Daily Archives: May 1, 2013

Stress Inventory

Miriel posted a link to the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory Test on Facebook this morning and I read it and laughed the maniacal laughter that only a CRAZY! STRESSED OUT! PERSON! can laugh. And then it helped me put things in perspective.

I’m walking through my results below if you are intersted in taking a gander.


In the past 60 days I have experienced the following:

11. Major change in the health or behavior of a family member
16. Major change in financial state (i.e. a lot worse or better off than usual)
22. Major change in responsibilities at work ( i.e. promotion/demotion etc)
25. Outstanding Personal Achievement
26. Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home (YAY! for new jobs. But WHOA! for routine disruptions)
29. Revision of personal habits (HOLLY PUT DOWN THE SUGAR AS A NUMBING DEVICE)
31. Major changes in working hours or conditions (which of course has led to…)
34. Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation (which of course has also affected…)
36. Major change in social activities (Gym! and Friends! I MISS YOU!!!!)
37. Taking on a loan (car/tv/freezer etc.) (We only bought a car, but MAN that loan process was LAME. And STRESSFUL!)
40. Major change in eating habits (OHMYGOD DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED.)

GRAND TOTAL: 278 points

So what does that all mean?

Am I sharing this just to add one more post to the bucket that says “OHMYGOD LOOK HOW STRESSED I AM?” The answer is a definite no. I might just actually look for ways to unwind by using supplements as explained in the london pound cake strain review.

The point of all that is because the results were an eye opener for me. Check out what it is supposed to mean:


A 50% chance of a Major Health Breakdown in the next 2 years. OH REALLY? You mean those next two years when I plan to continue my career, get married (#7!) and have a baby (#14!). Gee, that seems like some POOR ASS TIMING! 🙂

I’m being a little tongue in cheek here, and I also realize that this test is not the be all/end all predictor, but I think it is so so SO SO SO important to recognize how stress affects our lives. Sometimes we don’t even acknowledge that things are “stressful” because they seem like good news (changes in financial conditions) or like everyday occurences (little arguments with your spouse) but all of that stuff adds up. We should be ready to cope whether with delta 9 gummies or a simple cup of tea in the evening. I was listening to a podcast recently (I can’t remember which one) and the discussion was about stress and my major takeaway was that most people’s stress-related health problems don’t come from Major Life Events (although those obviously complicate matters.) Most stress-related health problems are the result of doing just a little bit too much, every single day, for a long period of time. And WOW I felt like a lightbulb went off. If you’re always feeling stressed out, you might want to try CBD gummy rings. You may also consider visiting a cannabis dispensary in your area to see more cannabis products. If you’re looking into medical marijuana, then you’ll need a medical marijuana card.

I write a lot here about my journey to health, and frankly the posts where I get to talk about EXTREME WEIGHT LOSS! or DELICIOUS FOOD! are probably a lot sexier than the posts where I talk about stress. Talking about stress supplements isn’t really Pin-worthy. I get it. But stress-management is such an integral part of living a healthy life and it is something I have become extremely committed to getting under control very quickly…before I do have some “health breakdown” and I think it is worth talking about. I’ve already bought delta 8 gummies from fresh bros to help get rid of stress.

I don’t have all the answers (AND WILL NEVER CLAIM THAT I DO, OHMYGOD!) but one of the things that I love about this website: this awesome space and THIS COMMUNITY OF REAL LIFE PEOPLE SITTING BEHIND THEIR COMPUTER SCREENS (hey, that’s you!) is the accountability, support and encouragement that it brings to my life. Sometimes all I have to do is say something “out loud” here and it really helps me commit. So this is my Standing On The Mountain Top Decree: I WILL be working through the management of my crazy stressful life, DAMMIT! I know it’s not the sexiest storyline, but you are more than welcome to come along for the ride.


Did you take the test above? How did you score? Are you thinking about making some changes? Shout it from the mountain tops with me, would ya?

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