Daily Archives: December 29, 2014

Readers: How Do You Do It?


I mentioned recently that I really struggled to read this year. My ratio of books checked out from the library to books actually read is EMBARRASSING. In 2015 I want to get back to it, but I feel a little out of practice — you know what I mean?

I was hoping if you are a reader (and I am using that term very broadely to describe all people who read books for pleasure — there are no “number of books read” pre-requisites or anything) that you would do me a solid and answer the following questions just for fun:

1. When do you do the most reading? (Mornings, evenings, weekends only, etc)

2. Do you have reading goals or do you just fly by the seat of your pants?

3. Where is your favorite place to get book recommendations?

4. Are you a library person or do you buy most of your books?

5. Do you use an eReader/Kindle?

6. How many books, on average, do you read every year?

7. Any other helpful advice, I’m all ears!


You are not being graded on this I promise, I’m just curious how you all are getting it done. 🙂 Thanks, friends!

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