Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Week In Workouts

The Week In Workouts

After a little hiatus, I’m back to talk about my workouts. I’ve been switching up my fitness, so I thought I’d pop in on Sundays and share what my workouts have looked like each week. I’m on a mission to find a balance of things I love, that make me healthier, and that overall just feel right.

Here’s what happened last week:



On Sunday I was at a CrossFit competition spectating. That totally counts as a workout, right? ๐Ÿ™‚


Because it was Labor Day and I had the day off work I slept in. Unfortunately I missed my window of opportunity to hit up my gym, my yoga studio was closed and so I just took the day completely off and got a metric ton of things done around the house. WORTH IT.


Today I decided to quit pussyfooting around and actually get my ass into the gym. The workout was as follows:


Every Minute On The Minute (EMOTM) for 15 minutes – 1 Back Squat at 85% of your 1 Rep Max
I went lighter than I should have at 165lbs (which I didn’t realize until I was finished) but it still got tougher towards the end.


AMRAP in 15 minutes:

10 sit ups
10 push ups
10 pull ups
10 burpees
10 air squats

I forget how many reps I did, but I almost completed 5 full rounds.



Spend 15 minutes working on Pistols

*I actually was not looking forward to this because I can’t do pistols or really even any progression of pistols AT ALL so I thought it would be a waste of time. But I learned a new progression that was actually pretty challenging but still manageable so I practiced that and used that progression in the workout as well.


3 rounds*

10m sprints
db push press (45/35)
double unders

*1 minute at each station with 15 seconds of transition time. Score is total reps and sprints.

That workout was actually pretty gnarly, and I only used 30lb dumbbells because the 35lb ones felt HEAVY.


My legs were pretty sore when I woke up this morning but the workout was full of a bunch of my favorite things so I couldn’t skip it!


EMOTM for 10 minutes:

2 power cleans + 1 jerk @ 85% of 1 RM

When I did the math on 85% of my Clean + Jerk 1 Rep Max it looked REAL HEAVY for 10 reps, so I scaled it and lifted 125lbs. That ended up being a good decision because on round 8 I had to drop it down to 115!


AMRAP in 12 minutes:

25 back squats (95 lbs)
25 KB swings (53 lbs)
20 front squats
20 KB swings
15 OH squats
15 KB swings

*no racks for any of the squats, all weights will come from the ground

I kept 95 lbs on the bar through 2 Overhead Squats but then I realized I would only be able to do 1 rep at a time and at that point my shoulders were so smoked that it was too mentally exhausting to think about cleaning/re-racking for ever single rep, so I dropped down to 75lbs and finished the OHSs in sets of 5. This whole day was super hard, but also awesome!



Could. Not. Move. My. Legs. Or. Shoulders.

No workout!


I fully intended to workout today except that instead I went to 900 grocery stores and by the time I was done shopping, unloading, cooking and cleaning up after myself I just wanted to watch some bad television. SO I DID! ๐Ÿ™‚


Any PRs or exciting workouts for you this week? Do tell….

Fun Things To Read On A Friday (Saturday Edition)

Buster thinks it's about time to now the lawn. (Ahem...HEY GARRETT...)

A day behind is a metaphor for my week! But that’s probably acceptable, after all Monday was a holiday, right? (Just smile and nod.)

This week was long and full but not SUPER overwhelming, so that is a plus. But I am definitely still playing a little catch up in work and in life this morning. (And so is Garrett, as you can tell by the state of the lawn above. Every time Buster goes outside it looks like he is having a jungle adventure.)

The good thing is I slept super well this week so while my schedule was nuts, I was ready to rise to the occasion. Also, on Monday I got to have fun dinner with friends and last night we went to an awesome game night with friends. Definitely winning in the fun department this week, and luckily this weekend is free of any kind of demands so I can just putter around my house doing the things I want (which includes steam mopping my floors — WE’RE GETTING CRAZY AROUND HERE :))

Hope you all have a fun weekend too! Now, shall we get on to some links:


*Holy Cow! Kelly McGongal’s talk on How to Make Stress Your Friend blew my mind!

*You’re not going to wake up younger tomorrow: Go Do!

*Have you heard of the concept of Pain Gaps. I can definitely relate.

*Have time for a bit of a meatier read? Check out Hanna Rosin’s Murder by Craigslist from The Atlanic. Simultaneously disturbing but FASCINATING!

*Two recipes I want to make when I am finished with our Whole 30:
Berry Cream Bars
Paleo Cocoa Puffs
Yes I acknowledge they are both treats or junk food or sex with your pants on or WHATEVER. But it’s also Day 5 of my Whole 30 so LET ME FANTASIZE, WILL YOU? ๐Ÿ™‚

*While I don’t know if this is “fun” per se, I really enjoyed 7 Lessons I’ve Learned About Life & Love From Loss. The hardest times in my life have taught me the most.

*Tangentially related: Don’t Waste Your Time.

*I know the phrase mind-blowing is over used, but come on — some of these really are when you sit down and think about them.

* You wouldnโ€™t put your kid on a bike without a helmet. Donโ€™t let them head out to the sports field without reading this.


That’s what’s up this week. Enjoy your weekend whatever you do!

Suprising Book Recommendation: Jorge Cruise’s The Belly Fat Cure: Fast Track

bf cure A few weeks (crap, maybe months. OY!) a blog reader sent me an email after I posted about needing to get my weight loss jump started again. She recommended Jorge Cruise’s The Belly Fat Cure: Fast Track and mentioned that she emailed me the recommendation because she didn’t want to write about it in the comments and risk people being critical.

Wait a minute, people being anonymously critical on the internet? THAT NEVER HAPPENS! ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, luckily it doesn’t happen too much around here (LOVE YOU GUYS FOR THAT) but I knew where she was coming from. Especially because my first thought was “UGH. Jorge Cruise? Isn’t he the 8 Minute workout dude? I don’t know about this.”

I am kind of over Info-tainment health people, you know? Nutritionists on Good Morning America, Doctors hosting TV Shows, Celebrity Trainers — OH MAN, don’t even get me started on Dr. Oz. I am 100% NOT a fan, but that is a conversation for another day. Maybe never. Dang, it gets me riled just thinking about it. Anyway, all of that to say: I was a skeptic. But I also love blog-reader recommendations (Seriously. Email me anytime) and so I immediately put it on my Library Hold List like the good little book nerd that I am. No harm, no foul — if I hated it, I would just return it to the library. Win-win.

When I picked it up I was pleased to see that it looked fun: square and spiral bound — almost a mini-binder instead of a book — but it still had Jorge Cruise’s giant picture on it exclaiming we could all lose 14 lbs in 14 days. I mean, listen — I lost 30 lbs in a month when I first started eating Paleo, so I know it can happen, but when a diet-book puts that on it’s cover I am EVEN MORE skeptical. But I began flipping through the glossy pages…

The first thing I found was the foreward was by Christiane Northrup — who I LOVE LOVE LOVE. She’s a doctor who talks about chakras! Rock and roll! Such an awesome combination of women’s health/hippie healing and I love a good advocate like that. I have a bookshelf stocked with her books that have changed my understanding of my own body and I have to admit I was a little surprised to see her addressing what I thought was going to be a gimmicky diet book.

Next, the book delves right into the causes of weight gain and how to avoid it. I expected to read a mix of recommendations encompassing the Eat Less, Move More mentality, but lo and behold the entire first chapter explains simply and succintly that if you want to lose weight, you need to understand how insulin works in your body. Period. He immediately calls out sugar (and even more insidiously) hidden sugars as enemy number one. He doesn’t demonize carboyhdrates, but he does break down how they work in your body, and how they relate to weight gain. I was starting to get on board.

But this is also the chapter where he discusses the concept of “Losing 14 lbs in 14 days” and whether or not it is healthy, and I still wasn’t sure I’d be down with that. Right from the start though, he owns the fact that losing 14 lbs of fat in 14 days is NOT healthy or desirable (or frankly even possible, really.) But he talks about the idea that there are many things involved in weight gain, not only just fat. In this chapter he introduces a concept called “Hidden Belly Fat” that I can totally identified with and understood. He goes on to explain that “Hidden Belly Fat” isn’t really fat but it sure looks like it. (You may know it too — that soft spare tire layer that springs up out of nowhere after a few weeks of eating garbage.) In reality it is a sign of that metabollic disconnect that happens to a lot of people (myself included!) when they don’t keep the insulin/hormone situation in their body in check, and I have to applaud Jorge Cruise for discussing some of the consequences of Metabollic Derangement in such easy to understand terms. I think this is one of the most revolutionary concepts in his book and I was happy to think about it with new analogies. (Sidebar: Stacy from Paleo Parents wrote a great blog post on this exact topic of hidden belly fat, although from a different perspective, that I think is a really worthwhile read.)

The next section is pages and pages of testimonials and pictures of people who have completed the program (he has yet to outline it at this point, but of course all of the results pictures are pretty impressive) and then he finally gets on to outlining what the Fast Track program is based on. I was really intersted to see — would it be an elimination diet, would it be about timing your food intake, would it be more of this “eat 5 small meals a day by properly combining foods” crapola — WHAT WOULD IT LOOK LIKE??? I was very curious at that point. Curious and surprised. Surprised that I was enjoying his voice and that so far all I had done was nod my head at his information and his references.

Speaking of references, each chapter begins with a quote — and when he gets into the section about what to eat — guess what person he choses to quote?

Mark Sisson.

I was floored. Was Jorge Cruise about to espouse eating Paleo? I read on…

Turns out Jorge Cruise is all about an Ancestral Diet. Who knew? (I sure didn’t, clearly.) He leans more towards a Primal approach (including dairy and wine…woo hoo!) but his book outlines very well researched (the appendix at the end is large) nutrition advice that is not only completely sane and unscary or restrictive sounding, but the book also includes meal plans and recipes at the end that look really delicious. And he even talks a little bit about fat burners and why it is such a more effective replacement for chronic cardio, so obviously he got some points for that!

The Belly Fat Cure: Fast Track is smart, easy to understand, and is a new interpretation of Paleo that isn’t so tied to food politics and nutrient density. It’s mostly just a functional weight loss book that doesn’t really espouse any food philosophy, so I think it might appeal to people who are scared off by the words Paleo or Primal but want an easy guide on how to lose weight that also explains how your body works. I’m obviously very pro-Paleo, so I don’t really mind that label, but not everyone is down for that so I think this book could have good mass appeal. I was so happy that I read it and really, really surprised I liked it. Maybe you know someone who might too?

Wednesday Bullets

Today I managed to get a testicle shaped sunburn in my chest. AND HOW WAS YOUR DAY?????

1. So hey, if you don’t follow me on Instagram you may have missed the fact that I got a nasty sunburn this weekend in the shape of giant testicles on my chest. Chesticles, if you will. Garrett and I always joke that we are a good match for each other because if he didn’t have me, he’d probably end up being a hermit for the rest of his life holed up at home. But if I didn’t have him I’d probably end up sunburned and homeless, but having a damn good time while I doing it! In short: we balance each other’s natural tendencies out. But for the record, Garrett OBVIOUSLY was only partially looking out for me this weekend. I did not end up homeless. But sunburned? OY! Badly.

2. I got a replacement fit bit yesterday from Amazon and I swear to god I had the best night sleep that I’ve had in weeks. I secretly suspect that it is because I knew THE FITBIT WAS WATCHING. It is a sickness to be motivated to do things better when you know it is being tracked. I’m sort of ashamed to admit that but it is true. It’s the same phenomenon with this blog. If I say I am doing something here publicly, I am 100% more likely to do it because otherwise I have to answer to you guys. And I hear you can be a rowdy bunch. ๐Ÿ™‚ Juuuuust kiddin!

3. Guess what Sunday was? Buster’s Birthda-versary. I mean, I guess we’ll never really know his birthday, but a year ago this past Sunday he showed up in our lives! Anniversary? I don’t know…Birthda-versary works. Can you believe it’s been a year? I have all these things to say about it but I keep holding back because I think a year ago I may have rolled my eyes at a blog post about how much someone loves their dog. But seriously? WHAT A YEAR!

4. Today is Day Two of our Whole 30 and hey — so far so good! I know it’s only 2 days, but man — in two days I have almost accidentally eaten salt water taffy TWICE! Working in an office is hard, man. And so is a Whole 30! So the fact that I’ve made it 1/15th of the way through it deserves celebration, I think. ๐Ÿ™‚ hehe Anyway, enough of that premature self-congratulations — we need to talk food. Do you have any super amazing Whole 30 friendly recipes that you want to share? I feel like I have to shake it up this time and try some new things. Do tell, would ya?

5. Are you watching The Pitch on AMC? I AM A WOMAN OBSESSED.

6. Have a kid heading back to the sports field? Read up on the NFLโ€™s work to help all youth athletes stay safe.


I think that’s about it for now. Life has been pretty uneventful lately and as boring as it is to post about that, I AM SO RELIEVED. I needed a little less action in my life after the month of August. So what’s new with you?

What are you reading//watching//cooking//loving lately? Tell me all about it!!

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