Finding My Way

Morning Walk.

Operation: Stress Relief is going swimmingly so far. It’s not quite a full fledged operation yet, and surely it will be a work in progress for a long time, but you know I always love a good project and what’s more fun than making your mental health a project? (HA. SO MANY THINGS! SO MANY THINGS ARE MORE FUN!)

I’ve been trying to be a little bit easier on myself. I’ve started and ended my days this week with some walks and it is amazing what 60 minutes of alone time (well, alone-with-dog-time) and nature can do to calm my hamster wheel of a brain.

Clouds in the water!

Sometimes just removing yourself from all of this Life Stuff that feels so important and being quiet with yourself makes you realize that your day job, or the demands of blogging, or your skirt size, or the amount of money in your bank account aren’t the ONLY things worth thinking about.

I’ve been trying to balance work with self-care. Impromptu haircuts, dog snuggles, afternoon naps, ordering salads to-go even though I have all the ingredients in my fridge just so I can have a little bit of free time — all of these things have felt like little presents to myself in the past week.
Snuggly Work Buddy.

I’ve also been doing lots of reading about stress and hormones, because that’s what I do. I like information. It calms me. And when I’m looking to learn something new — about the world or about myself — there is no place I like to turn more than inside the pages of a brand new book. I’m completely in love with everything about this book and want to buy it for everyone I know. But then I would be that weird friend who hands out hormone books, and I’m not quite ready to be that friend just yet.

I’ve been making an effort, little by little, to reach out to those friends I love too. Weeks of being behind in email were taking it’s toll and I’m committed to getting out of that cycle, because good friends are so, so SO important.

The path to stress relief #eveningwalk

Mostly I’m just kind of meandering. And despite that fact that my Inner Control Freak usually hates that feeling, I’m trying my hardest to just get comfortable in my discomfort. Just holding steady and trying to find my way.

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16 Responses to Finding My Way

  1. calves says:

    Holly. soothing balm to my soul, girl! Thank you for sharing. It’s encouraging to see a super woman slow down to take care of her heart and mental health… It might help me too if I made it a project!!! <3

  2. GAH! I need to know what book that is! The links not working! HELP ME, HOLLY! (Clearly, I need to bring my stress level down 😉

    • Holly says:

      Ok, I just updated the link, but it is The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried. Sorry! You will LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT

  3. Rose-Anne says:

    Ah, what a sweet and lovely post! I’m happy for you. Meandering is very good for the soul.

  4. amber beam says:

    wow Holly! this post couldn’t have come at a better time. I firmly agree with the idea of making your mental health a project. for a type A like me that’s a great way to start the journey to more self-love! thanks for sharing

  5. Mariah B says:

    Aw, Holly, I’m glad to see you’re working on figuring things out. Cheers and naps to you!

  6. Susannah says:

    What a beautiful place to walk! Heading out the door myself right now.

  7. Linda Sand says:

    It’s amazing how little gifts to yourself can help. Especially if one of those gifts is quiet time.

  8. Laura says:

    I’m enjoying your posts – hope you keep on the meandering path of figuring out what works for you.

    I struggle with these sorts of things as well… I have a type A++ sis-in-law with a large family and she is stressed to the max and makes everyone feel guilty if she hears that they are relaxing or taking time to do something fun. It is kinda weird to have that sort of criticism on our lives when we are just trying to relax and de-stress ourselves. Fun times! 😉

  9. Harmony says:

    Sorry to hear things are tough Holly, but it seems you’ve got a good plan. It’s amazing what being outside can do for us right? The last two days I’ve walked home from the train station after work. And while it’s all residential and cars, and not beautiful “nature”, those 30 minutes are the best in my day. Glad you’re finding time to be outside too.

  10. My therapist has recommended that book to me as well as The Hormone Diet. I was having serious stress and anxiety earlier this year and have finally started seeing an integrative MD who has me on all sorts of supplements, which is really helping, to my surprise. Magnesium at bedtime is my new favorite thing.

    I love your walking ritual. It’s so nice to separate from the work/stress world and escape into nature.

    Glad you’re finding some relief!


  11. misty says:

    Holly, thank you so much for blogging about your journey! I feel like I can relate to you on may different levels. It’s such a relief to know that I’m not the only one going through a rough patch right now. You have a great plan! I bought the Hormone Diet today off of Amazon based on your recommendation. I can’t wait to start reading it. You are an inspiration! Hugs! Misty

  12. Cami Sebern says:

    Hi and good luck on your run. When you have sufficiently recovered and have time to check your emails, look for the Paleopalooza 2013 Estes Park information so you can give us your thoughts.
    Loving (more than usual) the latest posts, personal growth for sure!!

  13. sizzle says:

    Keep going. This is good! 🙂

  14. Bronnie says:

    Nice work on the walking – I find that the best stress relief for me too! It’s nice to zone out and enjoy nature.

    Keep it up and I hope things improve!