2012 // Summer Bucket List

Travel + Social

‘Tis the season to get the eff outta dodge! That’s like, a famous quote, right?

*Day Trip/Hike in Marin County + SF
*Weekend trip to Lake Tahoe
*Weekend trip to Sonoma
*Drink a Glarifee
*Weekend trip to Bodega Bay
*Long weekend in Iowa
*Host Book Club Dinner at our house
*Make some friggin’ s’mores already (spring carryover!)


I honestly see these as the most challenging. Clearly I am doing this wrong.

*Visit a pool that has cabanas, fancy lounge chairs, cocktail service OR All of the Above
*Get a pedicure while playing casino zeus. (Note to self: This is not that hard. Quit failing at it!)
*Watch Game of Thrones, Season One
*Read 15 books (That’s…aggressive, but let’s just leave it)
*Read a lot of those outside: in the yard, on a beach, on a balcony, on a bench. It doesn’t matter.
*Get 8-9 hours of sleep at least 4 nights per week

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Summer is for eating and drinking. That is one of the 10 commandments.

*Make lemonade that tastes good without sugar
*Turn that lemonade into an adult beverage
*Cook from the garden as much as possible
*Get more creative with the fresh herbs you are growing (Basil, Thyme, Rosemary, Cilantro)
*Blog about it
*Write a recipe that involves sauerkraut that people will want to eat
*Post recipes for the homemade condiments you make (so. much. better. than. store bought.)
*Grill some stone fruit
*Try your hand at smoking meat without actually having a smoker
*Maybe I should just buy a smoker?
*Make pickles and also pickle some green beans
*Get better at grilling seafood
*Make jam (carryover from spring!)

Health + Fitness

This summer I want to have fun outside (and eat and drink) but also reeeeeeeeeeeally be mindful of my health progress.

*Go on a hike or trail run
*Climb a rope (So close, I’m getting there!)
*Go kayaking, damnit! (You knew that was gonna show up)
*Do legit body composition testing that you pay for at the beginning of summer
*Do it again at the end
*And don’t use your wonk ass “Body Fat Scale” that changes if you drink a big glass of water
*Re-visit the Naturopath to check your progress.
*Also Talk about hormones and babies and all that good stuff.
*Take your fish oil, silly. And your Vitamin D.
*Or maybe just look into Fermented Cod Liver Oil and figure all that out
*While you’re at it, learn enough about the importance of the Omega 6:3 ratio that you can speak about it intelligently
*Keep working on an unassisted pull up and toes to bar. Maybe by the end of summer?????
*Decide if you’re going to run in that October Half Marathon
*If you decide YES (eep!) use the CrossFit Endurance method to train

Home Improvement

Quit laughing when I write these goals. One of these seasons I WILL ACTUALLY FINISH ONE OF THESE! Then who’s gonna be laughing?

*Paint kitchen cabinets
*Peel off that annoying chunk of wallpaper in the kitchen
*Hang art in kitchen
*Hang art in office
*Get a new duvet cover for the guest bedroom

*Buy patio furniture
*Finish the Master Bedroom and hire air conditioning repair service

We’re also contemplating if we just opt with a new energy efficient hvac installation. For that, we are planning to consult professionals similar to heat pump installation eastmont wa services.


What are YOU hoping to do this summer?

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19 Responses to 2012 // Summer Bucket List

  1. Amy says:

    I wanna go kayaking and hiking with you, preferably to Marin πŸ™‚ Let’s do this.

    Also, I hope you decide YES to the half πŸ™‚

  2. I expect a call when you come to the bay for hiking!

    Sean and I started a bucket list at the beginning of the year filled with fun, silly SF things like ride bikes over the GG and go kayaking in the bay. But since I’ve hurt my back NOTHING has gotten done. πŸ™ Hopefully we’ll get back to it soon.

  3. PinkieBling says:

    Excellent list! Looking forward to more awesome posts about all your summer fun. πŸ™‚

  4. Emily says:

    I’m sorry, but I couldn’t get past the shoes. WHERE DO I GET THOSE SHOES I NEED THOSE SHOES.

    You have the best taste in shoes, you know. πŸ™‚

    • Holly says:

      Oh Emily, they were purchased at some wacky little beachy surf shack in Avila Beach. Maybe I’ll see if I can find the brand name. I’m glad SOMEBODY likes them because they were like $25 or something ridiculous and when I bought them Garrett was like “$25 flip flops…LAME!” But I wanted them desperately! Complete impulse buy. But hey, at least I still like them! haha

  5. Kate says:

    Oooh, okay, I forgot to put manicures/pedicures on my list. I do them myself to save $, but it’s still pretty relaxing and pampering, just taking the time for myself. Going to do a manicure tonight, in fact!

  6. Lauren says:

    The sleep part is soooo hard! I always feel guilty when I go to bed early.

    And you must watch Game of Thrones RIGHT NOW. It’s amazing!

    • Holly says:

      I have it right now, too! I just need to freaking set aside some time to sit in front of the television. It seems so easy to do, AND YET…

  7. Amber says:

    Ok so this lemonade isn’t completely sugar free but it’s darn tasty and not too sweet or sour.

    In a pitcher mix
    Juice of 4 lemons
    1/4 cup honey
    A bit of water
    Stir til honey dissolves then fill the rest with water and stir again
    Top with fresh mint or strawberry!

    We learned that one from our friends who make goats milk soap. It’s good and you can really taste te honey, not just the sweetness.

    • Holly says:

      Oh this looks great, Amber. Thanks! I love that you have friends who make goats milk soap. I am going to pretend you are friends with The Fabulous Beekman Boys and tell everyone that’s where this lemonade recipe came from! hahahaha

  8. Megan W says:

    I always love your bucket lists because it inspires me. Mostly inspired to think about it…the doing part is a little tougher πŸ™‚ I’m way behind on my GoodReads goal too, but I’m not too upset because as long as I’m enjoying and carving time out to read, then life is good.

    Also, I recommend a rainy day to start watching Game of Thrones because you will hooked! It’s amazing! And definitely inspires a need to read the books. Although, they’re all at least 1000 pages, so they won’t help the book reading goal much, haha! Fair trade for excellent reading!

  9. Cait says:

    Can I suggest making your own marshmallows? It makes the whole smore a million times cooler. (Plus, you can make the marshmallows in flavors! We just made coconut marshmallows for a smores party, and they were pretty rad. If I do say so myself.)

    • Holly says:

      I’m all ears if you have a recipe…sounds YUM!

      • Cait says:

        There are two kinds of marshmallow recipes, basically. One has eggs, the other doesn’t. I bet the eggy recipes come out fine (maybe even better!) but in my three experiments with homemade sugary fluff squares I have a) had no eggs, b) cooked for someone with an egg allergy, c) cooked for someone deliberately avoiding eggs for chemotherapy reasons. (I know, right?) Anyway, eggs are delicious, and the internet collectively seems to agree that this recipe is great: http://smittenkitchen.com/2009/06/springy-fluffy-marshmallows/

        The recipe I use is this one: http://homecooking.about.com/od/dessertrecipes/r/bldes164.htm
        (Don’t let the about.com scare you off) I substitute in whatever flavor I am making for the half cup of water the gelatin dissolves in. (eg: coconut milk, lemon, strawberry pulp, green tea- go nuts!)

  10. Pingback: Body Composition Testing and Losing the Goal Weight Mentality (Part One)

  11. AndreAnna says:

    Oooh I like your list, mostly because I’m on it.

    But also because it’s really making me think of my own and how I really need to get my shit together this summer. LOL

  12. Pingback: 100 Hours: How Do You Spend Yours?

  13. Pingback: Summer Reading List

  14. Pingback: Thirsty Thursday: Fresh Squeezed Honey Lemonade 3 Ways