Daily Archives: December 19, 2013

A Little Thanks

Why I Write

I’ve been a bit hard on myself lately regarding the content of this blog. Too fluffy, random updates, not enough substance, unedited photos that aren’t even very well composed.

You could be doing better, I say to myself over and over. You could be producing more. You could be making a better effort.

But the thing about this website is that it has never been something that I do because I have to. This random, rewarding, time consuming yet life changing, quirky little hobby of mine has always come from a place of writing to figure things out. To figure my experience out, whatever it happens to be at the time. The puzzles have changed regularly over the last 8 years I’ve been doing this, and I imagine that will continue.

I hope what I write continues to sometimes be fluffy. I hope sometimes it is serious. I hope sometimes it is inspiring. I hope sometimes it makes you think. I hope sometimes it makes you laugh. I hope sometimes it makes you feel like you aren’t the only one going through it. All of those valid little pieces add up to the big picture of one singular, awesome, difficult, amazingly lucky life.

I love this Joan Didion quote (and Didion herself) and when I came across it this morning it snapped me out of my little “Oh, this blog isn’t good enough” funk. Because let’s be real, there is no good enough. This is a real story of a real life, and every fluffy/meaningful/disjointed/well thought out post is an important piece of that life. I’m so grateful that I have this outlet to figure it out. And more importantly that all of you take time to be a part of it.

Thank you.

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