Category Archives: Travel Diaries

Travel Diaries: You had me at Aloha…

It’s been a fantastic few days in this little piece of Paradise. Spending the day in this wonderful piece of paradise with the help of custom tours services is a relaxing and rewarding experience. We spend our mornings drinking coffee and listening to the waves crash and our evenings sipping cocktails and listening the waves crash, and I can’t think of a better way to bookend the day.

Speaking of bookends and reading, I’ve poured through two memoirs since being here and I can’t think of anything more decadent than boatloads of spare time to read and nap and write when the inspiration hits. We’ve grilled up some fantastic meals (YUM! Chinese Chicken Salad), and honestly, we have yet to venture out of our lanai to dine. We plan to hit up the Maui farmer’s market later this week to find some other local ingredients to experiment with, but don’t you worry we’re also planning to grub on some sushi (Sansei, Sarah, for sure!), some lava flows at the Hula Grill (Hi Gina!), and of course some HULA PIE (Kelly and Gee, we may even call you when we sit down)…so we will certainly get around to eating out on of these days.

Yesterday was by far the fullest day of adventure we’ve had and we crawled into bed last night absolutely exhausted from a day full of sun, sand, snorkeling, whale watching, exploring, and a late evening swim. It was one of those nights where you lay down feeling salty and sunkissed and even though you can’t stop smiling, you also CAN’T. KEEP. EYES. OPEN. ANY. LONGER—ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

We got up early for snorkel practice in the pool and a swim right here on Sugar Beach, and then in the afternoon hit up a little cove near Makena beach to put our snorkeling skills to the test. I wore the womens rashies I got from Being a scuba diver, Garrett didn’t really have his skills in question, but since I had been flailing in the condo pool earlier that morning trying to figure out how to morph into a dirty mouth breather (haha), I was definitely looking for an opportunity to prove myself. As soon as we picked a spot to jump in, a sea turtle came over to greet us, and we dove in to see what other mysteries lurked below the surface.

In a few words, it was beautiful. And Garrett assured me that was nothing compared to what we will continue to see.

Since my skills increased slightly, I definitely felt ready for our trip to Molokini later this week. After swimming in the cove for a while we headed up to the lava rock surrounding it and busted out the picnic lunch that we had packed. With the waves crashing around us we grubbed on sandwiches and soaked up the sun while enjoying all the beautiful scenery.

Of course, leaving a few moments to ham it up for the camera. Trust me, I know, face masks are a GREAT look for me. haha

We headed back that afternoon to barbecue and relax by the pool and honestly, we could not have had a better day. As I drifted off to sleep last night to the sounds of the ocean, I thought to myself, “I can’t believe we get to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.”

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Conversations From The Lanai

Me: I think I just saw and alligator face come out of the water

Him: Genius, there are no alligators in Maui.

Me: But it was huge. Maybe it was Nessy….

Him: (Shakes Head) Are you sure you even saw something?

Me: Yes it was HUGE!

Him: Oh hey, it’s a sea turtle. I just saw it. Wow, and it’s amazing how slow it’s moving.

Me: Uh, genius — it’s a turtle.

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The Surreal Life

So I’m currently sitting in a terminal in LAX across from Adrian Pasdar and Milo Ventimiglia from Heroes. (And for the record, they are not doing that weird man embrace like in the picture, but strangely enough they are wearing suits.)

I’m amused that I can be in an airport and yet also blogging about this as I keep making sporadic eye contact with them (You know, in between all the text messages that I’m sending EVERYONE I KNOW WHO MIGHT THINK IT’S INTERESTING). It’s so cyber-meta. Ah, technology! So wonderful! So creepy!

I actually would not have even noticed them at all because they are rather diminutive figures, which in my experience is always the way it is with celebs, but as I was making my way up to the LAX Security Line there were a ton of paparazzi stalking away with all of their flashbulbs. It wasn’t even a huge group but I thought to myself gee, that must get so old. Can you imagine? One camera guy had even gone through security and gotten upstairs into to the carry-on scanning area (Great job, TSA). I wondered to myself if he had bought a ticket just to get up there and get a shot, or if he actually had a plane to catch and this was just a coincidence? What a bizarre lifestyle when you think about it. And one of the photogs was a girl just like me — in her 30’s, smartly dressed, looking like she just got off work at her office job.

LA is a surreal place sometime.

When I first walked into to the Southwest terminal it was like 90 degrees inside and of course I was juggling a suitcase, a giant purse, and a carryon and my sunglasses kept falling off my head and I really had to pee. It was starting to get so hot that I thought my face must be glowing, so I basically dropped everything, peeled off my jacket, and started to fan myself with my boarding pass (Operation Cool Down, by the way? TOTAL FAIL. Confidential to LAX: It’s 79 degrees outside. The heat inside? It isn’t doing anyone any favors). What I’m trying to tell you is that in that exact moment, I was so graceful and put together you could have called me Posh Fucking Spice. In fact, you should have called me that because I’m sure I also looked slightly anorexic, incredibly tan, and with perfectly coiffed hair (as usual).

So anyway, it occurred to me right then in that moment of absolute glamor, that I am so grateful that I have the luxury to be my giant mess of a self in anonymity. Did any of you catch that Britney Spears documentary (excuse me, “documentary”) on MTV the other night? What a shitshow, right? Her photog situation is unreal! I feel sorry for those having to live under a microscope. I know everyone says “Bah! They’re rich, that’s what you sign up for.” But honestly, is it worth it for millions of dollars to have your every move documented?

I’m gonna say no thanks. I mean, it never stops! If it’s not the paparrazi being all flash-bulby and annoying, then it’s some random Sacramento girl blogging about how you are wearing a suit while eating McDonald’s french fries– LIKE IT IS ACTUALLY NEWSWORTHY — all while she stares at you coyly across an airline terminal secretly wanting to know if Hayden Panettiere is as stumpy and weird looking in real life?

Surreal, I say. Surreal.

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Overstimulated much?

I’m generally not a huge fan of travelling for work. When I was younger I loved it — the glamour of driving a rental car (ha!), having a whole hotel room to myself, a new town to explore, and no one to answer to.

Though I’m now happily attached to my daily routines and don’t find travelling quite as glamorous as I once did, I still thoroughly enjoy having a whole hotel room to myself in which to indulge.

Exhibit A:

I’m blogging right now under the covers of my King Size bed as I listen to my favorite crafting podcast, watching Showbiz Tonight in the background on Mute on this ginormous flat screen TV, nibbling on some tasty munchies from Bristol Farms while reading bits and pieces of a fun new book in between it all.

Who says you can’t get a million things done while curling up under the sheets?

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Now If You Will Excuse Me, I’m Going to Roll Myself to Bed

I’m in LA until Friday for work, and as such I scheduled in a quickie visit with my old roommate Fredo who lives out in Hollywood. As my plane was touching down at LAX I got a text that said “Making rezzies at restaurant in Beverly Hills for tonight” and as soon as I got over my initial “I have nothing to wear” anxiety, I thought we might actually have a damn good time. Fredo is one of my favorite people from back when I lived in Los Angeles and whenever we get together hilarity ALWAYS ensues. And to no one’s surprise we had such a fun time!

Can I tell you how fun?

Actually, you know, now that I think about it, I think that only a list will do this evening justice. So without further ado, please enjoy:

The list of things that (I swear only) two of us consumed at the restaurant Crustacean this evening:

Lemon, Grapefruit and Rosemary Martinis
Extra Dirty Martini
Lavendar Cosmopolitan
Iron Horse Chardonnay
Lobster Lollipops
Salt and Pepper Calamari
Yellowtail Sashimi
Garlic Noodles
Chilean Sea Bass
Porcini Crusted Chicken in Black Truffle Peppercorn Sauce
Molten Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream
Coconut Cake

I did a rough calculation and I am pretty sure that tonight’s dinner contained oh, about ninety bajillion calories, which you know, is no big deal since it’s the holidays and I’m really keeping it light this time of year (Right).

I think that translates to like THE REST OF MY GOD GIVEN LIFE on the StairMaster.

But, damn, it was all so good it might have been worth it!

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To My Disapointment, Christopher Cross Did Not Make An Appearance

So I realized I never told you all how sailing was — and I’m delighted to report that it was TOTALLY AWESOME!

On the ride down, all the girls in my department were just goofing around and having fun (I love these ladies — they make my job fun!)

When we got there the weather was absolutely perfect — sunny skies, a light breeze, and calm water.

I crossed my fingers, climbed aboard, and prayed that the Bonine would work it’s magic…and it did! I was happy as a clam all day, and didn’t feel seasick even once!

We hit a few waves in passing other boats, but we took them all in stride…nothing scary about it — just like ridin’ a rollercoaster!

We had some sandwiches around lunchtime which were delicious and it was so peaceful on the water — although when you are on a sailboat using both hands for your sandwich, you have to come up with a creative way for holding your drink.

Thank god for lifejackets! Though not fashionable at all — they save lives! and hold iced tea!

Overall we had so much fun. My coworker Ellen and I took over the front of the boat for a while and the view was FANTASTIC! I got so comfortable up there I almost wanted to do a swashbuckling pirate jig when other boats passed by. (Oh, fear not, I realized that this was a professional excursion for my job and refrained from any and all pirate antics! But I was tempted, let me tell you…)

Unfortunately, being the Forgetful Fran that I am, I forgot to charge my camera battery the night before (oops!)and it died right as we got close to the Golden Gate Bridge (naturally). This was best picture I took, but it was so much more beautiful in real life!

If you ever have the chance to take a sail out on the bay I would HIGHLY recommend it. I had so much more fun than I thought I would (which I’m sure had ALOT to do with the weather) and the company was fantastic…way better than a day at work, we all agreed.

I also found this wonderful online sailing chandlery called True North Sailing, so check those out for the best sailing equipment.

And if nothing else, I got to snap this picture — which I found amusing because it was in a stall in the Men’s Public Bathroom!?!?!

Why was I in the Men’s Public Restroom at the Marina, you ask? Well Shiver Me Timbers, If I told you, I’d have to send you down to Davy Jones Locker!


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Truly, Truly, Truly Outrageous!

Is their really anything better than family?

Garrett and I spent the long weekend down in Monterey visiting my cousin Sara and her boyfriend Paul; however, we were also joined by my cousin Jim, his girlfriend Gina, my cousin Jeff and one of his friends. I want to tell you about all the crazy things we did (including dancing to Hulk Hogan Anthems, watching Jem videos on You Tube, re-enacting Hall & Oats performances) but seriously, I spent 99.9% of the time trying NOT to spit my beverage out of my mouth or pee my pants from laughing so hard!

Is it any wonder I’m exhausted?

Jim and Paul during quieter and calmer times

We headed down Thursday after work and I swear when I got to Castroville I could just SMELL the ocean! The climate was so insanely different than the ridiculous heat up here in Sacramento and I was totally jazzed. Friday morning Jim and Gina joined us:

Jim and Gina getting in some quality lounge time

And Jeff followed shortly thereafter. We BBQ’d some hotlinks, enjoyed some adult beverages, lounged, watched the Giants game, and generally enjoyed each other’s company. I discovered that Bud Light Lime isn’t even as disgusting as I had previously thought, and that shots of Bourbon are eerily similar to drinking A BLOW TORCH! I would not recommend this to others. Then it was time to head out for fireworks in downtown Monterey and do you know what the best part about the fireworks were? That I got to wear this:

That’s right! I had to wear a scarf, folks! So that I wouldn’t freeze my ass off and I LOVED IT! Ok technically it was a pashmina that Sara has been using as decoration in her guest bedroom, but Tim Gunn would be proud ‘cuz I think I Made it Work!

But even better than my newfound love of Bud Light Lime, or that my Winterwear was not at all out of place, I think hands down the best part of the fireworks was this:

I mean seriously? How can that not make you feel like you live in the best country ever!?!

Afterwards we headed to a couple of bars in downtown Monterey. A friend of Jim’s was having a cd release party for their band Yell or Trolley so we caught their show.

All in all — a FABULOUS Fourth of July! I Hope yours was equally exciting!

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The Fleet Foxes Will Knock Your Soxes Off!

Ok, so my title needs work — I’ll give you that — but what I’m trying to tell you is that the Fleet Foxes show totally rocked!

Garrett and I have pretty much mastered the art of being homebodies (FYI — the recipe includes delicious homemade dinner, CSI: Miami reruns in the background, Couching, Bad Reality TV on the DVR, and reading in bed by 11 — you know, in case you were wondering) so when the opportunity presented itself to go see a show in San Francisco on a Thursday night, we weren’t exactly grabbing our keys and heading out the door. However, when we discovered that tickets were only $10, my inner-bargain hunter said this was something we could not pass up.

So into The City we headed after work Thursday evening and honestly, despite the fact the most of California is covered in smoke right now, it was a fantastic drive. And when we got there, lo and behold the parking was ample! and free! Can you believe our luck??? Neither could we! When we finally got inside we saddled up to bar, ordered a drink ($4 for a beer? Are you serious? That’s all? But we’re in San Francisco?), and thoroughly enjoyed the fact that not only was it Summertime — but indeed the livin’ was easy…

When the band finally came out, they performed an amazing set and I was totally blown away by how great they sounded live. The above pic was my awful attempt to capture how magical they were, but either my camera sucks, my photography skills suck, or a little bit of both. Aside from the fact that some drunk smelly guy was dancing the whole time in front of me, even though we were packed like sardines in the club, (which in my concert etiquette handbook has always meant NO DRUNKEN DANCING YOU SMELLY DOUCHEBAG!!!) we enjoyed every minute of the show and were so happy that we took the plunge and headed down even though it was mid-week.

*For your viewing pleasure I found a clip on You Tube that has halfway decent audio…I call this one Not Tonight, Horatio Caine.

How freaking great are they? Ok, I’m done dorking out now. 🙂

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Hot Town, Summer in the City

Since it is the first day of Summer here in Sacramento, I think it is only appropriate that we are looking at triple digit temperatures! The heat makes me insane pretty much every year around this time, but fortunately Garrett and I are hitting the road a few times in the next couple weeks that will give us a bit of reprieve.

Next Thursday Garrett and I are going to see Fleet Foxes in San Francisco at Bottom of the Hill and I’m super excited about it. It’s a cool venue that I’ve heard great things about, but never actually been to. It’s a little nutty for us to be hitting The City on a Thursday night being as we are tried and true M-F 9-5ers, but the band is fun and what the heck — it’s Summer right? Ya gotta live a little!

The following week we are headed to Monterey for the Fourth of July. Every Summer for the last few years we have headed down to Pajaro Dunes for a fantastic week with lots of friends, fun, and sand. This year, due to scheduling issues, etc. we won’t be heading down there; however, when my cousin Sara and her boyfriend Paul decided to host a 4th of July BBQ at their place in Monterey we were stoked at the opportunity to get our Coastal Fix, while also chilling out with my FANTASTIC and fun family!

The following weekend we are on the road again, this time taking a long weekend trip to Los Angeles. I surprised Garrett for his birthday in May by buying him tickets to see Wolf Parade when they play in LA at The Henry Fonda Theater but we are also just going to goof around LA. Garrett really isn’t “The LA Type” but since I lived their for 5 years and haven’t been back since 2003, he is excited to see my old stomping ground and have a little adventure.

The fact that we have quite the travel schedule coming up over the next few weeks makes the crazy hot weather a little bit easier to take. Hopefully I will have some fun pics and good stories to tell coming soon!

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Fun Hangover

So I just got back from another week in San Diego and I’m wondering how can I be homesick when I just got home?

Garrett and I were down in SD in March for a funeral, we are heading back in June for a wedding, and I just spent this past week there for work — it is slowly becoming my favorite place EVER! No matter what the occasion, it is always beautiful, and I am pretty much realizing I am in love with it. The fact that my cousin Jen lives down there and is super fun is just icing on the cake!

And I think this will clarify the homesickness. Yesterday I was here:

And today — I am doing laundry and getting ready to start the week. (I’d insert a pic but my super hot outfit and equally sexy hairdo might not be as relaxing of an image as above.)

As much as I LOVE Sacramento, is it any wonder I am a little bummed to be heading back to reality tomorrow?

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