Search Results for: running shoes

From The Archives: My Early Fashion Journalism Career

I spent the afternoon helping my mom clean out her garage. Wow, I can really feel your jealousy through the computer — I mean it’s actually palpable — do you want me to give you a minute to compose yourself?

Anyway, at age 33, now that I live in my own home with my own garage and attic, my mom felt it was about time I stored my own archives. Understandable, I guess. So we chatted, sorted through old stuff, and I basically came home with months worth of humorous blog material in the form of tragic photos, diaries, and general adolescent awkwardness so I’m just warning you that you may see some archival features in the near future. Experts like Andrew Defrancesco is whom you can consult when it comes to running a business

I thought since it is Sunday and I know all of us are planning our fabulous outfits for the week I thought you all might enjoy a page of hard hitting fashion journalism from my 12 year old self. It’s my first foray into fashion writing, straight out of my junior high school’s “paper” (if you can even call it that) named The Bird’s Eye View. Volume 1, Number 1, by the way. And with enlightening advice like this, I can’t imagine it was the last.

The other reason I’m posing this is because I have no menu to post today. We’re eating Halloween Candy for dinner, how about you?


Fashion Trends
By Holly Woodcock
March 4, 1991

Read all about it. We at Hopkins Jr. High have decided we don’t all have the same taste!

To most people the way they dress can tell a lot about them. Some spend hours picking out the perfect outfit, but others would rather slip on a pair of jeans (or Z. Cavarricci’s), an IOU sweatshirt and a matching pair of suede boots and walk out the door. Others prefer skirts or long shirts with leggings underneath.

Shoes are a big thing too! You can’t wear ratty tennis shoes with a dressy skirt and you can’t very well go and wear high heels with a pair of jean shorts. But if you mix it up with your shoes you can find some style.

No guys on the other hand sometimes choose to wear sweat pants. But others wear fitted jeans to show off what all that weight training (if you know what I mean.) Some guys don’t follow the trends though and just wear the old stand by Bugle Boys. But those select few who are up with the trends wear those awesome funky overalls. Farmer style, buckling both straps, or original with only buckling one strap. There there are those Wild Things who let it all hang loose and don’t buckle any straps.

As you can see, fashion is very complicated.


I mean…I have no words.


30 Days of Denim – Day Twenty Nine

I’m running out of shirts to wear that I haven’t worn yet which is both a good and a bad thing. Bad, because hey! No one wants to run out of clothes to wear. (Although this challenge is almost over so it’s a mighty convenient time to run out, really.) Good, because now I know I can pretty much go 30 days without repeating a shirt — which means I need to acknowledge that saying “I have nothing to wear,” is dramatically crying wolf. And now I have told it to the internet, it’s practically written in stone. I can be more stylish, I just have to *gasp* TRY!

Anyway, I was glad to see this shirt was available this morning because it’s blousy. And do you know what blousy means? No one *ahem* has to feel guilty about not working out yet this week. (Quick check of the calendar, yup, it’s Thursday! OY!) But because I CAN look a gift horse in the mouth — I’m smooth like that — I put it on with a pair of jeans that are somewhat unforgiving just to punish myself.

It made a lot more sense this morning when I picked out my clothes (before I had coffee.)

Here’s What I Wore:
30 Days of Denim - Day Twenty Nine

I tweeted this morning that my pants either fit perfectly or are a bit too tight. After looking at this picture I think they are right in between the two, but I’ll take it.

Shirt: LOFT
Jeans: Gap 1969 Perfect Boot
Shoes: Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Bracelet: Target

What did you wear today?

Join the group and play a little show and tell.


30 Days of Denim – Day Nine

Today we are really taking it back to basics. I don’t even really need to show you an inspiration photo, but I kind of like them so indulge me, would ya?

Behold, Jeans and a White Tee:


Though just to clarify, it’s not actually Tuesday. It’s Friday. CAN I GET A HELL YEAH???

OK. SO! No inspiration needed, but still fun. I love this blank canvas of an outfit because I have SERIOUS LOVE for my jewelry, shoes and scarves. There is nothing that gets me more excited than accessorizing and the truth is, I’m not savvy enough (YET!) to accessorize more complicated outfits.

One day.

We all need goals, right?

Here’s what I came up with:


I’m sort of running out of poses, folks. Tyra Banks was right — modeling is not for the faint of heart!


In fact, Miss Jay would probably make a joke about how I look constipated in this one.

But then I would just show him this picture and say, that he looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket.


Do you need a minute to recover from that photo? Ok, let’s talk about clothes and not constipation. Or men who have better looking legs than I do.



Scarf: Old Navy
Tee: Royalton for Norstrom
Jeans: Old Navy “The Flirt”
Shoes: Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Earrings: (Practically invisible, but they are dangly!) Target

You all, I am so in love with these shoes and you can hardly see them in this photo! HOT PINK DRIVING MOCCASINS! Could you die? Just because I love them so much, I am posting an old picture of them so you can at least see them.

Is there ever a reason to say 'no' to Hot Pink shoes?

Hot pink shoes. I never grow tired of you. Thank god for Jeans and a White Tee because what the hell else would I wear you with????


What did you wear today?

Join the group and play a little show and tell. I know one of you will one of these days…

My Workout Essentials

There’s nothing worse than harnessing your motivation, pumping up the volume and heading out for a great workout only to have your pants slide down, your shirt get all stretchy OR WORSE: your bangs flop in your face the whole time. OHMYGOD, with the bangs. Can. Not. Stand.

Sometimes I think the clothes make the workout.

After 10 months of intense CrossFit workouts, I have gotten my clothing choice down to a science. Here are some pieces I can’t live without, and one I’m dying to try.

(Clockwise from the center)

1. Moving Comfort’s Fiona Sports Bra – It is not hyperbolic to say this sports bra has changed my life. (Thanks, Sizzle!) Previously I was rocking the Enell (on Oprah’s recommendation, of course) because as us endowed ladies know, not any sports bra will do. I liked the way the Enell fit, but the way it looked left a lot to be desired. It was basically a harness, and while effective, it was not pretty. Fiona is both! And I love her! And she is HALF THE PRICE of the Enell. Score.

2. Mossimo Long and Lean Tanks – While I’m not super lean, I am definitely long, and I never have to tug or twist these tanks to ensure they are sitting right. They fit well, come in a range of cute colors, and they’re Old Navy cheap without being Old Navy quality.

3. Goody Stay Put Headbands – So hey, I have a weird shaped head. Did you know? Well now you do. I don’t know what it is but stretchy, athletic-type headbands just slide right off. That’s a lie, I know what it is. My head is funny and my hair is slippery, bad combo for headband wearers everywhere. I’ve tried them all and most of them can go kick rocks as far as I’m concerned. Weird heads, unite! But these ACTUALLY work on my head. So if you are in the same predicament, they’ve worked for me. Check them out. And if you are not in the same predicament: um, jealous!

4. Old Navy Compression Capris – So I know a few sentences above I just gave Old Navy clothes a dig, but I have to rescind that for a moment because they’re athletic line? IS AMAZING. I have multiple pairs of their compression pants and they are great quality, super cheap and let’s just say the seams give great ass. Yep, I said it. I know you always hear that about Lululemon, and that is probably the case. But my great ass can’t fit into those yet, and I enjoy spending around $20 on workout pants. If you are in either situation — go forth and purchase. Again, if you are not: Jealous. 🙂 (One day, Lulus. One day!)

5. Neutrogena Deep Clean Makeup Remover Wipes – I generally head to the gym straight from work and I hate getting sweaty with makeup all over my face. I also hate wearing cute professional outfits WITHOUT makeup on my face. Obviously this is a conundrum! I fianlly bought these and threw them into my gym bag on a whim, and it’s been love ever since. Best $4.99 I ever spent. I don’t find they dry out my face, and I don’t have to suffer through running with drippy, sweaty raccoon eyes. I know — The Glamour — I have it.

6. New Balance Minimus MT10s – I guess we should get this out of the way first — I’m a pretty staunch barefoot enthusiast. After reading Born to Run I thought the author was doing a little passing of the peace pipe if you know what I’m saying. But then I thought — why not try it? And a year later, I am a TOTAL peace pipe smoking convert myself. I generally wear a pair of Vibram Five Finger Flows, but recently a little hole ripped in the toe. Conveniently it was during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale so I used that as an excuse to pick up a pair of these New Balance/Vibram hybrids and so far they are pretty great! While my first love will always be the Five Fingers, the Minimus gets a lot fewer stares and questions from strangers. And maybe this makes me a giant meanie, but I don’t like making small talk about my shoes when I’m sweaty and in my running clothes. It still has a Vibram sole but it’s a tiny bit more versatile, so for that, it is becoming my regular CrossFit shoe.

7. Old Navy Active Zip Hoodie — This last item is technically not one that I own (while all the others are) but I do love a sporty little zip up, and as the temps cool I’ve got my eye on this. I’m THAT in love with Old Navy’s active line that I think I’m going to try it. Lulu, I think Old Navy has its eye on you with it’s affordable stuff with pretty seams. Take Note!

What items can you not live without when working out? I’m always looking for game changing items — let me know!

The Path vs. The Prize

There are two things speaking to me from the internet this morning, and I find when the internet sends you a couple of coincidentally thematic things in a row, it is best to listen. Except, of course, when that message is “Buy expensive things you can’t afford.”  Then I try to tune it out, but oh how that is hard!  When the messages are more introspective, however, and less consumer based — I certainly try to pay attention.

There are no coincidences, you know. Only glitches in The Matrix.

Do we need a gratuitous Keanu shot on this Wednesday morning?  Yes, yes I think we do. 

So the first thing I read this morning was this post on Zen and CrossFit over at The Five Tribe.  Honest to god, do you know how many times I have set and arbitrary goal for myself at the gym that has no basis is fact or experience and then have been DISAPPOINTED that I didn’t achieve it?  Many more than I would like to admit actually, and the insanity of that is not lost on me.  Not that this does not makes the disappointment go away, but since I am at least aware of it, I feel like I am not totally hopeless.  

I don’t know where it comes from:   this desire to set goals and push relentlessly until I achieve them.  It is so god damn hardwired into my brain.  I know that sounds a little obnoxious on first glance — oh, woe is me, I love to set goals and achieve them…my life is so hard!  Also my diamond shoes are too tight and my money clip is just waaaaaaaay too small!  Sigh.  The thing is, it’s not the goal setting that is so awful, it is the narrow-focused drive that it sometimes awakens inside of me that pushes for achievement just for achievement’s sake.  The drive to cross something off of a list, to check a box, to identify with a number, to have an experience under my belt.  This is a productive flaw to have, I realize — better than the fierce and narrow-focused drive to stay in my bed — but it is also one that needs to be kept in check not only in the gym, but in life in order to maintain balance and sanity.  Good things, both of those.  Things that elude me on occasion.   

I’m still working hard on trying to just Be.  To show up and try hard.  To realize that when I am out running, even if I am bringing up the rear, I am still lapping everyone who is at home sitting on the couch.  This alone should be a victory for my demented and focused (and sometimes competitive) brain, AND YET.  I find it hard to have purpose when I don’t have a goal, or a drive to achieve.  I fear that if I let that go, there will be nothing left to see or do.  While I will never be a person who doesn’t set goals any more than I will ever be a person who doesn’t breathe daily  I know that I can try my best to control those achievement impulses and redirect that energy to enjoying the journey. The journey itself can be enjoyable!  

Let’s all chant it together!  

Ok, or not.

Then a few clicks later I read this little gem of a story posted by Melissa over at The Clothes Make the Girl

There is a story of a young, but earnest Zen student who approached his teacher, and asked the Master:

“If I work very hard and diligently, how long will it take for me to find Zen? The Master thought about this, then replied, “Ten years…”

The student then said, “But what if I work very, very hard and really apply myself to learn fast — How long then?”  Replied the Master, “Well, twenty years.”

“But, if I really, really work at it, how long then?” asked the student.  “Thirty years,” replied the Master.

“But, I do not understand,” said the disappointed student. “At each time that I say I will work harder, you say it will take me longer. Why do you say that?”

Replied the Master, “When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path.”

And then all of a sudden, the light bulb went off.

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