Fun Things To Read On A Friday


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey folks! I’m home from a week on the road that was simultaneously exhausting and energizing! I worked my tail off, met LOTS of fun peeps, explored a new city, ate and drank like a tourist, and definitely did NOT get enough sleep. But isn’t that always how travel goes?

I’m back home this morning after a flight that landed at midnight last night (OOF! 3 AM Columbus time, and let me tell you IT FELT LIKE IT!) so today will be mostly filled with dog snuggling, laundry, napping, yoga and tossing around some barbells with my babe tonight. I am so SO happy to be home!!!

While I was gone I found out that I was assigned to a 3 month work project that will require much more of this kind of travel in the future. I am excited about it, but I also feel like that means it’s even more important to enjoy this kind of downtime at home while I have it! I’m off to have a relaxing weekend and wishing the same for you.

In the meantime, let’s get to the Fun Friday Reads:


*Allie knocked it out of the park this week (as usual) with How To Be Stylish On A Budget. I will always ALWAYS love reading posts like this!

*Are you ready for some serious inspiration? 5 Great TED Talks for Athletes. WOW!

*Speaking of awesome athletes — if you are a lady (and I think you are!) please read Unapologetically Strong. I really REALLY love this and I think it is a bit of a culture shift for us gals.

*I really liked this two-part post that Chris Kresser did about how the Acid-Alkaline myth is flawed. So smart and well-researched! Acid/Alkalinity is such a buzzword right now so I really appreciated how it helped me understand the concept better and decide what is real and what is pseudo-science.

*It wasn’t that long ago that grocery stores didn’t have shelves lined with all different non-dairy milks. Now they are everywhere. But are they all “good for you?” I liked Lauren’s take – Non Dairy Milks: Think Twice Before Buying

*And while we are getting all alarmist (ha! :)) did you read The Truth About Bagged Lettuce? (I got this via Nom Nom Paleo last week. Have you pre-ordered her cookbook? GET ON THAT! I can’t wait for it!)

*Need a forehead smack of awesome? Check out 5 Food Prep Tips So Simple I Didn’t Even Know.

*This post on A Practical Wedding about friendship breakups and the aftermath really hit home for me. Why *do* we never talk about this kind of stuff? Are you a community or BFF kind of person? Such interesting comments there!

*I’ve mentioned before my own ideas for moving toward more natural skin and body care, but this week Mark Sisson mentioned specifically the 5 Chemicals In Cosmetics You Should Avoid. I thought it was super helpful and easy to understand.

*Well this is a productivity win: 12 Apps To Help You Get Shit Done


Well that’s all I’ve got for now! I’m off to pup-snuggle (and let’s be real, make another pot of coffee) so have a great weekend friends!

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6 Responses to Fun Things To Read On A Friday

  1. Mary says:

    Jeni’s Ice Cream!!!! Its so freaking good – thank god I don’t live in Columbus, ’cause I’d eat it every day. Did you know they will ship?

    • Holly says:

      I *did* know they ship. And it is SOOOOO DANGEROUS! 🙂 At $12 a pint though, it’s so cost prohibitive I may just schedule a trip back to Columbus for the ice cream. 🙂

  2. Allie says:

    Aww thanks for the mention, Holly! Always honored because you gather some of the best links out there!

  3. Hi, I am trying to get off the prepackaged almond milk bandwagon due to reasons in that link you give and was wondering what someone like you with a full work life does. Do you make your own or have you found better brands out there? I can get plain almonds for cheap at Costco so I’m up for making my own but I’d love a store bought version free of bad additives if possible.

    • Holly says:

      So I have only made my own almond milk once, and while it wasn’t hard – per se — it was labor intensive. I actually prefer coconut milk to almond milk (more nutrient dense, etc) so I just use that if I making it in a smoothie or something. Otherwise I just don’t use almond milk too often anymore. Most brands have funky stuff in them which is annoying because they are SO CONVENIENT! If I’m in a pinch, I’ll just buy the best looking one out there. I just don’t make a habit of it. 🙂