Fun Things To Read On A Friday


Snip Snip! There it goes!

Thanks for all of your advice guys! I kicked Jessica Biel to the curb and cut off a bunch of hair and I’m hoping this is sufficient training wheels to rockstar pixie-ville. 🙂 We’ll see. Can I just say, I’m so glad we made it to the weekend. This one is a busy one for us, so while I won’t be doing too much relaxing, I will be having a good time. Hope you all are doing the same. Shall we get to the best and the brightest of the internet this week?

Let’s do it.


*Top 15 Foodie Weekends? Oh Sunset Magazine, how I’d like to live in your pages.

*When a post is titled These 20 Photos Are Going to Make You Cry (in a good way!), don’t click through if you are feeling hormonal. (Um, except do. Because it is worth it.)

*Are you ready to meet the chili of your dreams? You’ll find it right here.

*Do you know how to find the best deals at Target? There’s a science to it.

*I’m in love with this video. It’s about 10 minutes, but it’s worth it.

*3 Popular Health Lies That Will Make You Sick.

*And while we’re listing: 10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn (I love you Martha Beck!)

*If you suffer from Technology Guilt, my friend A’Dell wrote a great rant In Defense of Devices.

*Have you been to the website What Should I Read Next? You type in your favorite book and it makes suggestions. Fun!

*Let me introduce you to your new best friend.

*Speaking of best friends: 41 Ways Your Dog Makes Your Life 100% Better Sooooooo True!


Enjoy your weekend, folks!

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15 Responses to Fun Things To Read On A Friday

  1. Sharon says:

    I love the new sassy hair cut!

  2. Shannon says:

    I look forward to your Friday links each week-thank you! Also Your hair is adorbs!

  3. cs white says:

    Your hair looks awesome!

  4. Love the hair!! It’s so chic. Didn’t see it in the sample photo but now I realize it kind of reminds me of Victoria Beckham. You definitely made the right choice 🙂

    Also Martha Beck is incredibly wise. I finally learned back in May that it’s OK to be sad. I don’t have to be happy all the time. And there is no shame in being sad.

  5. Kristin says:

    So cute! I really like that haircut. It works well with the shape of your face.

  6. Laura says:

    Love your hair!!

    Also thanks for the reading material for the weekend! I just snuck in a few mins to read “10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn” and #s 5 and 10 brought tears to my eyes. Seriously! I’m going to print that article out and keep it with me at all times.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Bonnie says:

    Your hair looks so cute! Good Choice of cut. thanks for your blog.

  8. Zebbie says:

    Love the hair!!

  9. Allison says:

    You look amazing! Great choice 🙂

  10. Erica says:

    Love it girl. You go with your bad self.

  11. Deborah says:

    Love your haircut!

  12. Cami Sebern says:

    You look gorgeous. The new hair suits your smart and sassy personality perfectly.

  13. Tiffany says:

    Love the hair. Also love that you gave Sunset Mag a shout out! I have been getting that magazine for years even though, until recently, I lived in a small apartment with no outdoor space whatsoever. A girl can dream…

  14. Carrie says:

    GOR-GEOUS. Seriously, now I am thinking I should cut my hair and bring in this picture of you to show my stylist. Not sure I will look as cute as you though. LOVE IT!