Category Archives: Links

Fun Things to Read On A Friday

Completely on board with continuing this Lazy Saturday.

Sorry for the delay in Friday links my friends, but we had a long day at the vet yesterday with our little dog child (and an even longer night at an emergency vet hospital last night) and so things are moving Real Slow around here. Luckily the little beastie is feeling much better, and for the most part so are we. But man, let me tell you (as I do every week, it feels like) how happy I am that it is the weekend!

Have I mentioned that this was a terrible month to not be drinking? HA! In related news, Whole 30 is still trudging along. We’re just about through — Wednesday is Day 30, but I am leaving to go to Iowa again for work next week, so I may just end up doing a Whole 28 or 29. I make no promises. It’s been good this time around though — finally after 3 tries I finally the felt the “Oh hey, my skin is glowing” side effect. That has never happened before for me and it was AWESOME! I actually think I’m going to continue to Whole 30 it up for the most part through the end of the year, but how that will work is a whole other post entirely.

Oh, random interjection — Des Moines Peeps: If anyone is game for a drink Wednesday night while I am in town, shoot me an email at

Alrighty, my brain is sufficiently dumped I think, shall we get to the links?


*My friend Megan wrote a great post about what a calorie actually is and a super simple easy to understand explanation about how to burn them most efficiently. (Hint: It ain’t an hour of cardio.)

*While we’re talking food: 9 Surprising Foods With More Sugar Than A Krispy Kreme Donut.

*Simple advice to Beat the Mondays

*I’m getting better at building gaps into my life. Such a helpful concept. Do you do it too?

*It’s that time of year: Pumpkin and Apple Recipes are taking over the internet! (I am not at all sad about this.)

*Other things I’m dying to eat:
Hatch Chile Chimichurri
Grain Free Pita Bread
Zucchini Fries with Blooming Onions Sauce
Maybe not together. But hey — who knows???

*Did you know kettlebells make you better at sex. It’s like, science or something.

*Bloggers, check out this awesome post on creating an editorial calendar. It is like organization porn.

*50 Better Questions to Ask Than How To Be More Productive. BOOM.

*I just bought this for my desk at work.

*I CAN NOT FREAKING WAIT to read this. Now if I could just find some time. Oh wait…I’ll be on a plane twice next week. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS


Have a great weekend, friends!

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Fun Things to Read On A Friday

Garrett's thoughts on Day 10 of our #whole30

Hola friends! Happy Friday!

The Whole 30 is going swimmingly so far, despite Garrett’s silly texts. We are on our way down the summit — Day 17? Day 18? One of those, so we’ll just keep chugging along. I’ve worked until after 10pm on multiple nights this week so I am feeling a little weary coasting into this weekend, but the agenda is mellow. THANK GOD. Not too many of those mellow weekends at the end of the month/beginning of October so I’m going to soak it up while I can. And maybe read a book or something JEEZ — I am seriously lagging in the good reads arena lately but I believe you can never go wrong with an adventure memoir.

Speaking of good reads, let’s talk links:


*Did you know Hemingway had a famous burger recipe? It sounds pretty delicious, actually.

*I’ve been wanting to write this post for weeks now that fall is just about here, but Alison went ahead and did it for me (and with much more detail…woot!) My Favorite Wide Calf Boot Resources

*I’ve always said I am an anti-hoarder. Turns out, that could just be another form of hoarding. Wait WHAAAAAAAAT?

*Do you think Neil Patrick Harris would be my friend? He seems like an interesting dude.

*Here’s some good advice: Working Out and Eating Well Should Enhance Your Life Not Dominate It.

*Want to learn how to do something supremely powerful? Practice the conscious choice to like or dislike something?

*On a lighter note: How Orange Is The New Black Is Like The Babysitters Club

*Did you have a beloved Trapper Keeper when you were in elementary school? Reading this history had me feeling super nostalgic for the 80s!

*Have a kid heading back to the sports field? Read up on the NFL’s work to help all youth athletes stay safe.


That was a random list! What can I say, I’m all over the place this week. πŸ™‚ Here’s to a mellow, enjoyable weekend you all!

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday (Saturday Edition)

Buster thinks it's about time to now the lawn. (Ahem...HEY GARRETT...)

A day behind is a metaphor for my week! But that’s probably acceptable, after all Monday was a holiday, right? (Just smile and nod.)

This week was long and full but not SUPER overwhelming, so that is a plus. But I am definitely still playing a little catch up in work and in life this morning. (And so is Garrett, as you can tell by the state of the lawn above. Every time Buster goes outside it looks like he is having a jungle adventure.)

The good thing is I slept super well this week so while my schedule was nuts, I was ready to rise to the occasion. Also, on Monday I got to have fun dinner with friends and last night we went to an awesome game night with friends. Definitely winning in the fun department this week, and luckily this weekend is free of any kind of demands so I can just putter around my house doing the things I want (which includes steam mopping my floors — WE’RE GETTING CRAZY AROUND HERE :))

Hope you all have a fun weekend too! Now, shall we get on to some links:


*Holy Cow! Kelly McGongal’s talk on How to Make Stress Your Friend blew my mind!

*You’re not going to wake up younger tomorrow: Go Do!

*Have you heard of the concept of Pain Gaps. I can definitely relate.

*Have time for a bit of a meatier read? Check out Hanna Rosin’s Murder by Craigslist from The Atlanic. Simultaneously disturbing but FASCINATING!

*Two recipes I want to make when I am finished with our Whole 30:
Berry Cream Bars
Paleo Cocoa Puffs
Yes I acknowledge they are both treats or junk food or sex with your pants on or WHATEVER. But it’s also Day 5 of my Whole 30 so LET ME FANTASIZE, WILL YOU? πŸ™‚

*While I don’t know if this is “fun” per se, I really enjoyed 7 Lessons I’ve Learned About Life & Love From Loss. The hardest times in my life have taught me the most.

*Tangentially related: Don’t Waste Your Time.

*I know the phrase mind-blowing is over used, but come on — some of these really are when you sit down and think about them.

* You wouldn’t put your kid on a bike without a helmet. Don’t let them head out to the sports field without reading this.


That’s what’s up this week. Enjoy your weekend whatever you do!

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Seriously...this dog lives a good ass life. I might be jealous.

Happy Friday!

It’s been a bit of a lazy week around here and I am sorry that I’m not sorry. I thought I would be super productive this week, but I have yet to even do a load of laundry. I did, however, catch up with friends, read, write, take bubble baths as well as doing the major daily tasks that keep our household afloat. I feel a little greedy saying this, but man — I COULD USE ANOTHER WEEK OFF. πŸ™‚ The time to myself has felt very refreshing!

I thought I might spend the week taking long walks but MY FIT BIT BROKE! How rude! So you know, if I’m not getting credit for steps why take them? πŸ™‚ Ok, not really. But that is a serious bummer. Mostly because now I have to deal with returning it and returning things (right up there with making phone calls) is one of my most DREADED tasks!

At least we’re going into a long weekend, right? What do you all have planned? How about we kick it off with some fun (less complain-y) links?


*Uh, re-reading that last paragraph made me think it might be time to Set Boundaries With My Job. Heh

*Well here are some fun facts: 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World

*Need a little fitness inspiration? Here are 10 Ways to Love Your Workouts and Stay Motivated.

*Food I would like to be eating:
Slow Cooker Pollo sin Arroz
Slow Cooked Brisket
Slow Cooked Mustard Short Ribs
Oh, slow cooker season! I am ready for you.

*Audiophiles, check out 25 Audiobook Favorites from Janssen over at Everyday Reading. Not an audiophile? This list is fully of good looking reccomendations and I’m also really intrigued by this book.

*I don’t know why but this silly video makes me so happy every time I watch it. I want to invite Jumpy over to play with Buster!

*Loved this post about the suckitude of the BMI. You all know how I feel about it – I’m definitely in favor of Body Composition Testing! So much more enlightening.

*Consider what the pain might be teaching you. Listen to your hurt, and figure out how it can make you better, instead of bitter. Evidence of a Miss was a good read.

*Sometimes it is hard to tell the “Health Hype” from reality. I really enjoyed this smart post from Diane Sanfilippo on Flax, Chia, Green Smoothies and Juicing.

*Want to feel confident about your kid’s safety when they head out to the sports field this fall? Look no further.


Hope you all enjoy your weekend! Take care, friends!

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Worth $10 for the laugh alone.

Happy Friday, friends! How about a little Beef Cake to start off your weekend? LOL

Can you believe we made it through another week? WOOT! You guys, it is August. HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN? I am not ready to let go of summer so I am going to do it up big this last month.

I celebrated a little early last night by skipping my workout, heading out to the back patio and cracking open a bottle of random wine. When Garrett got home he was like “Hey, you know this is like a $50 bottle of wine, right?” (I hope it goes without saying that this is NOT our normal Thursday night fare) so I told him it was to celebrate all of all the awesome things we would be doing this weekend. I guess I better start thinking up some awesome things, eh? πŸ™‚

Awesome thing # 1: Reorganize our wine storage? πŸ™‚

I’ve actually been in serious nesting mode lately — dusting and organizing and cleaning OH MY! I could do it all day long, actually and be completely content. I might do more of the same this weekend. Are you so jealous of my glamorous lifestyle? ha

How about we talk about some fun links?


*Struggling to find time for the gym? Check out 7 Reasons You Should Spend Less Time Working Out. Numbers 4, 5 and 6 are so TRUE! (And for the science nerds: How Exercise Changes Fat and Muscle Cells.)

*While I generally roll my eyes at all the “French People Do Things Better” stuff in the media, I have to say I loved this little snippet about how the French and Americans think about cheese. In this case, I definitely think the French know what’s up! πŸ™‚

*Jason Hudson’s 30 Rules are on point!

*This simple recipe was the best thing I ate all week. As I was assembling it I was like, “Hmmmm…I don’t know about this” but it was FREAKING AWESOME! And Garrett insists it gets put in heavy rotation.

*Need some inspiration to get your finances in order? Here are 58 Personal Finance Blogs to check out. All in one place! You can also learn how to fx trade here.

*Erica wrote about her grocery shopping habits this week and I just love slice of life posts like that! Do you shop at multiple stores or do you just get it done at one? I do 3-4 stores weekly. YIKES! πŸ™‚

*This is why I love Geneen Roth.

*In the age of Lifestyle Blog Overload, I really liked this perspective on Framing Your Life.

*I ordered some of these this week. BOOYAH! Highly Recommend!


Hope you have a great weekend, folks! Heck, crack open an expensive bottle of wine! πŸ™‚

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey folks! I’m home from a week on the road that was simultaneously exhausting and energizing! I worked my tail off, met LOTS of fun peeps, explored a new city, ate and drank like a tourist, and definitely did NOT get enough sleep. But isn’t that always how travel goes?

I’m back home this morning after a flight that landed at midnight last night (OOF! 3 AM Columbus time, and let me tell you IT FELT LIKE IT!) so today will be mostly filled with dog snuggling, laundry, napping, yoga and tossing around some barbells with my babe tonight. I am so SO happy to be home!!!

While I was gone I found out that I was assigned to a 3 month work project that will require much more of this kind of travel in the future. I am excited about it, but I also feel like that means it’s even more important to enjoy this kind of downtime at home while I have it! I’m off to have a relaxing weekend and wishing the same for you.

In the meantime, let’s get to the Fun Friday Reads:


*Allie knocked it out of the park this week (as usual) with How To Be Stylish On A Budget. I will always ALWAYS love reading posts like this!

*Are you ready for some serious inspiration? 5 Great TED Talks for Athletes. WOW!

*Speaking of awesome athletes — if you are a lady (and I think you are!) please read Unapologetically Strong. I really REALLY love this and I think it is a bit of a culture shift for us gals.

*I really liked this two-part post that Chris Kresser did about how the Acid-Alkaline myth is flawed. So smart and well-researched! Acid/Alkalinity is such a buzzword right now so I really appreciated how it helped me understand the concept better and decide what is real and what is pseudo-science.

*It wasn’t that long ago that grocery stores didn’t have shelves lined with all different non-dairy milks. Now they are everywhere. But are they all “good for you?” I liked Lauren’s take – Non Dairy Milks: Think Twice Before Buying

*And while we are getting all alarmist (ha! :)) did you read The Truth About Bagged Lettuce? (I got this via Nom Nom Paleo last week. Have you pre-ordered her cookbook? GET ON THAT! I can’t wait for it!)

*Need a forehead smack of awesome? Check out 5 Food Prep Tips So Simple I Didn’t Even Know.

*This post on A Practical Wedding about friendship breakups and the aftermath really hit home for me. Why *do* we never talk about this kind of stuff? Are you a community or BFF kind of person? Such interesting comments there!

*I’ve mentioned before my own ideas for moving toward more natural skin and body care, but this week Mark Sisson mentioned specifically the 5 Chemicals In Cosmetics You Should Avoid. I thought it was super helpful and easy to understand.

*Well this is a productivity win: 12 Apps To Help You Get Shit Done


Well that’s all I’ve got for now! I’m off to pup-snuggle (and let’s be real, make another pot of coffee) so have a great weekend friends!

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday


I saw this on Civilized Caveman’s Instagram feed this week and it cracked me up! This is exactly the difference between Garrett and I in the morning. I am a REALLY ANNOYING morning person and once I’m up – well, I’m pretty much ready to face the day. Garrett takes a little warming up. I have the day off today so I’m up and puttering around the house with the Pandora Remix station blasting and Buster and I have already had a little dance party. Garrett is still rolling his eyes at us whispering “My Preeeeeeecious” as he holds his cup of coffee.

Anyway, enough about that! Shall we talk links? Yes, let’s do that:


*Check out 25 Mind Blowing Food Prep Techniques to Save You Time & Frustration (The fishing out eggshell tip actually *did* blow my mind.)

*I loved the concept of Productivity Shaming. Well, I didn’t love it but it certainly was eye opening. Holy hell can I relate to this: Hey Overacheiver – 5 Reasons Why Your Productivity Doesn’t Equal Your Self Worth. (I especially liked #3.)

*Tangentially related: Perfectionism and indecision masks the fear we’re not enough on our own. We have lived here for over 4 years and the walls are still white in my house. It definitely goes deeper than paint.

*Wellness Mama threw down some real perspective this week about why she strives for health. So true. I strive for health so that when I am 86 I can do this.

*Wanna scratch that summer reading itch with something delicious? Check out these food essay recommendations. If you also want to create beautiful essays like this one, then you may consider getting help from essay writing service reddit.

*I must really love Love Triangles because most of my favorite movies are on this list: 25 Essential Love Triangle Movies

*Fellow nerds — HOW AWESOME IS THIS? (Cliffs Notes: SUPER AWESOME. I want to take all of them!)

*Can we talks books for a second?
I’m super curious about this book and am going to try the lettuce tip she shares here.

Also, I finally got to check out this cookbook and HOLY MOLY it is like 900 times more amazing than I thought it would be. I’m literally chomping at the bit to cook from it. Review forthcoming when I’ve made some of the recipes as they all look awesome.

Buster loves @healthbentsays book already! #paleo dog
Plus – Buster Approved! I love this picture because it shows how small Buster really is. Most folks who have seen his picture are suprised at how small he is in real life. Here he is with a cookbook for scale. HAHA

*I’m going to be in Columbus, Ohio for the next week for work so I am going through this slideshow with a find toothed comb. I WILL ONLY PACK ONE SUITCASE. I WILL ONLY PACK ONE SUITCASE.

*Speaking of travel, that means lots of time for book and magazine reading. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Did you see this great list of Totally Amazing Magazines We Should All Be Reading? Four of my favorites are included! Also in my top faves? Fast Company, Sunset and Vanity Fair.


If you have any reading material recommendations feel free to let ’em rip! I’m all ears for good stuff to read while I’m out of town. Hope you all have a great weekend! We’ll just be lounging, running errands and the like. What are your plans?

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Oh yes I did.
Oh yes. Yes I did. How could I not with a little white dog?

You guys, it will only be 93 degrees today in my town. HALLE-FREAKING-LUJAH! I can feel normalcy returning finally, and man it feels good. Did you have a fun Fourth of July? I ate a lot of delicious ribs, hung with friends, ate an amazing gluten free vanilla cupcake from Whole Foods and watched some bad reality tv while trying to keep Buster from going ape shit. Fireworks did not make this little dog happy, but we got through it with lots of cuddling. Last night I slept the sleep of the dead with the windows open and a cool breeze blowing and WOW I feel like a new person today. A new person ready for a weekend, of course, but new nonetheless!

Let’s get to the links already, eh?


*How delicious does this summer cocktail look? And so refreshing!

*I think it would go perfect with this burger, which I am DEFINITELY grilling up this weekend now that the weather isn’t ridiculous.

*Moderation is a Sham was the best thing I read all week. I think Allison’s perspective is spot on.

*Sizzle wrote a GREAT post this week on Being vs. Fixing that made me want to give her a giant high five.

*Such a powerful thing to keep in mind: How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything.

*Really interested in checking out this documentary.

*Rethink the way you live was thought provoking. Where should good design and a realistic lifestyle actually intersect?

*Great thoughts on Why You Should Let Yourself Succeed and Go Get the Life You Want. I mean seriously, GO GET IT ALREADY!

*Want a quick easy read that will jumpstart your prodcutivity? Amy Lynn Andrews’ $2.99 Kindle book Tell Your Time is a short, sweet guidebook worth reading.

*This week’s 10 Pieces of Inspiration from The Simple Dollar was a good one. Go read it!

*While I am obviously loving the hell out of zucchini right now, I still think you can’t have too much cauliflower inspiration. (Check out this recipe too! Must come up with a paleo version STAT.)


Have a nice weekend you all! See ya next week!

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Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Doggie Bath Mat is cute until you try and step out of the bath.
Who needs a bathmat when you have Buster?

Hey there — HAPPY FRIDAY! It’s been a mostly uneventful week around here, and I mean that in the best way possible. This weekend we are heading to an Engagement/Housewarming party and a Baby Shower, so clearly we saved up all the eventful-ness for the weekend.

Mostly this means I’ll end up grocery shopping and running errands on Friday night so we don’t starve next week and if I’m being honest, I get a little bit excited about grocery shopping on Friday nights instead of Sunday afternoons. My 21 year old self is laughing so hard at me right now. Hell, you probably are too. πŸ™‚ Whatever. Domesticity, I love you!

So, shall we get to some links?


*I finally squeezed in a 6am wod this week and remembered how freaking good it feels to have your workout done by 7am! I came across this article about Tips for Those Who Train Early, and while I don’t advocate everything he says, the list at the end is pretty solid and similar to my own morning routine.

*A friend who knows my tendencies well sent me this link the other day. It felt like I was exhaaaaaaaaaaaaaling with every word.

*Are you having bathing suit anxiety? Then I have a link for you! I love Allison’s message here. here.

*Trying to overcome fear and take more risks — I love the concept of The Tripod of Stability.

*Let’s talk about when it’s okay to be lazy.

*Love pickles and kombucha? Well then, you are totally in style! Check out how the tart food trend is sweeping the nation.

*This pinterest board is a paleo dessert inspiration jackpot! Speaking of inspiration: BACON CAKE.

*Whole Foods recently posted a delicious looking list of 5 Salad Dressings to Make This Summer.

*Want a bit of a meatier read? Check out this book excerpt from Vanity Fair where A Veteran of Seal Team Six Describes His Training.

*Lastly, Diane from Balanced Bites shared this on her Facebook page the other day and before I watched it, I wasn’t convinced I was interested in the whole thing. When I was done though, WOW — powerful stuff. (Aren’t most TED talks?) Definitely worth the 15 minute investment.


Have a great weekend folks!

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Fun Things to Read On A Friday

Wait, wait...get me from my good side!
How about a Doggie Glamour Shot for your Friday?

You guys, I am SO EXCITED FOR THE WEEKEND!!! We are having dinner with some friends tonight and then Saturday afternoon/evening is our gym’s 5 Year Anniversary party. Hooray! Lots of celebrating. The only catch is that tomorrow morning the gym is hosting a co-ed partner competition in celebration of the 5 years and GOD DAMN IT, GARRETT SIGNED US UP. πŸ™‚ Heh. I’m mad at him because I am really not feeling at the top of my fitness game lately, so OMG why compete whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. LOL Also, it’s 3 workouts in a row. (Here is the wod lineup.) Good thing it’s just a bunch of peeps having fun (I hope) because I don’t have a lot of competitive spirit lately. I know regardless, it will be a good time!

Then on Sunday, it is relaxation city. All that is on the agenda is cooking and trying to keep up with the Kardashians or something similarly mindless. Woot! Anyway, shall we get to the links?


*I can’t stop listening to this song. We must have heard it 25 times on our road trip which was completely annoying. But now, of course, when I hear it I smile. And the fact that more than one of you suggested it for my cheesy pop song Summer Bucket List project, means YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. πŸ™‚

*Classical Statues Dressed Up As Hipsters makes me literally LOL.

*I want to eat basically everything on this list. Yay inspiration!

*Speaking of recipes, I’m fantasizing about 4th of July side dishes. So far I’d like to include Roasted Strawberry + Toasted Coconut Popsicles. Oh wait, that’s only dessert. Hmmmm. Better get thinking about *actual* side dishes.

*I know I’ve linked to things about the Circle of Concern vs. the Circle of Influence but it’s worth mentioning again because I still love this take on stress management. I just need to be better about putting my stresses in the right circles. Baby steps.

*Related to stress management – I probably need to tape this list up somewhere: 32 Things To Do Instead of Drinking Wine. πŸ™‚

*Here’s a little exercise that will make you instantly feel like you’ve got your shit together. Seriously. You’ve come a long way. Don’t forget that.

*I am so in love with this list of lessons learned from strength training. Aaaaaaaah, so true!

*Thinking about bringing these to the party this weekend. I feel like pot lucks happen all the time during the summer. What is YOUR favorite dish to bring? I always need inspiration.

*Love Brene Brown’s advice for bloggers. She is one smart cookie.

*What do you want more of in your life? Where is your focus? (love Love LOVED this reminder.)

*Totally thinking about doing this in the archway into our office. Since we can’t decide on paint colors, why not?


Hope you have a great weekend you all!

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