Daily Archives: February 8, 2013

Fun Things To Read On A Friday


Oh I am soooooooooooooooo calm about the fact that we are about to enter the weekend. Nothing on the agenda but running, which leaves A LOT of spare time. If you need me, I’ll be doing WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASE. (Yeeeeeeeessssssssssss!)

Shall we talk about some fun stuff I read this week? Ok, if you insist.

*A More Balanced Media Diet? I am ALL ABOUT THIS lately.

*But I will always shamelessly love trashy magazines and pop culture, hence the reason I adored this perspective In Defense of Beyonce, Psy and Mariah Carey

*I am getting ready to take on a project that has a pretty hefty price tag, so I’ve been playing this really fun game called “How miserly can I actually be?” This post filled with 56 Things To Do Instead of Spending Money came at the perfect time!

*Have you ever worked really freaking hard for something but still didn’t have success? UGH, that feeling is the pits. But also? That’s life. We don’t always get what we want when we want it. I loved this perspective in this post about Letting Go vs. Giving Up.

*Speaking of things that are the pits: Last year I had to break up with a friend, and let me tell you that was a giant crap sandwich. But it is also one of the best things I’ve ever done and looking back on it, I should have done it YEARS AGO. Had I watched this video, I probably would have.

“The only time you can change someone is when they are in diapers.” (LIGHTBULB!)

*So since we’re talking friends, my friend Cami passed on this awesome book list to me this week (you KNOW I love a good book list) and so many are now on my To-Read List!

*How about some random, useless information for your Friday, eh? How many of those did you know? I am embarrassed to say that if pressed, I could barely come up with half.

*And finally, we need to talk about farts. You know I just threw this one in there to see how many of you are paying attention. 😉


Have a great weekend guys! Hope you are doing something fun.

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