Pins of Wisdom

Either you are totally obsessed with Pinterest or you are sick of hearing about it.  I think it’s kind of polarizing, you know, like cilantro.

I happen to be loving on it (speaking of, follow me so I can follow you!) because there is just such a  diversity of stimulus out there:  recipes! gorgeous photos! fashion inspiration! home decor ideas!  I mean you name it, and someone has pinned it. I love the fact that it is such a visual medium: I can just stare at awesome things and then every once in a while click, and it’s tagged in an online bookmarking system FOREVER. Victory.

One of the boards I made for myself is Words of Wisdom (or maybe that board came pre-assigned and I added to it, who knows?) but I have thoroughly enjoyed adding to it and here are a few favorites:

(All images cited here)

What is not to love about that kind of internet time suck, right?

I also enjoy the fact that the more stuff you pin the more your own personal style becomes super obvious. I started pinning home decor ideas that I enjoyed because I feel like I have NO SENSE OF STYLE when it comes to decorating, but when you look at the board — HELLO color trends! Obviously I do have a style that I’m attracted too.

Plus now I have a place to put all the haircuts I am too scared to try in real life. And of course, a very easy way to show Garrett the kind of engagement rings I think about…you know, in my dreams! (Yeah, you can bet I sent him the link to that board. haha!)

Anyway, since it’s Thursday I thought we all might need a little inspiration to get us through until Friday.


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4 Responses to Pins of Wisdom

  1. bessie.viola says:

    I love Pinterest! I think I’m following you now (I’m still getting used to how everything works). I love this kind of time suck, and like you I’m beginning to see what I actually like – it’s really helpful in ways I didn’t expect!

  2. Jessica says:

    As I am sure you can tell, I love Pinterest. This weekend I am trying a recipe and getting started with Fei on that photo project. Where else can you grab such great ideas and keep them or toss them as you see fit? As a business model, I am fascinated with the simplicity of the concept, and I am excited to see where they take it. I started pinning fashion and I thought- this is bad news, but really its not. When I browse downtown, I think things like “do I love this more than my Pinterest boots?” and if the answer is no, I put it back. All your favorites in one place, like your own personal magazine. Delightful!

    • Holly says:

      That is EXACTLY why I love it — simplicity and efficiency. Sidenote: HOW DO YOU NOT SPEND ALL! THE! MONEY! shopping downtown? If I was that close to that good of shopping, I may do it everyday. Arden Fair ain’t cuttin it. 😉

  3. Melissa H says:

    Hey, so funny. I linked to you via a Twitter comment about you having good recipe ideas to share and lo and behold we’re in the same town. I love finding local folks on the big wide internet (especially via east coast twitter links 🙂 Anyway, hi, nice to “meet” you and I’ll definitely follow on Pinterest. Do you follow fellow local gal Amy Cluck on Pinterest? I like her words to live by category.