Stress Inventory

Miriel posted a link to the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory Test on Facebook this morning and I read it and laughed the maniacal laughter that only a CRAZY! STRESSED OUT! PERSON! can laugh. And then it helped me put things in perspective.

I’m walking through my results below if you are intersted in taking a gander.


In the past 60 days I have experienced the following:

11. Major change in the health or behavior of a family member
16. Major change in financial state (i.e. a lot worse or better off than usual)
22. Major change in responsibilities at work ( i.e. promotion/demotion etc)
25. Outstanding Personal Achievement
26. Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home (YAY! for new jobs. But WHOA! for routine disruptions)
29. Revision of personal habits (HOLLY PUT DOWN THE SUGAR AS A NUMBING DEVICE)
31. Major changes in working hours or conditions (which of course has led to…)
34. Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation (which of course has also affected…)
36. Major change in social activities (Gym! and Friends! I MISS YOU!!!!)
37. Taking on a loan (car/tv/freezer etc.) (We only bought a car, but MAN that loan process was LAME. And STRESSFUL!)
40. Major change in eating habits (OHMYGOD DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED.)

GRAND TOTAL: 278 points

So what does that all mean?

Am I sharing this just to add one more post to the bucket that says “OHMYGOD LOOK HOW STRESSED I AM?” The answer is a definite no. I might just actually look for ways to unwind by using supplements as explained in the london pound cake strain review.

The point of all that is because the results were an eye opener for me. Check out what it is supposed to mean:


A 50% chance of a Major Health Breakdown in the next 2 years. OH REALLY? You mean those next two years when I plan to continue my career, get married (#7!) and have a baby (#14!). Gee, that seems like some POOR ASS TIMING! 🙂

I’m being a little tongue in cheek here, and I also realize that this test is not the be all/end all predictor, but I think it is so so SO SO SO important to recognize how stress affects our lives. Sometimes we don’t even acknowledge that things are “stressful” because they seem like good news (changes in financial conditions) or like everyday occurences (little arguments with your spouse) but all of that stuff adds up. We should be ready to cope whether with delta 9 gummies or a simple cup of tea in the evening. I was listening to a podcast recently (I can’t remember which one) and the discussion was about stress and my major takeaway was that most people’s stress-related health problems don’t come from Major Life Events (although those obviously complicate matters.) Most stress-related health problems are the result of doing just a little bit too much, every single day, for a long period of time. And WOW I felt like a lightbulb went off. If you’re always feeling stressed out, you might want to try CBD gummy rings. You may also consider visiting a cannabis dispensary in your area to see more cannabis products. If you’re looking into medical marijuana, then you’ll need a medical marijuana card.

I write a lot here about my journey to health, and frankly the posts where I get to talk about EXTREME WEIGHT LOSS! or DELICIOUS FOOD! are probably a lot sexier than the posts where I talk about stress. Talking about stress supplements isn’t really Pin-worthy. I get it. But stress-management is such an integral part of living a healthy life and it is something I have become extremely committed to getting under control very quickly…before I do have some “health breakdown” and I think it is worth talking about. I’ve already bought delta 8 gummies from fresh bros to help get rid of stress.

I don’t have all the answers (AND WILL NEVER CLAIM THAT I DO, OHMYGOD!) but one of the things that I love about this website: this awesome space and THIS COMMUNITY OF REAL LIFE PEOPLE SITTING BEHIND THEIR COMPUTER SCREENS (hey, that’s you!) is the accountability, support and encouragement that it brings to my life. Sometimes all I have to do is say something “out loud” here and it really helps me commit. So this is my Standing On The Mountain Top Decree: I WILL be working through the management of my crazy stressful life, DAMMIT! I know it’s not the sexiest storyline, but you are more than welcome to come along for the ride.


Did you take the test above? How did you score? Are you thinking about making some changes? Shout it from the mountain tops with me, would ya?

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15 Responses to Stress Inventory

  1. I’m scared to look too closely at that list…

  2. Miriel says:

    Wanna guess my score? Okay I’ll tell you: three hundred and nine. THREE HUNDRED AND NINE.

  3. sizzle says:

    Stress gets in the way of everything and yet it’s so hard to manage! I mean, look at the quiz where “vacation” is one of the stress indicators. Ha.

    I took the quiz and based on the past year (from May of last year to present), I scored 302. I definitely feel like I am past some of the things I had to count but still, I’m recovering from the stress of those situations. Things will and can even out, there’s just an adjustment period that feels icky and adds even MORE stress. Hang in there. You’ll figure it out!

  4. Susannah says:

    215. I’m actually on vacation now near you, kind of, in Napa. And I am stressed on my wonderful vacation because we are with another couple (great friends – no stress) whose daughter lives here (mean, patronizing, cynical – STRESSFUL for me to be around) and we are hanging out with her more than my spouse and I would like.
    So yea, even a gorgeous vacation can be stressful. I am being super mindful of the sugar comfort tendency.
    I had a very very stressful event in Feb. when my mom died and I am still dealing with it.
    I think I will go meditate for a while 🙂 I am in for stress reduction!

  5. thank you for posting this list. i feel like i take pretty good care of myself in this regard (recently anyway) and my number got high enough i didn’t want to go on.

    one of the best stress reducers i have found is yoga/meditation. i know no one wants to add one more thing to their to do list, but i have found that with it, i can get more done without so much stress. does that make sense? it’s kinda like when you take a walk or break when you can’t think about a problem any more and on the walk/break the perfect simple answer comes to you effortlessly? like that.

    i’d love to have you in class to lie down and do nothing. i promise it’ll reduce your stress. =)

  6. Elsha says:

    Mine is relatively low right now, but is going to be high coming up! Brian is graduating in December which will mean a job, a move, change in financial situation, and LOTS of other things (including hopefully another baby in there.) Also, I did the year I got laid off, just for comparison (ROUGH year) and scored 355. And it’s been more than 2 years with no major health breakdown so WOO!

  7. savychacha says:

    I got 127…and that may even be reaching a bit. I work in an accountant’s office, and now that tax season is over, my life is relatively stress free. However, I live with a man that gets stressed out about everything. He’s had an ongoing stress related eye twitch happening since January. The other night he was telling me he was stressed out and thinking about the fact that his co-worker just received stocks from him grandfather, and how nothing ever works out that way for him. He’s the perpetual glass half empty kinda guy, while I’m the positive outlook kinda gal. I guess that’s good, because we balance eachother, but it’s hard to relate to his stress levels when I feel like he’s the only one that can change it.

    Basically, what I’m trying to say, is being in a relationship with someone that is prone to stress, can be hard at times. There is literally nothing that I can do (besides kisses and hugs and reassurance) that will make my husband feel less stressed. He’s trying to work through some of it, because he realizes how much it affects us as a unit, but it’s slow going.

    I wish you the best of luck with managing the stress levels in your life. Realizing that you need to make a change is obviously the giant first step. Also, knowing that things will eventually smooth out is helpful, even if that might not be as soon as you would like.

  8. Allison B says:

    Wow! I got a 197, but am about to add 132 points in the next two months (major move and job change). Since those things aren’t changing, I guess I need to get a handle on the small day to day stuff. Thanks for thegreat post! Stress isn’t sexy, but it is SOOO important to think about.

  9. Beth says:

    I got 477. 477! I knew I was stressed out because a lot of really tough things have happened in my life in the past year, but that number is freaking me out a little bit.

    Thank you for posting this, or I never would have imagined it was this bad. I think it’s time to SERIOUSLY look at some real stress management solutions. I guess the occasional hot bath just isn’t cutting it. Several people have suggested I try meditation, but I really can’t get into it. Maybe it will work for you? Also, painting seems to help me a little bit, but then I stress myself out even more because nothing I create is “perfect.”

    If you find something that works well other than meditation, please share!

  10. Nicole says:

    I am over 300 right now. My husband just accepted a job offer (with a big raise) in his hometown. So, we are moving across the country, will now live near my in-laws and the rest of my H’s family (whom I love!), we will be buying a house, and plan to get pregnant by the end of the year. Obviously, I will be quitting my job, and I plan to take my career in a new direction after we move.

    I keep hoping things will level out, but the stress is killing me right now. While most of this is good news, it’s been a huge adjustment in our mindset and our day to day life.

    I think it may be time for me to consider yoga and meditation as daily activities.

    • Nicole says:

      Also, I really appreciate you posting this and being so honest about your own situation. It helps to understand and appreciate where others are coming from and how to really analyze what’s going on in my life. I have it pretty darn good, but I need to recognize what my stressors are and think about how to cope.

  11. Laura says:

    Interesting post – I think this sort of stuff is the “real stuff” that we all deal with on different levels. Thanks for sharing!

    I wonder about the 50% chance of major health issues, but I think the point is awareness of the stressors in your life and finding ways to cope. I actually stopped counting at 314 points…! 🙁 A lot of that is coming from a currently crappy work environment. New responsibilities, boss issues, lots of changes in the field I work in etc…

    The steady-state lower stress levels seem to wear a person down more than the intense one time issues as there is either no resolution of the issue or it is a long time coming…but maybe that is just me? :-/

  12. Well, seeing as I had a mini emotional freak out due to stress last night, I don’t need the test to tell me that can venture into Hot Mess Territory. There’s no Ferris wheel at that theme park, that’s for sure.

    Abating stress has been a big factor on my blog this year. And you’re right. It’s not especially fun or exciting to talk about but it’s helpful,relatable, and real in pretty much all of our lives.

    Running is the biggest way ( that I’m managing stress at the moment, along with following my How Do I Feel Healthy list, which always helps keep my stress and anxiety at bay. I’ve never had a plan for stress management until recently and running has been crucial in dealing with stress and anxiety as they ebb and flow.

    Congrats on your promotion, lady! Big ups!


  13. Amelia says:

    Ummm… I scored an 85. I think that means I’m super boring. I am easily stressed out, so I do a lot to mitigate the daily things that DO come my way. I am fiercely protective of my sleep and rely on my soaker tub and yoga for a lot of decompression time. Looking at the list, I do have some major things coming down the pike — dealing with fertility issues, and hopefully, adding to our family soon. I’m also starting to freelance on the side, so my work stress is ratcheting up. Thanks so much for this post — I will keep working at managing my stress. I hope you get to enjoy all the wonderful things that are coming with that higher-than-you’d-like score. Being aware of it and consciously working to manage the situation is a big step.

  14. Pingback: Use This Scale To Determine Your Stress Level: Stress In Women