Tag Archives: Food Photography

Fun Things to Read on Friday


Hi Friends!

While I’m in Portland, I thought you could use a few fun links to ring in your Friday. Gateway to the weekend, YESSSSSSSSSS…

1. Speaking of my vacation, I found this Geek’s Guide to Portland ages ago and I’m so happy to have an excuse to use it. Is it odd how excited I am to EAT in Portland? Detox is scheduled for Monday. 🙂

2. I have been on a bad book binge lately (aren’t those the worst?) so I downloaded a bunch of free books based on this list of The 100 Best First Lines From Novels

3. I love when people break down Food Photography for dummies. Hi, I’m a dummy.

4. The Curator’s Code — attribution on the internet is always such a interesting topic, and in some ways the wild west. Interesting thoughts here.

5. Interesting thoughts on Book Cover Trends & The Female Body. I had never really thought about it. Kelly brings up some great points.

6. Apropos of nothing, if you like Brussels Sprouts, please make this salad.

7. Speaking of food (wait, am I ever not?) I want to try these Cinnamon Chipotle Sliders.

Well, that’s all I can think of at the moment. Did you read anything fabulous this week?

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