Fun Things to Read on Friday

TGIF, you all.  I don’t know about you but I wasn’t sure I was going to make it!  I am soooo ready for the weekend.

So we established this week that Old Navy Pants Suck Super Hard, yes?  But guess what, I don’t plan to stop shopping there anytime soon.  Know why?  Because all of a sudden Old Navy is rocking some cute jewelry for relatively cheap.  Today I’m wearing this necklace which I bough on clearance for $7.99

Worth it!  Plus, look at all of this.  Cute stuff, I think.  (Thanks to my cousin Kelly for reminding me of all this FUN JEWELRY — remind me to tell you guys the “fun jewelry” story someday.)  Maybe you aren’t dead to me just yet Old Navy.  But be warned, you are on life support. 

So since we are talking about fun stylish things (I almost said “fashion”  BAHAHAHAHA) can we talk about Academichic.  I love this site.  I am generally not that inspired by fashion-y websites because they are always like, “Here is what I wore, it’s thrifted and totally vintage and you’ll never be able to find it, and I’m going to frolic like I think I’m a model in urban looking locales that are just ‘in the neighborhood’, aren’t you sooo inspired to dress cuter?”  And I usually am not to say the least.  But I think they give good advice on Academichic — like advice for fashion novices who are intersted in looking pulled together but don’t have time to clip out meaningful articles in Vogue.  Plus they are all adorable and don’t only talk about fancy, fabulous outfits.  They do a lot of casual, a lot of how-tos, and great inspiration if you are pregnant, IMHO.  (Hat tip for Kateo for turning me on to that site.)

Completely unrelated this list of 75 Things Worth Watching from Netflix made it into my bookmarks recently and there are some fun things on that list.  And if I can interject my own recommendation, we have been making our way through The Up Series and it is super interesting.  It’s a series of documentaries about British children starting at age 7 and updated every 7 years.  If you like your documentaries with a Sociology bent, check it out. 

And if you don’t care a lick about documentaries, let’s talk food for a minute shall we?  Who doesn’t like food?  I made a Turkey Curry Sweet Potato Casserole (scroll down for the recipe at the bottom) because I had heard about it on the internet almost as much as I had heard about the Crock Pot Pepperocini Beef.  I realize the name sort of sounds like a mish-mash of random, but it is more accurately a mish mash of AWESOME!  I wanted to use the word awesomesauce right there but I refrained.  You’re welcome.  Anyway, it was so good I am counting the minutes until I can consume the leftovers.  I bet they are even better!  Liz  sent the recipe my way and I can’t help but think that she just changed the trajectory of my life in some small way — it was THAT GOOD. I was going to post about it on its own but it is one of those meals that just don’t photograph that well.  Aren’t those usually the best dishes though? 

Also on my list of recipes I plan to make soon:  this salad.  I’m not usually a salad for dinner type of person but when the weather gets warmer I start to tolerate it.  Doesn’t it just sound like a delicious thing to throw together on a warm spring evening (sans croutons for me, but you should totally add them and then tell me all about it!)  Now if we can just have one of those lovely evenings already so I have an excuse to make it.  Link courtesy of @NatalieDaily for just mentioning it on Twitter, which peaked my interest enough to google it.  What?  I get bored at work sometimes. 

My last arbitrary link is to an idea I am thinking about completely stealing to get the creative writing juices flowing.  Have you guys read or followed City Wendy’s Alphabet: A History series?  She started it ages ago and it has been one of my favorite little blog features to read.  Obviously she is a great writer which is part of it, but I just think it is a fun way to get to know bits and pieces of a person’s life.  She was originally inspired by Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life which is a very fun book if you ever have a chance to read it.  I enjoyed it, and think I may try it that feature out around these parts, so act surprised would ya?

Hope you all enjoy your Fridays!  What are you planning on cooking/watching/reading this weekend?   

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One Response to Fun Things to Read on Friday

  1. LizScott says:

    Holy GOD I am so behind in my google reader. Just seeing this!

    So: that link I gave you for the turkey thingymajigy (technical term) changed my life, too. That blog was daily for March, 2009, was the best example of "How To" I had seen with Paleo. It was only 30 days, but it was such a good primer in how to work it into into daily life. It game changed for me, and I've never been the same.

    The casserole is such a good "gateway" paleo dish, because it's so pleasing to everyone. I always just offer to bring it, and it's always devoured. I make it whenever I'm invited over to someones house for dinner. It's given me the ability to remove the excuse portion of my show, to create my own circumstances, and being able to handle those moments when the choice would otherwise be "pizza or nothing", I can make it work.

    ANYWAY. Thanks for the link love! I am glad I could pass on the goodness to others. Food is meant to be shared, if not in person, than in spirit. Some day we can toast a glass of wine over the dish together 🙂