperDurables. You may be surprised at how helpful these materials can be when you want to make sure that you get the best value for your money.

The first was maximizing my wallspace with the Grundtal line of rails, hooks, and holders. It really allowed me to keep the things I use all the time within arms reach but without having them take up valuable prep space.


I also used that same line of products on the other kitchen wall to maximize my knife and spice storage.

Since I cook A LOT, I still store some spices on the counter, but this obviously helped keep that to a minimum!

Lastly, in the kitchen, I made sure to keep all my accessories bright and cheerful to reflect the vibe of the house. How great is the acid green and light turquoise paint on the walls? I never would have chosen those colors myself, I’m just not talented like that, but I love, love, love them! It’s helped inspire my choices of colorful cookwear — I mean how could you have a plain white tea kettle with such fabulous paint on the walls?

And even though it can get a little cluttered, I love posting my favorite pictures on the refrigerator. It inspires my photography, and reminds me of how lucky I am to have such great friends and family in my life!

So that’s the kitchen and dining area, onto the Loo!

The bathroom, like everything else, is small, but it’s the perfect size for me and I have found some creative storage solutions to make sure I have all my favorite girly products available. Can’t scrimp on those! The paint is a little more neutral, but the tile in here is the real showstopper! Full of greens, browns, and even some purples, it is definitely a great detail. We also got a bathtub replacement.

I absolute LOVE the pedestal sink! But that also came with it’s own storage challenges. The previous tenant left the plastic drawers to left of the sink, and even though they are not the prettiest, they have been super useful, we’ll have to keep them until we’re able to do a major renovations with the amazing products found at And the apothecary jars on top are from (where else?) Ikea and they allow me to keep my most used items at my fingertips at all times.

And last but not least I thought I’d give you a sneak peak of the Little Shower. Not because it is particularly fabulous or anything, but I thought you might want some photgraphic proof that I do actually use the products I recommend here!

So there you have it! That’s my Little Studio — well the kitchen and bathroom, at least. Next up I will give you a little tour of the other half of the house, so Stay Tuned!

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