Daily Archives: February 4, 2013

The War Wages On

Hey! It’s Monday! And the 49ers lost….womp womp. That sort of sums up my mindset right now. I was going to do a more in depth post about Whole 30 2.0 and what I learned, but you know what? I’m tired of reading about the Whole 30. (Really tired, actually. Confession Time!) Mostly though, my experience with this Whole 30 was basically the same, so why repeat myself. Again I found that The Little Things Make A Big Difference. Also, things will feel hard, but you will be happy with the results. Yep, that about sums it up.

So instead of in-depth wrap up, I’ll just give you the game highlights:

1. Operation Get Rid of Back Fat was a success!

I mean, it’s not completely gone by any means, but I definitely feel like there is LESS to contend with. Before Pictures. UGH. Still can’t believe I took those. But hey, I feel like from the side I can definitely see a difference.

The front isn’t quite as dramatic.


My clothes are fitting different in the hip areas which is nice.
(But man, why do I take these AFTER I workout when I look hella beat up? LAME! ha! Whatever.)

2. The After FEELS better than the Before

If you remember, I wrote down how I was feeling in December to make sure I kept those things in mind when evaluating my success.

*Vampire Bite Acne is gone (actually MOST of the acne is gone. This is different from the last time around. AWESOME!)

*Body image is good. Plus I just feeeeeeeeeeeeeel better at the gym. We did a bunch of pullups the other night and they just felt so much easier (and I was doing them on a lighter band, so WIN!)

*No more splitting nails. Man, the fingernail thing is SO DRAMATIC for me when I’m eating better. It’s kind of nuts.

*Also, I ended up losing 14lbs, which was a nice little touch of icing to add on the cake.


So how did I celebrate all the Whole 30 madness being over? By having a Cobb Salad (mmm bacon!) and a glass or two (or twenty) of wine on Friday night! It seemed like a great idea at the time (HA!) but it felt less ideal on Saturday morning when I woke up. Garrett and I were set to run with some pals from our Relay Team (Team Name: Longest Wod Ever) and I wanted to flake so hard it was palpable. But G dragged my butt out of the house and I’m so glad he did.

It was great to see the ladies, and after an hour of sprints, bleachers and hill runs I felt like I had my Tiger Blood back. So just for giggles we headed out to open gym to do some lifting.

After an hour of cleaning and snatching, Garrett and I spent some time getting to know the GHD Machine. I wanted to get over my fear of GHD situps (seriously, you guys, THEY ARE SCARY!) and Garrett wanted to do some back extensions. It ended up being rad. I like learning new things! Also I decided that I want to add the GHD situps into my regular rotation. I’m going to show my lower abs who’s boss!

After our workout though we showed the Whole 30 who was boss by eating Mexican food. I’m sorry, I want to be a better example, but I also really enjoy corn chips and salsa. So that’s what we did. 🙂 And then I took an epic nap with the dog. I mean, can you blame me? (Buster was exhausted by proxy.)


Sunday we celebrated the Super Bowl with some champagne (YUM!)
Whole 30 whaaaaat?

But this morning I am ready to get February back to (mostly) Whole 30 eats. The War Against Back Fat wages on, you know. 🙂


How was your weekend? Any fun Post Whole 30 Eats? How are you feeling now that it’s over? Are you happy about the Super Bowl results? *sniffle*

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