Daily Archives: May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Murph

Well thanks to all of you who crossed your fingers for me this morning during my Memorial Day Murph adventure.

This was my friend Sarah and I BEFORE the torture began:


It may not look like it, but these are our scared faces. We’re putting on a courageous show. Mostly because behind the camera person, this was going on:


Murph, if you recall, starts with a 1 mile run (which I completed in 10:30, which is pretty good for me) and then includes 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, and 300 squats before you head back outside for another 1 mile run. That second mile, I’m certain, I did NOT run in 10:30. Frankly, when I got out there to run I was surprised at how freaking sore my ARMS were. You expect your legs to be jello, but the arms…the arms I did not factor into the equation. Noted. I spent 400 meters running like a zombie with my arms flailing at my sides. It was pretty.

Speaking of pretty, this is what we looked like when we were done:


Pretty. Freaking. Sweaty.

But happy for our efforts. I was hoping to beat my prior 63 minute time, and I’m happy to say I completely annihilated that and came in at just about 56 minutes. I am glad to have benchmarks like these to remind me that I am making progress even when the scale isn’t behaving how I would like it.

It was long and brutal, but I’m so glad I did it! And I couldn’t have done it with out the accountability of my friend Sarah and the encouragement of my coach Theresa, of course. Post WOD smelly ass photo shoot:


I walked into the house when it was all over and Garrett was like “You stink! But I’m proud of you.” And you know, I will take it.

It was a good Memorial Day. Let’s put it in the books.


Holiday Pay


I’ve brewed up a post about how to wear a belt when you have no actual waist to speak of and you are scared to death of accessorizing beyond a necklace and some earrings. Um, the title might need a little work. 🙂

But when I thought about posting it today, on Memorial Day, it felt a little…I don’t know, trivial? So I’m gonna suggest this instead, and I mean it in the least douchey and cliched way possible:

Today, I think we should relax. I think we should spend some time with our friends and family. I think you should grill if that’s what your heart desires, or hell — order some takeout. Maybe do some laundry or clean your kitchen. Maybe pick up the socks your kids keep leaving on the ground. Pay some bills or run to the grocery store. Eat, drink, be merry and pepper that with a few of those mundane chores that make your life feel Not All That Glamorous.

But while you’re doing it, allow yourself a small and silent moment of gratitude for the people and the families who are missing their loved ones today. Maybe hug yours an extra time or two. Be grateful for the minutiae today because so many folks have given up their opportunity to wash that pile of dishes that never seems to go away, and to hug their families, and to throw some hot dogs on the BBQ, so that we can do all of those things in peace. And honestly, the gravity of that sacrifice is unreal.

So. I don’t mean to get all maudlin, but I just couldn’t talk about belts today, you know? Forgive me. Instead I’m off to hang my flag, marinate some steak, hug my boyfriend, call my mom and then sometime around 10 am I plan to annihilate my shoulders, do 300 squats and then run a couple miles for a fella who died in Afghanistan. I think it’s shaping up to be a pretty good day.

And then tomorrow: We’ll totally Put a Belt On It.

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