Fun Things To Read On A Friday

Garrett just sent me this pic an wrote "Hangover Dog partied too much last night" and it literally made me laugh out loud.

Hola, friends! Thank you for all your kind words, suggestions and emails after Monday’s post. Over the past few days, instead of writing here, I’ve spent my time getting my head together, cuddling my dog, accomplishing tasks that have been stressing me out, and going to bed at like 8pm. SENIOR CITIZEN ALERT! As you can see, Buster is completely ok with this idea of getting more sleep. I don’t care if it makes us senior citizens or not, sleep is amazing for getting your head together. It works miracles, actually.

I wish I could say I also spent that time revamping my fitness and correcting some of the sub-par food choices I’ve been making, but I’m saving that for next week. 🙂 Also on the docket next week? I’m teaching a Paleo Cooking Class and running a 10 mile race. BOTH HAVE ME PANICKING JUST A LITTLE BIT. 🙂 Oh what would life be without a little self-imposed panic. OY!

Since I’ve been MIA around here (and clearly reading the internet more instead) (ok, and also playing Candy Crush – a bad habit I picked up from one of Garrett’s friends while in Tahoe) I thought I’d leave you with a few extra links for cruising into your weekend. Lots of good stuff around the internet this week!

*I CANNOT get over this. And while we’re at it, this either. Both made me do some serious head shaking.

*But let’s move on to some good stuff! Friday is for fun – and to me LISTS ARE THE MOST FUN! Here’s a few good ones:
17 Things To Do Today That Will Make You Proud of Yourself In A Year
4 Secrets to Being A Shining Star in Business + In Life
13 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness to Your Life
I needed to read ALL of those this week.

*Amy’s post about deciding what to read next is basically a map of exactly how I keep my library queue full. Too bad I’m hardly finishing any books lately so I mostly renew and return….but it’s exactly how my brain (and my reservation situation) works.

*Are your Facebook Statuses Costing You Thousands? I wanted to fist bump this author of this! We are all smart enough to not be slapping up drunken photos on our Facebook pages, I’m sure — but this was AWESOME food for thought about how the world’s largest social network may just be affecting your…ahem…networking.

*I loved this little nugget from Thomas Keller on Passion vs. Desire. I thought about it again while I was reading about “intrinsic motivation” in this post about Addressing Your “WHY” and Your Fears. PS – The CrossFit Invictus blog is always full of good stuff!

*Are you reading Hollywood Housewife? She’s a great writer and talks about so many different things (kids, makeup, LA living, spirituality) and honestly I can’t remember how I even stumbled across her, but I’m so glad I did. Anyway, this week on she did a little house tour on Design Mom’s Living With Kids feature. It was fun to see a little behind-the-scenes.

*Speaking of CrossFit, 10 Things I Learned At The Open has been floating around since the final workout was completed and I just LOVED it. The Open is always a bit of a transformative experience. I am in a such a different place this year compared to last year (DON’T COMPARE, HOLLY. DON’T COMPARE!) (EASIER SAID THAN DONE.) but regardless, it is a really motivating time. Garrett + I are about to make some major life routine changes (more about that next week!) (why do I feel like I need to clarify that I am NOT pregnant) and I’m really marinating on how I want my fitness to fit into that. (Hint: I WANT IT TO BE A VERY HIGH PRIORITY.) Every once in a while I just think to myself how glad I am that I found CrossFit. I’ve been doing it regularly for TWO AND A HALF YEARS, which is just crazy to think about. My life *always* feels out of balance when I’m not in that gym regularly, which I don’t think I ever said once when I was doing spin and yoga and kickboxing at 24 Hour Fitness. <3 *So I've seen a ton of "healthy living" (GAG. Can we come up with a new term for this? Suggestions welcome.) bloggers posting lately about participating in DietBet and it has just really nagged at me. Jennifer over at Wine to Weightlifting (two of my favorite things!) did a great job articulating why the whole concept just rubs me the wrong way.

*You know what rubbed me the right way? This video over at Marie Forleo about creating a vision for your life. She is speaking my language.

*Last but not least, I found Kristen’s post titled My Vegan Diet Caused Health Problems quite courageous. Kristen has been a raw, vegan blogger for a long time and her transition to Paleo is getting some flack on the internet. (Flack on the internet over food choices? SHOCKING, right? HA!) But what I really appreciated about this post though was her honesty about her choices and her openness to re-examining everything she thought to be true. I think it takes a really mature person to admit that something that you have been attached to for so long, may not actually be working like you thought it did. On top of the post was incredibly informative and well researched and connects the dots on a lot of food related problems that people don’t always realize are food related. It’s a long one, which is why I left it for last, but a worthwhile read no matter HOW you eat.


Have a great weekend, friends! What is in your plate?

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5 Responses to Fun Things To Read On A Friday

  1. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for the blog love, Holly!! 🙂 I’ve seen your name all of the place in the Healthy Living world, so it’s quite an honor.

    Regarding the Crossfit Open; completely life-changing experience for me this year. I have grown much more in those 5 weeks than I had since I started a whole 4 months ago lol, but absolutely true about trying not to compare. So I’ve never clean and jerked 95lbs EVER until the Open when I got 2 in that WOD. On any other day, that PR would have been awesome and amazing, but nope, other girls were getting more, so I NEEDED to get more. I redid that workout. Still got 2. Poo. lol.

    Keep up the awesome blogging and Crossfitting.. can’t wait to hear the exciting non-baby news 😉

  2. Rockermocking says:

    Love the vegan post! I was a vegetarian for five years and was actually fatter as a vegetarian than I am now. I used to be working member (meaning volunteer) at a vegetarian food co-op and it was frustrating hearing people proselytize the “dangers” of meat and how great legumes and soy are for you… I ended up having to leave and my moving our household to a different area worked perfectly for me to join another, larger coop that was omnivorous and had even better prices on produce (and enabled me not to hear people condescendingly talk to me about how dangerous eating meat is!). I know how terrible sugar is to my body and how carb-sensitive I am (diabetes runs wild in my family) so it’s nice to see there are other former vegetarians/vegans who realize those diets are actually hurting them more than helping them. I love animals, but also, reading books like Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (a book I HIGHLY RECOMMEND) made me realize that cows and sheep and other domesticated animals are here to be eaten and wouldn’t survive a day in the wild without our protection on farms. Thanks for posting that article!

  3. Just shared that vegan blog post on my FB page, such a good read and I love your points about how courageous she is!

  4. Califia says:

    I have to (sort of) stand up for the girl with the ramen addiction. It’s actually a very real eating disorder called Selective Eating Disorder and it has various levels of severity. As someone who suffers from SED I totally understand that girl’s stress and fear about eating unfamiliar foods. My range of safe foods is considerably wider but unfamiliar items or foods cooked by unfamiliar chefs cause high levels of stress and panic. Sometimes even to the point of fully-fledged panic attacks. It’s irrational but, believe me, that doesn’t make it less real.

    The BBC did a series about it a few years ago called ‘Freaky Eaters.’ I absolutely hated it but my husband loved it; I think because he could really connect with the other family members and it made him feel less alone. 🙂