Monthly Archives: November 2012

Coffee Talk


Despite wholeheartedly agreeing with this post on Robb Wolf’s site this morning — which in some ways says, HEY! Make sure the act of goal setting helps you actually focus on what’s important, rather than focusing on the idea of achieving the goal (which HELLO can cause stress) — I am still doing some day-dreaming about what I want to accomplish in 2013.

It’s a sickness I have (you’re all well aware of this if you have been around here any length of time) and while I definitely sometimes struggle with focusing on achievement and bottom line instead of what’s actually important, there is a part of me that really loves the big picture planning part of setting some annual intentions.

(Worth noting: I am not actually setting any goals or making lists or being a complete loon about it…I’m just marinating, which I actually kind of love to do.)

The point of bringing all of this up though is that I thought some of you might be marinating too. Maybe you don’t even realize it, between the holiday hullabaloo and everyday life and normal commitments, but maybe just maybe, you have some goals or thoughts or wishes or dreams sitting in the back of your head that you would like see happen in 2013 too. In the spirit of friends helping friends, I thought I’d suggest some virtual coffee talk.

(mmmm…coffee. I’m not doing SUPER well on the coffee moderation by the way, but that’s probably a whole other post. ha!)

Anyway, while I would not call myself an expert on much — being stubborn, bossy and consistently talking at a volume that is inappropriate come to mind instantly — I do have lots of thoughts in my head, and a complete lack of shame at sharing my own opinions.

(Who even invited her? All she does is talk!)

So I thought I would offer this up for those of you who are interested: Between now and the end of the year, if you have a question, concern or situation that you would like me to weigh in on (Maybe something that will help you plan or crush some of your 2013 goals, maybe something you are just curious about, maybe a topic I have written about here but that you would like a follow up on or more details) let me know. You can either leave it in the comments, or if it is more personal and long winded, feel free to shoot me an email {{ hawoodcock at gmail dot com }} I will try and have my responses show up in a blog post near you, and hey if we have enough questions maybe we will make it a regular feature. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, because what if nobody has any questions. THAT WOULD BE EMBARRASSING. HEH.

In case you would like a place to start, here are some of the things that I feel pretty confident giving endless opinons about:

*Strategies for Going Paleo
*Talking About CrossFit
*Harnessing Motivation
*Time Management
*Getting Creative Goals Off The Ground
*Setting Goals in General
*Losing Weight

But as I mentioned above, feel free to hit me up about anything. Consider me your own personal Internet Dear Abby. I’m always interested in what readers want to hear more about and I’m definitely game to share my thoughts if you think they would help you out in a particular instance.

So talk to me folks. What is on your mind. Let’s have a cup of coffee and chat, shall we?

October Books

Well as it stands I’ve read 34 books towards my goal of reading 50 this year. (Originally it was 75, but well — that just WASN’T gonna happen.) 16 is probably a manageable amount of books to read for some people in the next two months, but something tells me during the holidays I won’t be finding the time to read two books per week. Stranger things have happened though. Like, hey, reading 5 books in October. When’s the last time I did that?

No idea.

Here is what I finished:

Perfect Bait by Michael Fowlkes – This book just sounded like it was going to be fast-paced and super thrilling. It ended up being a bit slow to start and more violent than thrilling. But at the end I did like some of the characters and the story was entertaining in parts. Lots of boat talk though, and I’m really not that intrigued by boats I guess.



Prospect Park West by Amy Sohn – I already told you all about this here. Super fun brain-candy. It is $6 on Amazon right now, and I will tell you straight that it is totally worth $2 lattes.





One Last Thing Before I Go by Jonathan Tropper – So most of Jonathan Tropper books are thematically about the same things: family dynamics, relationships with people, flawed individuals figuring their stuff out. And I guess in some ways this could seem repetitive, except that he just has such a way with words and such witty humor that I don’t really ever *feel* like his books are repetitive. Also: why I keep reading them.





I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know by Kate White – I don’t know, sometimes I just like reading cheesy advice books. And since I am particularly fond of Kate White’s fiction, and I mean she was the Editor In Chief at Cosmo at one point, so I thought it might be interesting to thumb through. It was a super quick read, I finished it in about a day and half, but I didn’t find the advice particularly relevant because I am already pretty deep into my career. But I thought it might actually make a fun gift for someone just out of college, or potentially navigating the corporate world for the first time.



The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Niffenegger — Okay seriously, WHAT THE HELL? I don’t even know why I picked up this book (Wait yes I do, it was because when I read about it here I thought, “Hmmm…might be intriguing.”) But the thing is, I don’t like graphic novels. Like, at all. Sorry, I just can’t get into them. And this one was…well, weird. And kind of dark. And sure it resonates with book lovers and has kind of a neat concept, but also…it’s just really freaking weird and I didn’t love it. Good think I just sat down and read it in one sitting.


Clearly it was quantity over quality this month. The good news, November is already shaping up to be full of quality! Anything good you’ve read lately that you can’t put down?

Pork Shoulder Ragu Over Spaghetti Squash

Braising Season is back, baby! So to celebrate, say hello to your new favorite Sunday dinner.

(It won’t say hi back, by the way, it’s a little shy.)

This is a good meal to make on the weekend because it does take a few hours. Braising meat is definitely not an exercise in instant gratification. But the investment is COMPLETELY worth it, and while it is not 100% “Set it and forget it” there is only minimal tending necessary. Totally manageable on a Sunday afternoon while you lounge on the couch with football on in the background. Your oven will do most of the work, your house will smell amazing all afternoon, and in the end after a stir or two on your part, you will be rewarded with tender caramelized deliciousness that you will want to eat right out of the pot.

But we are civilized, so we will eat it over spaghetti squash!

Pork Shoulder Ragu Over Spaghetti Squash
Author: Adapted from Dinner: A Love Story
Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 3 hours
Total time: 3 hours 30 mins
Serves: 4-6
  • 2.5 lb Pork Shoulder
  • 2.5 Tablespoons Salt
  • 1.5 Tablespoons Pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
  • 2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Grass Fed Butter
  • 1 Cup Red Wine
  • 2 14 oz Cans Diced Tomatoes
  • 5 Sprigs Fresh Thyme
  • 3 teaspoons Dried Oregano
  • 1.5 Tablespoons Fennel Seed
  • 1 Tablespoon of Hot Sauce (Trader Joe’s Hot Pepper Sauce is awesome!)
  • 1 Large Spaghetti Squash
  • Handful of chopped fresh parsley
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees
  2. Add Olive Oil and Butter to large dutch oven and heat over medium high until butter is melted but not burning
  3. Liberally salt, pepper and garlic powder your pork shoulder.
  4. Add pork roast to pan and brown on all sides (This will take between 10 and 15 minutes to get a good crust going on your roast)
  5. Add wine to deglaze
  6. Add tomatoes, thyme, oregano, fennel seeds and hot sauce and bring to a boil
  7. Cover and put in the oven
  8. Braise for 3 hours, flipping roast over every hour
  9. About 30 minutes before your roast is done, prep your spaghetti squash
  10. Poke 8-10 holes around your raw spaghetti squash
  11. Put directly into the microwave (I put mine on a paper towel) and nuke for 8 minutes
  12. Flip Squash over and nuke for another 8-10 minutes depending on how large it is (big boys take longer!)
  13. When it’s done, remove from microwave (with pot holders it will be HOT!) and let cool for a few minutes
  14. When it’s cooler, slice down the squash long ways and remove all seeds
  15. Then run your fork down your squash and pull out your “noodles” into a separate bowl
  16. Toss squash noodles with a touch of butter, salt, pepper and garlic powder
  17. Add squash to your serving bowl, top with ragu and chopped fresh parsley and chow down!

It’s homey, comforting and even fit for entertaining should you be so inclined. And if I can make one last suggestion before you head off to procure ingredients, may I suggest serving it with that bottle of wine you opened earlier to cook with?

I mean, no one likes a waster.

October Progress + November Intentions

November is here, fall is ramping up, the weather is amazing and life is good. October was a great month, despite the fact that I ate my weight in Halloween candy more than once, and I’m looking forward to finishing up the year feeling relaxed but accomplished. I think my goals are reflecting that.

I had 4 main intentions for October

*Successfully go without caffeine for 30 days

Well, I did it, but I’m not sure I would call going without caffeine a success. It sure was informative though. If you missed it, here were my thoughts on that. Sadly this past Saturday morning I woke up and had 2 whole cups of coffee throughout the morning and I was literally SO AMPED I was uncomfortable. My tolerance level was definitely affected, which in the end is a good thing I guess. Starting tomorrow we are brewing half decaf at home!

*Run a half marathon

Hooray, I totally did that!

And as I’ve already said, it’s kind of lit a little bit of a fire in me. I’m trying to keep the heat from that fire under control for the rest of the year because I don’t want to go and put a bunch of running events on my calendar and then feel overwhelmed, BUT — I’m totally enjoying working on my running on my CrossFit rest days. I even fooled around and tried some Yasso 800s this morning just for giggles. I totally didn’t do 10 and for the record I have ZERO desire to run a marathon but it was good times!

*Start Outlining Cookbook

Done and Done.

This week I’m going to tell you more about my cookbook plans and I’m kind of excited to share them. We’ve been doing lots of brainstorming in our house around it, and you know how it is when you are thinking about something ALL OF THE TIME but not really talking about it? It feels weird. So we will remedy that this week as I plan to share exactly how we are approaching it. It’s going to be a ton of fun, and I’m totally planning to involve you all.

*Keep Socializing to a Minimum

Ah yes, Be Anti-Social. I was pretty good at this actually. Lots of lounging and relaxing with the pup this month and I don’t regret that one bit.

(Garrett is doing his Burt Reynolds impersonation in this picture I think.)

We have definitely still had plans, and my mom came out for a weekend but mostly all our socializing has been of the mellow variety, and it was much needed!

October was great, so let’s build on that for November!

November Intentions

Have a family dinner with my mom’s side of the family – We’re hanging out with Garrett’s family on Thanksgiving so I want to get my mom’s side of the family together beforehand (since traditionally that’s who we have Thanksgiving with.) A fun potluck, a yummy menu – should be a good time. Thumbs up for family dinners.

Spend A Week With Garrett’s Mom – Guess who will be in town the week of Thanksgiving? Garrett’s mama! I want to make sure I do lots of planning ahead for her arrival so while she is in town the 3 of us can spend some quality time together. I have the entire week off, so I want to make sure we have some good meals and good times.

Get my Christmas Cards In Order – This sounds so easy, but I basically fail at it every year. So I’m going to put it on the list this month, and since it’s short I expect to get to it, dang it!

Workout Like A Maniac
– The holidays are a time when stress is at an all time high and my food rules tend to get…oh, how shall we say? A bit lax. So I want to make sure for my sanity and for my physical health that I am putting in the time at the box. I may not be a picture of clean living, but I will definitely commit to giving 100% to my exercise routine this month.

And that’ll just about do it. See ya at the finish line.

Ideas for Moving Toward More Natural Body Care

One of the easiest parts of The Great Skincare Experiment (at least MUCH easier than giving up caffeine) was beginning to transition to more natural body care. I say “more natural” but like food, I’m well aware that skin care is a marketing mine-field full of buzzwords to make you think you are doing a body good. There are a million resources out there to help clarify what you “should” and “shouldn’t” use, but I’m not going to link the them because they make my head explode. So much information about THE PRODUCTS YOU ARE USING RIGHT NOW ARE KILLING YOU AND THE ENVIRONMENT OMG, but quite frankly, I just can’t get motivated by alarmist tones. I find the recommendations overwhelming, and I don’t know about you, but when I get overwhelmed I just don’t do anything, which um…doesn’t help.

I decided to take a small step during my skin care experiment to see if I find some products that didn’t have parabens or pthalates that I enjoyed just as much as my old products, if you are looking for new products to better take care of your skin and facial hair, visit Castlebeard. I focused on these two things because both P-words are thought to affect some of the natural hormone activity in your body, and hey — that aligns right up there with my reasoning for loving Paleo — because it keeps my hormone levels healthy and in check! Plus, let’s be real, avoiding only 2 things seemed to be something small and manageable that I could handle.

I wanted to share the stuff I’ve been using for a month because:

A. I’ve really enjoyed all these products and talking about beauty products is fun.

B. All of these things are easy, affordable changes to make and a good place to start.


C. I’m not an expert and I don’t really want to be. I’m just trying to move towards better decisions and have fun with it, so if this doesn’t help you or if you CAN’T BELIEVE THE AUDACITY OF MY RECOMMENDATION BECAUSE OF (INSERT OFFENSIVE INGREDIENT HERE), feel free to ignore it. Okay? Okay!

Now let’s talk about some natural body care products that are pretty cool:

(Clockwise from the top left)

1. Avalon Organics Vitamin C Refreshing Cleansing Gel – It’s a citrusy smelling gel facewash that doesn’t leave your skin feeling particularly dry. Also – it works well with the Clarisonic, foaming up just enough but not making your face feel like a bubble bath. I’m not into bubble bath face really, but if that’s your bag — GO ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF!

2. Yes to Blueberries Daily Repairing Moisturizer
– I was feeling a little sad about giving up all of my age-defying chemically face products but this has been a nice substitute. Note, it doesn’t have a sunscreen in it and I am not recommending a natural sunscreen because I haven’t looked for found one. Bad Holly! Doomed to a lifetime of wrinkles!

3. South of France Acai Pomegranate Bar Soap – I am a pretty steadfast showergel user but sometimes I just want a bar of soap. The only bars of soap that I have found that don’t make me feel sticky afterward are Dove bar soaps. Dove actually isn’t *that* offensive, but I thought I’d experiment with some hippie soaps. 🙂 This one smells FREAKIN AMAZING and doesn’t make me feel sticky either. Score.

4. Lavanila The Healthy Deoderant in Vanilla Lavender – Do you use deodorant with an anti-persperant? THEN YOU’RE GOING TO DIE OMG!!!! Is that true? I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what is a documented fact: most hippie deodorants without an anti-persperants really suck ass. That’s just science. Tom’s of Maine is the most offensive in my opinion. Their deodorant sticks may smell good but your sweaty armpits won’t after CrossFit, let me tell you. But this Lavanila, which is baking soda based, actually freaking works! Can you believe it? I almost couldn’t. CROSSFIT TESTED!!! If you aren’t allergic to baking soda: TRY THIS. The price is steep, yes. But it really does work.

5. Burt’s Bees Pomegranate Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner – Less sudsy than regular shampoos, but very delicious smelling and I felt it worked just fine. I will continue to look for a shamp/cond combo that I LOVE, but in the meantime this one is nice enough and pretty affordable. Plus, I use the Burt’s Bees Pomegranate chapstick and I feel very secretly smug when my lips and hair smell the same. Kind of like when my underwear matches my outfit. Wait, what????

6. Alba Very Emollient Body Lotion
– Alright stop what you’re doing (cuz I’m about to ruin?) and pick up this lotion immediately. Years ago Elizabeth recommended this lotion based solely on its smell being “the best clean smell ever” and so I purchased it sight unseen, smell unsmelled. And I’ve almost used nothing else since. It’s an amazing lotion (aptly named “very emollient”) but it’s the smell that I love. Dear Alba Marketing Team – “Original Scent” doesn’t really help much as a descriptor, but I will say this: it kind of smells like you have just taken a shower in a Hawaiian waterfall. And you totally did it in a string bikini and you looked tan and AMAZING the entire time! I think it is floral and clean but for people who don’t like floral scents (which is people like me. Floral stuff? BLECH!) Anyway, PLEASE GO GET THIS.

7. Alba Very Emollient Bath & Shower Gel (Honey Mango Scent) – I don’t know how many scents there are in this line, but who cares — this is the one to buy! It’s warm and fruity and the shower gel itself is super moisturizing. I was so in love with it I bought the (somewhat) matching cream shave. (I’ll talk about that in a sec! Hold tight!)

8. Yes to Cucumbers Soothing Facial Towelettes – I’ve told you before that makeup removing quick wipes are one of my workout essentials, so these are a nice chemical free version. It’s like a mini-facial in a towelette. I hate the word towelette. It completely kills the spa vibe, actually. But regardless, these are lovely.

9. Alba Very Emollient Mango Vanilla Cream Shave – I enjoy shaving with coconut oil in the shower just like every other person who has just discovered that coconut oil is all the rage. But you know what I don’t like? GLASS IN MY SHOWER THAT IS NOT THE SHOWER DOOR. (Hell, I don’t even like glass shower doors all that much!) You see, I have the dropsies, like, all the time. Adding water doesn’t help the situation, so coconut oil in my shower is a no go unless I put it in another container and that’s ugly and far too sensible a solution. I just buy new things! Like this cream shave. Which is (oddly enough) VERY EMOLLIENT. And smells just like the Alba shower gel I just raved about. Win win!


Hopefully this helps you if you are contemplating taking a step towards more natural body care. I’m sure there are many awesome products out there that just Rule The School, but these were mostly affordable, drugstore options that helped me get the ball rolling. Feel free to recommend your faves in the comments!


Ground Breaking: 25 Non-Burger Dinners to Make with Ground Beef

Ground beef is such an easy, high quality staple to have on hand and there is no easier dinner than a burger, right? Our freezer is rarely without it and I’ve perfected so many burger recipes that it is hard to give up my Go-To. But every once in a while I start to feel like I’ve had enough.


I’ve been in a bit of a burger rut lately, so yesterday I compiled a list of recipes to help me break out of it. And because sharing is caring, I’m passing them on to you! Feel free to keep to yourself, pin with abandon or share with some of your Bored-With-Burger Friends too!

1. Damn Good Chili
2. Bacon Wrapped Mini Spinach Meatloaves
3. Italian Beef Hash with Mashed Cauliflower
4. Paleo Stuffed Peppers with Spanish Sticky Rice
5. Sun Dried Tomato Meatballs with Creamy Pesto (We can not get enough of these. OMG so good over spaghetti squash!)
Sun-Dried Tomato Meatballs with Walnut Pesto Spaghetti Squash
6. Taco Salad
7. Thai Basil Beef Lettuce Wraps
8. Paleo Shepherd’s Pie
9. Southwestern Frittata (Breakfast for dinner, casserole style. And it’s AMAZING!)
10. Joe’s Special
11. Italian Wedding Soup
12. Paleo Beef Stroganoff
13. Roasted Poblano and Pumpkin Chili
14. Ground Beef, Mushroom and Broccoli Slaw Lettuce Cups
15. Merguez Meatballs (using ground beef instead of lamb. The spice mixture is insanely delish!)
All I'm saying is Garrett is lucky to have me. ;)
16. Chili Dog Pie
17. Martha Stewart’s Garlic Chipotle Meat Kebabs
18. Lion’s Head Meatballs
19. Gyro Meat
20. Goulash Soup with Red Peppers + Cabbage
21. Sweet Potato Enchiladas
22. Sloppy Joe’s
23. Paleo Moussaka
24. Mexican Meatza (I know, Meatza sounds stupid. But it is STUPID GOOD!)
25. Spaghetti and Meatball Bites

Need some more Paleo recipe inspiration?

Live the Thigh Life: 10 Paleo Recipes to Make You Love Chicken Thighs
Porkapalooza: 15 Paleo Recipes for Those Who Love to Pig Out
30 Nights of Paleo Crock Pot Meals

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