Relay Training Recap – Week 8

Relay Training

HOLLA! Things are getting back to normal! This week I logged 6 workouts (and even a few that had me running) with no knee pain at all. ::::knocks wood:::: I think we are through the worst of it! I also tried something new at the beginning of the week that I think will be helpful moving forward over the next couple of weeks. DOUBLE DAYS! HA…let me tell you about it.

I woke up and worked out at 6am Monday morning, which reminded me how much I LOVE morning workouts! It was as follows:

Overhead Squat: 3-3-3-3-3 (75-85-95-105-115lbs)


3 Rounds for Time
400 m Run
25 KB Swings (35lbs)
50 Air Squats

Finished in 16:47.

Then, because I wanted to start thinking about what it will feel like to run on tired legs (and this was DEFINITELY a leg tiring workout) I went back at 5pm and did the workout again after sitting at my desk all day at work.

It definitely affected my lifting — in the afternoon session I only lifted 65-75-85-95-95 lbs. But I was surprised that during the metcon portion I was only slightly slower….physically. I finished the second one in 17:53, so about an extra minute. But let me tell you, MENTALLY, that shit was rough. So I think it’s going to be a good idea to do that a bit in the coming weeks, just to prepare myself.


Weighted Pull-Ups + Ring Dips (I worked on strict pull ups and dips with the band.) I had another very vivid dream about doing a pull up a few nights before. Unfortunately it didn’t manifest in the gym. 🙂


Double Unders

I was aiming for under 8:47, since that was my previous PR. Unfortunately I got caught up on my double unders during the 40 round which really slowed me down. I finished in 9:47. Super Boo.


Wednesday’s are mandatory rest days at the gym if you are testing the Open WOD on Thursday, so I was happy to oblige.


13.3! I already covered how I performed but let me just underscore again what a GOOD WORKOUT this is!!! It’s only 12 minutes, but man it is a killer! I almost wanted to do it again!


I planned to workout this morning but I woke up and was really tired. Miraculously I wasn’t sore from 13.3, but I was super sleepy when my alarm went off so I just went back to bed! 🙂 Friday afternoon I was doing happy hour at work with my team so I didn’t end up working out at all, which was fine.


Rest and Relaxation Day!


Logged a very easy 2 miler with the pooch and Garrett at the park. It was gorgeous, there were tons of people and dogs out and Buster loved it. Then we came home and Garrett and I did a face off of 100 Kettlebell swings for time with our 53 lb Kettlebell. Garrett won. grumblegrumbegrumble But only by 25 seconds! 🙂


This is the first week in more than a month that my body has just felt like my own. It’s performed when I pushed it and just generally felt really good. I want to keep up that momentum this week and maybe increase the running…so that’s the unofficial plan!

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7 Responses to Relay Training Recap – Week 8

  1. Get it!!!! Good job 🙂 We went over the basics of deadlifts at CrossFit on Saturday and ooooh my hammies are still feeling it!

  2. Um. Have I told you lately that you’re an inspiration? Cuz… Wow! 🙂

    • Holly says:

      Thanks. I don’t feel particularly inspiring…I just feel relieved. I was going a little crazy with all the “taking it easy” at the gym. I guess it is a way bigger stress reliever than I give it credit for. 🙂

  3. Sara says:

    115 3 rep overhead squat is freaking awesome girl, great job!!!

  4. Liz Hudson says:

    Your overhead squat amazes me! I don’t know what my problem is, but I can’t overhead squat worth a crap. Also, I can’t believe you did the WOD twice in one day! Beast mode.