July Progress + August Intentions

Oh July, you were a wily one.

I wanted to keep one day per weekend to myself and I did not do a great job at that. The beginning of the month started strong but in the end we traveled, and overscheduled, and basically got a little crazy.

All fun, but not what I set out to do. Not even close.

Whenever I set intentions and don’t actually do them I try and figure out if I was not being honest with myself about what I really wanted, or if I just failed to set boundaries appropriately. This month was a boundary issue, for sure.

My intention to eat clean 7 days a week got a C-minus. On the days I did it, I was supah dupah clean and awesome. On the days I didn’t – well, we ate a food trucks. I wish I had the energy to be upset with myself for all of this, but oh wait — no I don’t.

That said, I miss having energy. So let’s switch this mutha up, shall we?

August Intentions

We’re going easy-peasy this month.

1. Have fun with the Whole 30. Commit, without craziness. That is my one intention for the entire experience. Enjoy cooking. Enjoy observing. Enjoy learning. Enjoying sharing about it. That sounds manageable.

2. Figure out what you really want and set your boundaries clearly. If you don’t want drama, don’t engage. If you don’t want to be tired, sleep. If you don’t want to be doing 900 things at a time, then say no to 899 of them. That sounds slightly harder. Yet doable.

3. Review Summer Bucket List. Then figure out what’s left that you feel like doing. And the rest? Don’t worry about it!

4. Watch a lot of bad TV.
Oh you guys, we bought a Roku box and I seriously never want to leave my house again. If you need me I’ll be on my couch streaming television until the end of time.


Anyway. Goals: short and sweet. Written down. Because I need that right now.

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6 Responses to July Progress + August Intentions

  1. Mariah B says:

    “2. Figure out what you really want and set your boundaries clearly. If you don’t want drama, don’t engage. If you don’t want to be tired, sleep. If you don’t want to be doing 900 things at a time, then say no to 899 of them. That sounds slightly harder. Yet doable.”

    Yes, please. I’m learning to say no. These next two weeks are so jam-packed full of work commitments because I don’t know how to say no very well yet. And it makes feel so overwhelmed, I want to cry. One day at a time, right? 🙂

  2. OMG. Roku. The devil-angel-devil-angel in our house. I mean, EVERY episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS?!

    I have to make rules about how much I’ll lie on the couch ’cause I can do a LOT of lying on the couch with old TV.

  3. Haha. This sounds like my post for later today! I just can’t handle that it’s August, I’d like to do July all over again!!! 🙂

  4. bethanyrx says:


    We tried giving up cable in favor of the Roku, which worked for a time, but now we live in a ‘hood that does not get fast enough internet speeds to be able to stream from it (first-world problems, I tell ya!), so now we’re back to the dish. And writing angry emails to powers-that-be about getting more bandwidth! *shakes fist*

    But seriously, it was fun to watch the first 4 seasons of Psych nonstop!