Category Archives: Goals

Prioritizing Nothing

This week has felt incredibly busy!
Gym/Meeting/Social Activity.
Cook Dinner.
Eat Dinner.
Straighten Up The House/Laundry.
Check Email.
Read Until I Fall Asleep.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
(And no, I don’t shower twice everyday, just the days I go to the gym.)

Catching up with some friends in these last couple of weeks has prompted me to answer the “What’s new?” question, and I always seem to end up responding with a broken record version of “I’ve been soooo busy lately.” After reading this bit of perspective the other day I’m actually kind of horrified when I think of how often I say this without event thinking about it.

“Busy” is totally a cult.

Now granted, this week HAS been busy or at least full and I have definitely felt pulled in many directions. But when I look at that list up there, I’m comforted at least in how it reflects my priorities. But I definitely have been feeling a little “time poor” for the last few weeks and I want to get that under control. I have many times reiterated Berkun’s stand on the concept of “I don’t have time for…” because we all totally make time for the things that are important to us.  It’s not about how much time I have versus the time you have, because we all have the same finite amount.  It’s about where that task ranks given the context of that time.  I love to have lots of fulfilling things going on in my life, and I love to make goals and take the time to make progress towards achieving them, but I’m starting to think that I am flawed in not ranking General Decompression up a little higher.  Berkun brings up a great point when he says

It’s the ability to pause, reflect, and relax, to let the mind wander, that’s perhaps the true sign of mastery, for when the mind returns it’s often sharper and more efficient, but most important happier than it was before.

Um, can I get an Amen on that!

Someone remind me who recently wrote that we are human beings and not human doings? Because I have totally forgetten, but whoever they are, they are brilliant!

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2009 Wrap Up

5 Best of ’09 Takes

(This post is a part of Gwen Bell’s The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge.)

Boy I sure fell off the wagon there for a minute, didn’t I? In any case, here are a few more Bests of 2009, quick take style:

1. Album of the Year: So I’ve been brewing an entire blog post in my head this year called “In Defense of Lady Gaga” (as if she is such an object of persecution, woe is Gaga), but what can I say? I’m lazy and I haven’t written it. Other things I haven’t done include: finish Christmas cards, call to get our heater fixed (brr!) and clean the bathrooms, but like I always say — there’s always tomorrow! And seriously, I have had lots of important things that needed to be done immediately, like watch Jersey Shore and reorganize every cabinet in my kitchen, so there. Anyway, I know many people think she is a cheesy ass, attention starved, pop-star and you know what, I can’t really argue with that. But seriously in the big scheme of things, who is more sadly in need of attention — the celebrity that just “happens” to show up at all the hip clubs and super-photographed restaurants “by chance” wearing all the most fashionable clothes OR the chick who shows up somewhere with freakin deer antlers on her head? I mean, yeah, she wants attention (obvs!) but come on — she has to have a sense of humor too, right? Also, even if her songs contain such poetically ridiculous lyrics such as: “I’m not loose I like to party Let’s get lost in your Ferrari” — the girl can sing — and it’s sort of refreshing that her sound isn’t synthesized on every track. Speaking of every track, Garrett and I listened to the entire “The Fame” album almost exclusively while we were in Maui, just because the lyrics made us laugh, it was silly, and we thought we were very hysterical — I guess you had to be there. But because we were feeling generous we left the cd in our rental car for the next person to enjoy for the sole reason that in 2009 I really think that everyone needed a little more Gaga in their life. So yeah, that’s my album of the year pic for what it’s worth. (Sidebar: I realize her album actually technically came out in 2008, but I take a minute to warm up to things, okay?)

See…Gaga even makes waiting in traffic on the Road to Hana enjoyable!

2. The Best Place in 2009: Hands down, my Kitchen — which is actually kind of funny because about a year and a half ago Garrett remodeled his whole house (now my house) and pretty much every room got upgraded except the kitchen. But even though our kitchen is outdated in comparison to the rest of our house, it has been my favorite place to unwind this year. I love nothing more after a long stressful day than to come and spend time slicing and dicing and creating something with all my pent up energy. I’ve gotten more creative in the kitchen this year and that has been awesome!

3. New Food: Speaking of creativity in the kitchen, I learned to cook Indian food like a champ this year! I’ve always thought the flavors were delicious, but since it’s kind of rare that we go out to dinner — and when we do, we usually hit up the same usual suspects — I rarely get to eat it. This year, since I tried to start cooking more vegetarian dishes, I figured I would give some Indian recipes a try and some of them have become staples!

4. Best Change you made to the place you live: Um…I decorated? Actually now that I think about it, I decorated twice. Well let me explain: first I took my little bachelorette studio and turned into a homey little pad just for me. And then, as you know, a few months later Garrett and I decided to shack up, so I turned a recently remodeled bachelor pad into a cozy home for two — and I had a pretty fun time doing it! You may remember my tale of extreme makeover and really, it continues to be an on-going project. But I love the idea of making a house feel like a home, and it’s so fun to continue finding things that make it feel ours!

5. Best Rush of the Year: Jeez, I have no idea what my best rush was…I didn’t do anything XXXTREME (with 3 Xs) I don’t think — Vin Diesel and I are kind of on the outs. Does it count that I got a rush when I knew the $2000 question in Urban Dictionary on Jeopardy the other night when I was in a room full of non-bloggers and shouted out “DOOCED!”? #bloggernerdalert No? Okay then, well um…I surfed on an anchor on the Central Coast — how about that?

Well, if nothing else, I make an ass out of myself so you don’t have to.

You are all welcome.

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Summer Bucket List – 2010

So about 2 days into our most recent vacation, Garrett and I declared that this summer was going to be the Best Summer Ever! I’m sure that’s not a surprising declaration while you are on the front side of a 10 day island vacation; however, we have been working to keep that attitude alive even back here in Sacramento. (Though there were definitely a few days of vacation hangover when we got back from Maui– we aren’t superhuman, yo.) It probably sounds kind of ridiculous that we have already decided this is the Best Summer Ever, since summer technically just started yesterday, but it’s more of an attitude that we have decided to adopt this year, rather than a specific event.

We got to talking one night about all of our summer memories as kids and how much fun that used to be. The last days of school, sunshine, playing all day, swimming, hot nights, barbecue’s with family – just those random things that as a kid make everything seem right in the world. Since it’s been a long time since we have felt that kind of unadulterated bliss, this summer we decided to make a conscious decision to try and savor everything summer related — in short, trying to make every day fun. And trust me, this will be no small feat, seeing as my hatred of the heat is right up there with my hatred of Black Widows, Ed Hardy, and People who say “Expresso”.

But even though the heat here in Sacramento can get unbearable, there are lots of fantastic things about summer. For example, I absolutely love waking up in the morning when it’s already light and beautiful outside. It’s almost an invitation to wake up, and I find myself being even more of an early riser during these months. Also, we are lucky that where we work offers generous vacation time so we are taking advantage of being able to have a mid-week day off here and there to enjoy ourselves, or taking a long weekend to visit with friends and family.

Next weekend we are heading to Calaveras with all my cousins to The Treehouse and there is NEVER a dull moment there. I can’t wait to sit on the balcony of the cabin and go into magazine trance with some Apricot Ale from Snowshoe. Then for Fourth of July we are off to Monterey for Moto GP, but the Best Summer Ever is not only about traveling. Mainly we are just want to participate in summer. I know that sounds silly, but instead of letting the time pass us by and bitching about the heat for 3 months, we are going to go out and create that blissful summer feeling as much as possible.

So with that being said, the following is The Official Best Summer Ever To-Do List

Go on a picnic
Have friends over to BBQ even though our yard isn’t in perfect shape. (Who cares? They aren’t coming over for the landscaping!)
Plan a few “No Cook” menus
Have ice cream for dinner at Gunther’s Yum!
See a mid week matinee to beat the heat
Finish planting my garden and watch it grow
Wear more skirts
Head out to a You-Pick Berry Farm and Make Jam
Wear all of my fun dresses to work
Spend as much time as possible in a bathing suit
Take some fun hikes (Maybe revisit Feather Falls)
Make Mint Juleps and watch The Great Gatsby
Just Sit and Read

Speaking of reading, one of the most relaxing parts of Maui was just how much reading I was able to do and, honestly, I’m so much happier when I am reading. I just love pouring through a new book, getting to know a new story, meeting new characters. But the funny part is that Garrett loves when I’m tearing through books just about as much as I do. Since he is a much more auditory person, he doesn’t read as much as I do, but is constantly asking me to tell him what’s going on in my books. I mean, down to the detail. You could ask him a fairly detailed question about the plot line of New Moon and he’d probably give you a pretty accurate answer without ever having flipped a page, which I think is pretty hysterical. He certainly has his preferences – he’s not quite as interested in some of the fluffier books I read – but beyond that he’s always game to hear a story. Actually the other night I was laughing out loud while reading one of the essays in David Sedaris’ newest paperback When You Are Engulfed in Flames, and I ended up spending the next hour reading outloud to him while we were both rolling around in fits of giggles. It was a beautiful night and it was relaxing and fun to just sit there and read together. Even though it was probably the most sickeningly yuppie thing we have done in a long time – it was also such a blast.

I’m looking forward to many more of those nights to come!

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2008: Year In Review

Wow! Has an entire year passed already? That was qu-ick! It’s been a good one though — A Year of Firsts! And of course filled with friends, family and lots of travel, so I thought I’d do a quick little recap.


January started off with a bang — of thunder that is! The weather last year was definitely XXXXTREME and I resolved to be a little less extreme with how I spent my free time.

I wanted to read more (which I definitely did) and see more movies (TOTAL FAIL). Overall I did okay with the 2008 Resolutions, although you know I’ve got more coming for 2009 (I’m still kind of marinating on them — post forthcoming).

January also brought that “incident” wherein I “lost” my second laptop at work, only to find out 2 weeks later that my co-worker had seen it on my desktop and locked it up in a “secure” spot, only to promptly forget about it.

Yeah. Anyway.


February was fun and rough all at the same time. Garrett and I celebrated a lovely Valentine’s Day out in the wineries in Plymouth…

…and it was so enjoyable that I came home and promptly GOT THE FLU! (Thank you St. Valentine.) I was down for the count for over 7 days and it is by far the sickest I have been in decades.


March held some highs and some lows. Unfortunately Garrett and I took our first plane trip of the year down to San Diego for a funeral. His Uncle’s passing was sudden and unexpected; in the end, however, the visit really allowed Garrett to do some connecting with his family and for me to meet some of those family members for the first time — which was a real blessing!

Plus there was Rock Band! And we all know that no one can have a bad time when they are playing Rock Band!


April started off a year that was full of fun filled family adventure! I really hope to repeat that in 2009. This year my extended family saw each other more than we have in many past years and it was SO! MUCH!FUN! As we all get older our times together just get so much more…well, FUN!

Our first gathering was in April when we headed down to Fremont to cheer on my cousin John who was graduating from the Police Academy.

We were all incredibly proud, and as such had to throw a little party to show it, and some of us clearly took it more seriously than others…


In May we celebrated Garrett’s 27th birthday, which always makes me happy! Of course, because it is the day he was born — but ALSO, because for the next 6 months it looked like he was only 2 years younger than me, instead of 3. (I’m a cougar in training — ROWR! haha NOT really.) I also found myself down in San Diego for work, and what better town to be stuck “working” in because my cousin Jenny lives down there.

We really got to just lay low and hang out, which was great! I got to spend time at the beach, plus we went out on the town with some of her friends one night, which was just what I needed after a hard week of working:

After coming back from San Diego, Garrett and I went to a wedding here in Sacramento for two of his good friends who are from San Diego. Try and keep all that straight in your head!

Anyway, it was a beautiful wedding, and by far the biggest one we have ever been to (there were hundreds of people there)– and — it was the first time Garrett has ever been a groomsman. As one who is always the bridesmaid around here, I found that novel and so of course I took way too many pictures. But seriously, how could I not when there were so many handsome dudes in tuxes walking around?


In June we were back down in San Diego again (I know, right? Do you see a trend?) for Garrett’s cousin Davin’s wedding. I think the Universe is telling us to buy a vacation home down there by the beach, but that is just my opinion.

It was another fun filled family affair with EVEN! MORE! FAMILY! this time. The wedding was somewhat untraditional (the bride wore yellow, and they walked down the aisle to the theme from Indiana Jones) but the emotions were all the same. Lots of love in the park that day — and also DELICIOUS paella!

We also spent June discovering discovering a fantastic band, as well as watching Garrett’s uncle get his degree from Cal State East Bay.
We were super proud of Johnny’s accomplishment and so we had to do some celebrating!


July was a whirlwind of travel and music — just how I like it! We headed down to Monterey for the 4th of July where it was so cold I had to wear a scarf out to watch the fireworks! It was a welcomed relief after the mid-summer Sacramento heat, and as always it was SO FUN to spend time with my cousins (plus Sara and Paul were FANTASTIC hosts!)

The following week we headed down to Los Angeles to see one of our favorite bands perform and to see some old friends.

We rented a Prius, made some great mix cds, and headed down the highway! Even though it was a quick and dirty trip and we pretty much ate our way through So Cal, it was SUCH A BLAST!

I also celebrated my 100th blog post here, and as such felt compelled to tell you all about my purchase of the world’s smallest pair of underwear, and I also recapped what a crazy band The Red Elvises are after we caught their show at Old Ironsides.

And to end the month we headed over to Sonoma to help my cousin Jim celebrate his 31st Birthday by wine tasting on bikes! (It seemed like a good idea at the time…haha)

It was a really special day and we were all lucky to have gotten to celebrate with him!

Whew! July was a busy, busy month!


So in August I had to take a vacation! 🙂 Unfortunately it was not the kind of vacation you really want to take. I had a GIGANTIC presentation in September to prepare for in the Emerging Leaders Program that I spent all of 2008 participating in at work, and as such, I spent August preparing for that presentation. I sort of took a vacation from my life and was eating, sleeping, and breathing work. The end result was phenomenal though, and I’m so happy that I participated in the ELP program. If the only price I had to pay was giving up one month of leisure activities, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!


September was filled with reunions of sorts. The first was that I reunited with my social life! And then quickly thereafter with two of my good friends from high school. My friend Natalie married her sweetheart Irwin in a beautiful ceremony down in the Bay Area, and I got to see her family (who I hadn’t seen in ages) and my good friend Jen and her main-man Will (who I also hadn’t seen in ages).

I also reunited with my family as we spent an incredibly raucous weekend (after an incredibly stressful but succesful presentation at work) at The Cabin up in Arnold — aka “The Treehouse”. How can you be stressed when you have a cold beer in your hand and this is your backdrop?

Answer: You Can’t.

And I wasn’t. That is until we all heard on the news that our cousin Ned was getting canned? WTF, Milwuakee?????

Continuing with the family news, my aunts got married (score!) up in Chico and we all got to celebrate…with the absolute best signature cocktails, I might add.

And as an absolute non-sequiter, I also came to the realization that my boyfriend has a doppleganger. Who knew?


Holy Moly, what a month!

I moved into a cute new Bachelorette Pad. My first time ever living alone!

I turned 30 and threw an amazing party where I got to hang with all of my family and friends.

And Garrett and I revisited our roots by dressing up as Peet’s employees for Halloween.

Considering it was the place we fell in love, I was more than happy to relive those days!

…and beyond that, hoo boy, I slept! Because moving and throwing a party in a two week period can really exhaust you!


November saw history being made, and I think we will all remember where we were and how we felt when Barack Obama got elected — no matter who you voted for. Garrett and I spent the evening together, and I (of course) just bawled through his speech. His charisma and ability to bring people together are exciting, and for the first time in years I have felt hope when it comes to politics in this country.

I also celebrated my three year anniversary with Garrett and finally got around to telling the second half of our love story. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with that man, and I feel incredibly lucky to have found him all those years ago!

Lastly, I took a crazy sailing trip for work AND SURVIVED! I wasn’t sure how I would do, but in the end it was more fun than I could have asked for, and I feel pretty lucky at the end of this year, not only to have a job, but to have a job that requires me to hop on sailboats and check out views like this:


This December has gone by faster than any I can remember in recent history. Did you notice that too?

I traveled to LA for work, but also got to see a good friend (and eat the best! meal! ever!

I had a fun celeb sighting.

And of course celebrated Christmas with my family by eating way to much and sleeping on the couch. (Sorry no pics of that…haha)

But the best news by far was Garrett got a new job! And we are both so excited about what opportunities 2009 is going to bring for both of us. I hope you all enjoyed that little (er, rather, HUGE) Year in Review and I hope you have happy and safe New Year’s Celebrations this evening.

It has been an amazing year connecting with all of you through this blog and I can’t wait to see what 2009 brings!


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2008 Resolutions Update

So with Summer ending and Fall beginning I am realizing that the year is almost over. Just a few more weeks and my 30th birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are gonna hit like a 1-2 punch to the face. 2008 will be over soon and as usual I’m sure I won’t know where the time went. Since I made some lofty resolutions at the beginning of the year, I’m doing a quick end of Summer check-in of where I am at with respect to some of those goals.

Daily Life
Consistently dress professionally at work (including hair, makeup, and all those details — and even on casual Friday) This has been actually pretty easy to maintain, my boss has been all over “Professional Dress” lately.
See more movies by myself
Floss nightly
Pack lighter on trips I have totally done this consciously on numerous occasions, but you know what — it’s overrated. I ended up borrowing from other people and forgetting pertinent things in my effort to pack light.
Swear less Yeah, but “less than” a holy shitload of swearing isn’t really that much now, is it?
Stretch Daily
Be more diligent and timely about Thank You Notes
Get back to my old more “creative” habits (I hate the word crafty, but basically get my craft on!) This year I have consciously chosen to focus my hobbies on things that get me ‘creating’ — cooking, knitting, blogging, taking photographs, reading related stuff. It’s been fun!

Organize a crafting space
Print out more of my photos
Throw out old clothes
FINALLY find a closet organization system that works
Grow an herb garden OMG — please go out and purchase the AeroGarden. I didn’t think it would work, but it TOTALLY does. Next stop, an herb garden in my yard.
Get a dog

Health and Wellness
Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3x per week (outside as much as possible!)
Do yoga once per week
Get back to my free weight loving self
Use sunscreen more vigilantly (especially on face — SPF make up is not enough! Do you want to look like a leather face?) I have been more committed to this. Consequently, my paleness has blinded people. Was it worth it? Undecided.
Do the Couch to 5k program
Run 5k
Go hiking (preferably with Garrett) at least once a month
Get teeth cleaned twice My new dentist is so cute!

Family and Friends
Acknowledge all birthdays at least with a phone call Ok so like 90%
Give presents and send cards on time
Host at least one party/bbq/soiree My 30th birthday is coming up — and I will be a-hostin!
Make and send more mix CDs
Send a care package for no reason
Be a better e-mailer
Keep address book updated
Send Christmas cards with non-obnoxious update letter

Cooking and Baking
Go to Farmers Market at least once per month
Make Jam
Use crock pot more Pulled pork in the crock pot is so flippin’ good!
Try Pickling peppers and veggies
Make an infused Olive Oil
Make at least one meal from one of my MANY cookbooks per week
Make chicken stock from scratch
Plan meals I have been so good at this, it’s just become habit. I am stoked!
Purchase and wear apron I bought this one…and it’s so cute!
Take a cooking class
Go wine tasting twice this year (even if that just means to pick up your wine club shippment and have a glass you have never tasted) Yum, good resolution!
Try at least one new restaurant per month (hello, entertainment book!)
Go out for dinner with friends at least once per month
Bake something every other week (but take to work so it doesn’t sit around the house forcing me against my will to eat the whole thing) This morning I brought in brownies to work — Frankly, I was fine keeping them at home and eating them out of the pan with the fork, but Garrett kept me honest.
Read at least 30 books
Start learning a new language
Blog about books that I read See my profile on goodreads.
Learn to knit again (see: get craft on) I did it! I learned again by taking a class, I have multiple projects in the works and some fun new knitting books! Also, I joined which is a great inspiration.
Blog 2-3 times per week
Make the move to typepad
Take a photography class
Purse freelance writing opportunities more diligently

Get student loans under control Score!
Continue with debt reduction plan Score!
Start saving 10%
Purchase a bookkeeping program for computer Check out

Make something for Garrett
Listen more, talk less
Plan at least 2 weekends out of town just for the two of us (not for weddings, not for holidays, not for parties) Los Angeles in July and Portland before the year is through.
Think before I speak when I’m angry
Commit his small daily gestures to memory and keep in mind during the “thinking before speaking when angry”
Go on more McKinley picnics

Fret not, I do have a multitude of career goals, though I won’t be posting them here. I did, however, get into an awesome program this year at my job called Emerging Leaders which is definitely going to help me fine tune some of my long term career goals which I am really excited about. I may post a bit about that, but I’m pretty much sticking to my No Talking About Work rule.

UPDATE: Emerging Leaders has been great — though incredibly time consuming. I have a huge presentation on September 11th that is like my culminating experience in the program so think good thoughts for me, k?

Buy a car
Buy a new computer
Buy a brown coat
Buy an SLR
Buy photoshop

Well I’m clearly FAILING in the consumption department, but you know what — I’m okay with that. See my checked off Financial Goals because accomplishing those have cushioned the consumption blow!

All in all I feel pretty good, but there are still a few things I should really make some time for (Health and Wellness: I’m looking at you). So let’s see what happens in the last few months of the year, shall we?

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2007 Goals

So I have decided to make a New Year’s Resolution. I’m not necessarily anti-resolution, I just don’t generally don’t make them specific to the beginning of the year because I’m pretty much a fan of setting goals all year round. This year, however, in an effort to make my progress more measurable — resolution — I plan thee.

Obviously I have long been a lover of books, otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten my degree in English, and it is one of those passions I just can’t shake. I love to read books, read about books, read about people who read books — I’m sure it’s unhealthy, really. But since I graduated, I have been less committed to my reading than in the past, and that totally bums me out.

For three years in a row (2000-2002), I resolved to read a certain number of books. First 30, then 35, then 40. Not only did I achieve those goals, but I recorded their titles, authors, and my general opinion or interesting thoughts I had on each. It was fun to look back and see what I read, or how my life was influenced during those specific times. Then I went back to school. Obviously in college I wasn’t doing a bunch of “reading for pleasure” per se, although clearly what I read was pleasurable to me. And logically, immediately after I graduated, all I wanted to read was brain candy. I can’t tell you how many books with hot pink covers I devoured like bon bons on a sunny afternoon. It was wonderfully sinful, but then I slowly realized that I needed to actually challenge my brain a little bit for fear of the “use it or lose it” philosophy on life to which I wholeheartedly subscribe. Last year I adopted an “every other” rule to my hot pink reading; however, I still found myself consuming less than nutritious literature. I mean I even purchased, completed, and file away on my bookshelf a “novel” by James Patterson…and counted it as “non-hot-pink”. Yes, let’s all just have a moment of silence.

Another disappointment was that I picked up and put down more books than I completed. Now I’m not one to condemn putting down a book that you are just not interested in. Sometimes we just don’t click with books, or sometimes we just don’t want to work to read (though I think working to read can be enjoyable) and that is just fine. But this past year I definitely just got lazy. I’d pick up a book, and halfway through it just put it down — Books I enjoyed — Books I was intrigued by. And for no good reason.

Anyway, with that I have “resolved” to recommit to my reading, and I think the beginning of a new year is a perfect time to make that goal. Not in a crazy marathon training kind of way, but with the following goals in mind:

1. Read more regularly.
I always love “having a good book.” Whether I am reading every night before bed, or whether I am stealing moments here and there to get in a few pages, or whether I am spending an entire Saturday afternoon involved in a totally fictitious environment, I am going to make a marked effort to always have that available to me by making sure I am always actively engaged with at least one book.

2. Pick up a few of my abandoned books.
I can think of at least 3 books that I picked up and put down last year that I’m still dying to finish up. I’m determined to find out how they end, as surrounding myself with this lack of resolution is horrid! I have a wealth of books sitting on my bookshelf that I was interested in once, and I hereby commit to being interested in again. I’m going to be all about the finish this time.

3. Get back to the library.
I can honestly say I think I fell in love with Garrett a little bit when he first
shared with me his utter displeasure the day the Carmichael library closed for its renovation/remodel. I LOVE THE LIBRARY! And finding a partner who appreciates this is fabulous! Besides at the rate I purchase and store books I don’t read, it is probably good that I start doing some borrowing otherwise I might need to rent a small storage space for my unread books. And what better way to keep it “timebound”. See…keeping the end in mind.

4. Aim Low.
Ok not really. What I mean is that I could probably aim for 40 or 50 books this year, but in an effort to make my goals realistic and attainable I am resolving to FINISH 30 books this year, and keep an active record of it. I miss doing that! So I’m going to, damnit! Besides, if nothing else, maybe it will give me something more interesting to talk about here than the minutiae of my life, my recipes, and my horrible tv watching habits.


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