Who Doesn’t Love A Good Meme?

Tamara tagged me in a meme (how awesomely retro….YES!!!!!) so I’m going to answer some questions and then tag all of you who want to do this. See? It’ll be like 1997 up in here.


1. What is my current health related goal?

Managing my stress levels. Last night Garrett and I made a wedding related decision right as we were getting into bed and then I lied awake for two hours listening the the hamster wheel in my brain. That was dumb and today I am tired. I need to be proactive about how I manage some of the stressors in my life right now and in doing that I will positively impact my health.

2. What is my biggest irrational fear?

Dropping my keys into a drainage grate. If I have to walk in even a three foot radius of any kind of parking lot drainage grate and I have keys in my hands I always have THE DEATH GRIP on them. I’m so afraid that it will magnetically suck them out of my hand into some evil Pennywise vortex and I will be stranded at Target or something.

The fear is REAL, yo.

3. Do I enjoy wrapping presents?

No. And it’s not because I don’t enjoy wrapping paper, or bows, or fancy looking gifts or anything. It’s more that once I decide on a gift for someone and then actually have it in my possession, I just want to give it to them RIGHT THIS INSTANT. I cannot keep a secret and my impulse control is low, so if you get a present from me and it is wrapped, know that it took all the fight I could muster to not just throw it in your lap the second I bought it.

4. What is my favorite cross-training activity?

I like all training, whether it is grumpy, happy, sleepy OR cross.

5. If you came to visit me, what would we do?

Well I live in Sacramento where our city motto is “An hour from the ocean, and hour from the mountains” so I guess it would depend on what you like to do. If I had my way we’d indulge in the motto that *I’ve* given Sacramento which is “An hour from Napa, so let’s go have some wine and then come home and watch Netflix on the couch.”

I think we’d have fun though. 🙂

6. I have two weeks off work and two round trip tickets to anywhere. Where would I go and who would I take with me?

On someone else’s dime? Hmmm…I think Garrett and I would hop on a plane to New Zealand. Or else maybe go to Monaco during the Formula One race. But then I would have to figure out a way to hook up with someone who has yacht. Or a hotel room with a good view. So maybe New Zealand then, just because the only thing that keeps us from doing that is because plane tickets are so freaking expensive. Ok, I am analyzing this question too much.

7. What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to me during a run or a race?

I mean, have you seen me “run?” It’s all sort of embarrassing.

8. Three best days of my life. Or at least the top three that come to mind.

Yesterday, because it taught me something. Today, because I woke up and got to try again. And tomorrow because it’s full of opportunity. Awwwwwww yeah, I just got super philosophy-douche on that one, didn’t I? I don’t know, I’m not really a “THIS WAS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE” kind of person.

9. Okay, so I HAVE to eat a fast food meal. Which restaurant do I choose and what do I order?

Taco Bell. No question. And it doesn’t matter what I order because it will surely be full of fake meat and be totally disgusting-licious. No shame.

10. Have I ever met a celebrity?

Many. I lived in LA for 5 years. They’re on every street corner just like Starbucks. Hey, most of them I met in Starbucks. Well, “met” is sort of a weird word to use here. If we’re really talking about meeting celebrities this is the best story I’ve got. (That’s an old blog post, PS, and I drop a lot of F-Bombs in it. Apologies in advance for the fact that I don’t feel like editing it.)

11. Share a picture of myself in non-workout clothes.

I post Outfit of the Day pictures on Instagram sometimes. You can follow me there if you are into that business.
TGIF and an #ootd

12. If I could choose to have a “do over” and switch careers, what would I choose and why?

Are you saying insurance isn’t a sexy “first choice” type of career. WELL THAT’S WEIRD. Speaking of insurance, I highly recommend everyone to buy stacked car insurance. I don’t know, my secret fantasy has always been to work in the fitness industry because who wouldn’t want to get paid to stay in shape and inspire others to do the same? But alas, I am still working on my fitness (Fergie Style, of course) so people aren’t really throwing money at me to do that. Really anything entrepreneurial appeals to me. But not in that creepy Jim Bellino kind of way.

13. If I won and Olympic gold medal how would I react?

By making out with Ryan Lochte in Olympic Village, obviously.

Juuuuuust kidding. By ugly crying, obviously. I am a reasonable person with reasonable emotions.

14. What do I want for Christmas?

A post-wedding vacation on a beach somewhere. I think I can make that happen.

15. What skill do I lack?

The ability to put up with bullshit without showing my disdain for it all over my face. My poker face is terrible, basically.


Ok, so who else wants to do this? Leave me a link if you do!

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9 Responses to Who Doesn’t Love A Good Meme?

  1. Wendy says:

    “Disgusting-licious”: You win the internet today! I am still chuckling at that one.

  2. Marky Mark?! Dang girl. I think I used to own that striped shirt (definitely something like it) but I have no idea where it is now. Sad. I don’t have a very good poker face most of the time either. If I’m annoyed, my face is telling everyone haha.

  3. #8. It’s like a don’t even know you.

    Also, my poker face is non-existent. Oops oh well. At least everyone knows where they stand with me!

  4. Mallory says:

    I am SO GLAD I clicked over to that Marky Mark story. THANK YOU!

  5. Lindsay says:

    Stephan Jenkins?! Was totally obsessed with him/3eb in college. Except the best ever song was Motorcycle Driveby because “careening through the universe, your axis on a tilt, you’re guiltless and free I hope you take a piece of me with you.” Thought it was SO DEEP.

  6. Linda says:

    …….as far as the trip goes, come to New Zealand. You would love it!

  7. april says:

    You work in insurance? I work in insurance! ha! Next stop, your Marky Mark story.

  8. Kristin says:

    I have no poker face. None. It’s sooo bad. Also, I have an extreme fear of dropping my keys in a grate too! Like I hyperventilate a little bit when I have to walk by one. The struggle is real, yo.

  9. Joann says:

    #3 and #8-how did you get inside my head! 1997 and memes were(are?) awesome.