This Weekend + Blogging About Our Wedding

Am I the only person who starts to feel anxiety at the end of the year about digital photo management? Something about the ease of iPhone and Instagram photos and digital sharing and all of that makes me so much less inclined to print photos. This doesn’t bother me eleven months out of the year but something about December makes me feel like: PRINT! ALL! THE PHOTOS! So that’s happening this weekend. Lot’s of photo printing, frame updating and hanging.

I hate frame hanging with a fiery passion. I need a good tutorial on how to hang frames absolutely straight and beautiful with zero tools or measuring. Also only using nails. Because tape measures and fancy wall mounting hardware? I HATE THAT SHIZ!

Ensure to tell your wedding planning crew you’re hiring a Wedding Videographer to coordinate with them all the details.

Since we’re talking about photos, Garrett and I have yet to finish selecting our photos for our wedding album. You guys it is like the “end of year photo anxiety” ON STEROIDS. Also, visit this website for more information on anxiety reduction. So many gorgeous ones! Here is a random one:

wedding photo

Even though I’m making a weird face, I love it! And there are like MANY HUNDREDS of pictures I love. oy! (Granted, this is a good problem to have. But still!)

So let’s talk about the wedding, the marquee hire Melbourne in charge of the venue and the blog for a minute. I know a lot of you inquired in the comments of my last post and via email (OMG, thank you for all your sweet emails!!!) about whether I would post about our wedding. And honestly, I’m happy to! I think I just wanted to come back and say hello before I all of a sudden inundated you with photos of “HERE IS MY WEDDING BLAH BLAH BLAH” after a few months of radio silence.

If you’ll indulge me, I’d actually like to kind of tell the story of our wedding. Does that sound weird? It’s ok to tell me it sounds weird. I guess what I mean is that I’d like to show you pictures — but I’d also like to talk about how we made the decisions we made and why we did some of the things we did. You see, I was not the kind of person who could work my job, live my life, and plan my wedding, while also blogging about it with excitement. The fact is, this pretty much nailed my wedding planning experience, and had I been blogging through that, no one would have wanted to hear from me.

But now that it’s over — I look back and think it was just perfect! I have so many positive things to say about it, so I guess in that sense I’m glad I waited to talk about it. I was thinking maybe this weekend I would start getting some of those thoughts together and write some posts for next week. It will be a multiple post situation for sure, so hopefully that won’t make your eyes roll back in your head? And if it does — maybe pop back in and check on things the following week, huh? Ok, cool.

Thanks for all your patience with me here folks. I think this will be fun. Have a lovely weekend and let’s meet back here next week. xo

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7 Responses to This Weekend + Blogging About Our Wedding

  1. Jesabes says:

    I loooooove hearing backstory on why decisions were made.

  2. Maureen says:

    I would also love to hear every single detail about your wedding-so doesn’t sound weird to me at all, but fantastic!

  3. Kelly Brown says:

    Girl, don’t feel bad about the wedding photos. No lie, it’s been 5+ years and we never got our album from our photographer. We actually just said tonight maybe we should look into that. IT’S BEEN FIVE YEARS. You’re droing great!

  4. Misty says:

    I would love to hear about your wedding! We were married in September. I love to hear what other people’s thought processes were. We are also sorting through pics for our book…holy PITA but fun!

  5. Amber says:

    Our wedding turned into a 7 part recap that took me over a year to complete… whoops! I took 2500+ photos in Italy and I’ve been avoiding them like the plague!

  6. sarah says:

    You just teasing us or what?? I want to hear all about your wedding, lol. But seriously, I know I was there but I still want to read about it 🙂

  7. Rena says:

    You are blogging again – and so much!!! Woot woot wooooooot! I just saw the many entries and will read them all right now. I do not know you in person, but I LOVE your blog. Thank you for sharing.