Five Things Friday


*Sometimes I feel like Fridays are a Vitamin B12 shot to my psyche. I’ve been playing catch up all week because I was out of town last weekend, and so by Thursday I was doing some serious dragging. But I woke up this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed because: IT’S THE WEEKEND. And the promise of that is more powerful than espresso. (Though espresso helps too :)) I actually feel excited about mundane chores like grocery shopping and meal planning — woo hoo! PS — what are you making for dinners this week?

*So, this whole engagement story blog post is getting embarrassing. I know, I know, I need to write it. Actually, it is written, but I can I tell you the obstacle that is hindering me? I have a ton of cute pictures from the day it happened that my cousin Gina took and sent me but they are all housed at Shutterfly and I have no idea how to get photos from Shutterfly into a jpeg format. Anyone know how to do this?

*I have checked out a ton of books from the library and I am so excited to start reading some of them, but then I fall victim to this phenomenon. It is so sad, and I feel like as the years go by it is only getting worse.

*I am taking golf lessons! I decided that this was going to be The Summer of New Things and so I signed up to learn how to golf. It is fun being a beginner. I bought myself a set of clubs this week so I can finally start practicing all the stuff I’m learning on my own time. It’s so rare that we just learn things for fun as adults. It feels kind of good to have no idea what I’m doing.

*So I started working with a Certified Nutrition Practitioner who is very much aligned with my philosophies around health, activity and food. Some of you will undoubtedly think that sounds super boring and like a total drag and others of you may think it sounds about as awesome as I do. I’m sure I’ll blog about it more but we are kind of working through some baseline tests to see where I’m at with respect to general health, metabolic function, allergies, etc and then working to tailor a specific protocol for my goals. I don’t know why it took me so long to get this particular ball rolling because now that I’m doing it, it is exciting and fun. I love life/food-hacking and all but it can get exhausting when you are not getting the results you want. I thought, what the heck — let’s farm the hacking out to a nutrition professional.


So what’s new in your neck of the woods?

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5 Responses to Five Things Friday

  1. Amelia says:

    Good for you about the Nutrition Practitioner! I am doing a free intro session with a health coach tomorrow as well. After 4 years of this Paleo thing I had this attitude that I knew it all. But hello? I’m obviously not getting the results I want so reaching out for help makes sense. It was kind of a duh moment! I am in no way projecting my feelings on to you — just that I came to a similar place. I wish you all the luck in the world toward your goals! And since I’ve been in and out lately, I totally must have missed reference to ENGAGEMENT. Big huge congrats on that!!!!

  2. ~T says:

    I know this is completely selfish, but I have always LOVED your Friday posts. You just MADE MY WEEKEND!

  3. Ashley says:

    Seeing a dietician was the best decision I made last year. It’s such a stress reliever in a lot of ways.

    Shutterfly has a share button that gives you a link for blog posting. Does that not work for your blog?

  4. Erica says:

    I honestly can’t wait any longer for your engagement story. Can’t you just email me the draft?

  5. Excited to read about your engagement! Totally understand the time delay. I think I’m still going to be blogging about my wedding a year from now 😉 Summer is such a busy time! Looking forward to hearing more about your experience with a nutritionist!